The WHITE PEOPLE problem

>Black Panther is a legitimate celebration for black people
>They will love it and deserve to, BP will be a success. It will be a source of unity for blacks
>There wont even be an anti-white message in the movie, they finally will just make a straight up movie about Black People doing awesome shot without race as a plot point

Fast forward to post-opening weekend

>Liberals who pretend to love minorities will try to strip away the movement of celebration away from blacks and turn the focus onto how this is bad for the big bad white man
>Blacks will get mad they are making everything about white people when this is their movie
>Liberals will further faction and blacks will move further right

It’s all part of the plan, folks

Other urls found in this thread:

Except for the last part yes I agree.

>Another thread

>Liberals will further faction and blacks will move further right
>caring about this
civic nationalists are a cancer

>>There wont even be an anti-white message in the movie,
>killing white guys. Not other black, just white

Kill yourself shill

It's a capeshit movie. Just like Wonder Woman. We need to stop acting like they "mean" anything

>black people can be proud of their race
>whites cant

oh but it does mean something. before this, most movies with a black cast played up a stereotype.
gangs. crime. missing father figures etc.

this movie with an all black cast/crew defies the previous set stereotypes and makes a quality movie without using racism as a plot point. It'll set a standard with film companies to show there is MORE money to be made to have people of color on screen in a positive light than there is to paint the POC as low lifes. and i think most of you Sup Forums racist know that, which is why you special set of neck beards are resentful that this is coming out

Does EBT pay for movie tickets? No

you are now aware there are more white people on EBT / Food stamps than black people currently. google it

It's because those other movies are based on reality and this movie is completely fictional.

jesus christ just look up any will smith movie he never does that shit and he was the most bankable actor in hollywood for like a fucking decade



Will Smith is an Uncle Tom

kinda like how leatherface (white) and psycho (white) were both based on the real white guy ed g.?

fresh prince of bel air launched his career in acting and its about a nigga from the streets adapting to a rich neighborhood. he had no father that loved him, he was in a gang fight that got him kicked out of his house. the fuck you talking about?

>a source of unity for blacks
If blacks want segregation so much why don't they just team up with the KKK and make a blackmerica and whitemerica.

>black people should only ever be portrayed as godlike beings incapable of doing anything wrong

It's really amazing how there are more blacks in films today seeing as they're allowed to do so much less then they were ten years ago

strawman argument. blacks , browns asians all want better representation in media.

the interesting dynamic you may not realize is that when ever the blacks get better treatment
WOMEN (specifically white women) get together and ask for better treatment and more privilege etc . why? because a white woman would not want to be treated worse than a nigga.
ask yourself this - when was the last time you seen a white feminist stick up for a black woman

Do niggers even go to the cinema?

>"strawman argument"
>follows up with a statement of fact with no evidence to back it up

pay attention

black lives matter was the big push last year

whats here now


I like how you all think that dumb movie means anything to anyone above the IQ of 50

Per capita analysis is racist

>that movie is so DUMB
>i am so SMART

Except this movie will easily earn at least a billion dollars in America

>they finally will just make a straight up movie about Black People doing awesome shot without race as a plot point
people like OP ignored every decades since the 60's or have just a very very bad cinematic culture?
i don't know but there are people on the 2010's saying shit just like yesterday after WW2, are they all ignorant people born in the 90's completely unaware about the former decades? because even the on the 2000's you can see movies portraying blacks without the race cards or making honor to them.

when was the last time anyone needed to stick up for a black person

and a strawman is when you make up points to attack i was just pointing out how it's ok for black characters to do so much less then white characters. For example, if a black person were crack-addicted and on welfare, it'd be racist, but white characters can do that all day. And if there's only one (insert minority) character in a big role, they have to be completely pure, otherwise you get shit like "Why is the only black character ____?". Movies and TV shouldn't be preachy beacons of morality.

Really boils my potatoes

It's interesting seeing two opposing hugboxes collide and how their facts are presented differently

Isn't there a scene where BP wipes out a bunch of black mooks by himself. Not to mention the main villain is black.

>before this, most movies with a black cast played up a stereotype.
gangs. crime. missing father figures etc.
not always, you are just referencing movies with a hood/ghetto background who need actors or characters like this, but there are a lot of others movies with blacks main characters and not automatically those subjects.
and again you are ignoring a lot of others stereotypes or archetypes about other ethnicities and played by them.
it's like i started to complains about DeNiro and Al Pacino for always playing italians involved on illegal things.

>ghetto niggers go to watch it
>every non-lib whitey avoids the cinema like plague because niggers are unbearable in it
>ones that go redpilled for life how shitty is the full negro experience

>this post
Is this how shilling looks like?

>Black Panther is a legitimate celebration for black people
>They will love it and deserve to, BP will be a success. It will be a source of unity for blacks

Except blacks are literally incapable of that. The only thing blacks love killing more than whitey is other blacks. In black society you get ridiculed if you try to better yourself. They are like crabs in a bucket always pulling each other down.

>whites cant
You have white suprematist to thank for that

The level of self deception.

I hate niggers

>Implying Sup Forums wants to keep the black man down

>whats here now
More targeted marketing, you fool.

Almost on the same level as whites

Well I love niggers


You have the jews to thank for that.

