How do ugly actors get roles


Before I saw the movie, i saw this pic and honestly thought she was the fish hybrid person because of that fucked up head innit

Post your face OP


just get typecast as someone with a major disability/illness

oh wow she really looks awful there and this is coming from someone who loved her nude scenes.

actors, apart talent, need to be "eye-catchy"
if you look back, mostly successful actors got facial flaws
perfect face is boring from movie point
flawed ones are more eye catchy and memorable

She is a fish hybrid person

i don't think i could get it up if she was naked in front of me, and i'm a pretty filthy fucking loose cunt

she has a face that makes me want to look away from the screen

which is a kind of emotion
now you got internal battle between dropping it, or still watching, which gonna make it memorable
for movie makers point it doesn't matter as long as you (possibly) paid ticket
i don't find her pretty either, but she's for sure unique

Not every movie is made for China.

>its uk/aus hour
haha fucken innit bruv mate bloke cunt

I think the hairstyle and certain lighting in this movie didn't really do her well but she is definitely pretty.

She reminds me of Carly Rae jepsen when smiling but then Danny devito's wife at parts of this movie

I thought i was the only one on this site who couldn't stand looking at this huge lip ape

>she is definitely pretty.
she's not

Which one? The nigger with the wide face or the white trash?

it's like someone digitally created the most insufferably smug "beat my fucking face in with a baseball bat until it's pulp" face possible. just the site of this cunt's mug turns my blood to molten

this movie was generic hollywood garbage promoting interracial sex to roasties and cat ladies. more tripe blown down onto the western world from the tv pig shitfarm.

There is something so wrong with his mouth.

She is supposed to be strange-looking. Did you see the ending of this movie? It all made sense.

because her face fit the role of the character and the themes Del Taco was going for. kind of like Kubrick casting Shelley Duvall in the Shining.

He's a very well kept burn victim.

Shelley was cute.

I'd do her

In an ugly way, like Sally.

Shelley was strange looking in a cute way. Ugly can't be cute.

Nope, Shelley was ugly, too, but had an odd cuteness because she was different.

Bad mouthing Paddington's stepmum? I hope someone smears marmalade on your face as you sleep and some passing bear chews it off the next morning. You little bitch.

Came here to post this. A significant part of being successful in Hollywood is having a unique look. This is more true for actors but it applies to actresses too.

ding ding ding

This is my ideal woman.

>odd cuteness
Ugly is ugly. Someone can't be ugly and cute at the same time. Shelly had a strange cuteness but not ugly.