>implying Sup Forums has anti-jew infodumps anymore
>implying Sup Forums can hate Israel when based king trump is such an obvious supporter

>I don't understand society or humanity but here's my prediction of the future!
ok quasimodo

>a bunch of niggers dancing around in African garb with plates in their with dumb rap music in the background
Idk sounds pretty stereotypical to me

White suprematists/ Neo nazis has made it so that you can't feel pride in being white, because if you do then people will think you want to kill and rule other races.

Liberals literally can’t understand the concept of “per capita”. Never have, never will.

What about black supremacists? Shouldn’t they have made black pride unsavory. They kill white cops constantly and celebrate it.

Also, around 10,000 white people are killed by blacks every year. Far more white people have been killed by blacks in the entire history of this county, and it’s not even close. And don’t get me started on rape stats, lady.

why are all serial killers white?
what's wrong with white people that makes them this particular kind of psycho?

Without the bleeding heart liberals, what self deception are whites in?

Okay, I'll direct a movie about a black serial killer

>Marvel promotes it as the first black marvel hero movie
>ignores blade
>hires 98% black people and boasts about how diverse it is
>the 2% white people are the legit badguys of the movie
>fans who dont know a god damn thing about comics get pissy as fuck when you point out that BP has done nothing big except marry Ororo Munroe, who people dont even know who that is until you tell them its storm
>said fans then point out how its the first big budget black super hero
>get mad as fuck when you point out things like steel, blankman, spawn and even Marvels own character, Blade

This movie wont bomb. It will make tons of money because we wuz is to big right now and they will power through. No matter how bad the CG, no matter how bad most of the acting or plot is, it will be huge. Its the same people who refuse to even understand miles morales is a horrible character whos badly written, created to be a diversity checkbox, and who hasnt had a good arc yet despite being 6+ years going but still demand a spiderman movie about him because 'MUH DIVERSITY" who then also flip their shit and scream when you point out that ohera would be a much better diversity spiderman movie because that universe hasnt ever been seen in movies before, is unique as fuck to look at and hes mexican.You cant win with these fuckers.

>A movie about Africans
>It's played by american niggers


Black Panther will teach the black man the way of the Wakandan Cage.

>What about black supremacists
What about them?
>They kill white cops constantly and celebrate it.
You feel like making up more stories while we are at it?
Well for starters they thought Trump would bring in an new American golden age.

>Right one has culture
>Left one has not
Dunno what you're trying to prove.

but you are above them all you wise little bitch.

>98% on Rotten Tomatoes
>80%-20% domestic-foreign box office

White creator, White director, White producer, White camera men, White screen writer . . .

niggers don't get to be serial killers because they're stupid enough to get caught

black circus monkeys to dance for the cameras
seriously are black people really gonna buy this bullshit marketing about revolutionairy progressive all black movie

do niggers live in mud huts?

Together we shall overcome

Yes, just like how people thought that Dear White People was some sort of anti white message about how a race war needed to be started to advective the white genocide.

>White director, White screen writer
But Ryan Coogler is black

Imagine being part of a race so bereft of success, personal and as a large community, that you latch on to a fictional superhero movie made by Jews as a symbol of the strength, success and greatness of your race.

The main mook is an anti villain while claw is the actual villain

You forget that the bucket is not the proper position for a crab.

Gee, no idea.

not if the collective minds of tv and pol join in derailing it. start a campain saying how this all bkack movie is making money for an all white company #NotOurMovie #NotOurMoney

What the happened in 1940 and 1990 that made Asian become serial killers?

Isn't Klaw in this film trying to steal Vibranium ? That's an allegory for colonialism right there

no idea what might've angered the asians during ww2

They aren't? The worst serial killers are Hispanic or Chinese. The most famous are white

Not really

If anyone remembers the 90s when new jack city, boyz, juice, menace 2 society, all the those movies had shootings at or around the theaters across the country,
Notice what they have in common (those movies were pandered to niggers like black panther is), and now we got soyboy faggots literally raising thousands of dollars to buy tickets for inner city nigger kids to go watch the movie.
Talk about a recipe for disaster, a theater with hundreds of uncivilized inner city nigger teens with no impulse control in a place they cant afford to be in but are because of gibs, the noise would render the movie unwatchabe, the smell would make it unbearable, i can guarentee its gonna red pill a bunch of movie goers and theater workers

And then you remember that The Warriors, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Shutter Island also had shootings as them.

What do these movies have in common?

What is he making up? Why don't you search up the Boer killing in South Africa

oh we pivoting and moving the goalpost now? Well sure, why dont you look up police killing black people in America.

black panther is fucking gay

I am white and I liked Blade. Plus dat jessica biel.

does it make sense for the group most involved in violent crime in america, to also be involved in higher rates of fatal police shootings, yes or no?

Does it make sense to kill them when they aren't a danger? Does it make sense for the police to not be held accountable for their killings?

stop lying you racist faggot
aren't you ashamed?

>Does it make sense to kill them when they aren't a danger?
happens to all races, american police are trigger happy
> Does it make sense for the police to not be held accountable for their killings?
no, but this is a legal issue and not a racial issue

Well guess what buddy, your trigger happy police can kill people and get away with it. What to hear a funny story? BLM raised the issue and wanted the police to be held accountable, guess how that ended.

>Guess how that ended
In some cases the police in question were held responsible for irresponsible and unlawful conduct and faced consequences.

In others they were found not guilty by a jury of peers

Just like our legal system is supposed to work. If you want more convictions maybe don't try to charge them with Murder 1 or 2 every goddamn time