How common is steroid or HGH abuse for actors?
How common is steroid or HGH abuse for actors?
Motherfuckers have full scripts and testing out the ass. Combined with personal dieticians and trainers, you'd have to be trying to fail.
How hard is it to bulk up when it is all you're expected to do for your job, and you have a team of personal trainers and dietitians helping you out?
if OP's pic is meant to be an example of abuse I would say not at all common. Getting lean and muscular isn't hard, just takes a long time, which is why the industry gets them on this massive crash routine to bulk up or get shredded as quick as possible, and they probably give them a low-side androgen or some cutting agents.
Pretty hard considering they probably have multiple projects also have to fly around the world to promote their films
This is the body of a guy who lifts weights 4-5 hours a week and doesn’t over eat. Completely achievable the natural way.
taking steroids enlarges your heart and fucks ur shit up
That's why when I'm off the stuff I mentally reduce my heart beat bpm so as to reduce heart training, causing the heart to shrink from underuse. When I get back on though, those heart gains got me like thump thump though aaaaaaaaay.
you have to eat to gain
It's so retarded
>Athlete or actor has highly educated personal trainer, the best dietician, personal chefs, and the best doctors money can buy to oversee their cycles
>Oh? What's that? You want me to pump your pre-pubescent child full of fucking hormones and permanently ruin their dick for life because they once played with a barbie? YASSSSS QUEENNNNN SLAAAAYYYYYYYYYY
Not hard. It's also easier when have great doctors helping you juice.
That's now how it works at all though. Nobody is concerned with abuse so much as it (at least in sports) being "unsportsmanlike." And pretty much no one having that conversation is simultaneously talking about HRT for trans.
You're conflating two completely different groups.
His shoulders aren't all bloated up like they could pop, so it doesn't look like he took anything.
You dont need steroids to get cut like that, all you need to be is not lazy and workout 3 times a week. not hard
dude thats the easiest job in the world. If you cant work out because you were flying for 5 hours and then sat in a meeting, then I dont know what kind of lower case pussy you are, but you're pretty fucking lazy.
arnold said he would just eat 3 normal meals a day, like bacon and 3 eggs for breakfast and supplement with protein shakes throughout the day
No this user is just explain the cancer that is Hollywood thats all, or the entertainment industry if you want to et nitpicky about the sports aspect
This isn't how hormone therapy works in transgender kids at all. Are you lying or have you just not looked into the issues you (apparently) care strongly about.
One of the most important aspects of hormone treatment for transgender kids is that they're not permanent and easily reversible.
post your cb bro
Steroids also fuck up your dick
The reason literally given is that it's harmful to the user.
>And pretty much no one having that conversation is simultaneously talking about HRT for trans.
Precisely my point.
And the effects of a properly controlled steroid cycle aren't permanent either.
I don't care strongly about diseased retards like trannies. I'm just pointing out the massive hypocrisy.
What hypocrisy? Who in this thread has said "steroids are bad" but "hrt is good"?
Why did you even bring it up?
If you're considering it I say see a therapist first, but I would support you all the way
The hypocrisy of trannies and their lobby against steroid abuse?
Society in general you stupid, brainlet cunt.
Legitimately, are you retarded?
It wouldn't surprise me if you were a tranny.
>I would say not at all common.
Every Actor is on GEAR yo ufucking moron
They get the absolute top tier shit and because they don’t get tested like athletes they can go all out. Pretty jealous desu.
You seriously can't be older than 12.
Imagine being this OBSESSED
lol Arnold never lived with a normal catabolism
It's a legit point. Argue against it, or prepare to be called a faggot.
>One of the most important aspects of hormone treatment for transgender kids is that they're not permanent and easily reversible
t. purple hair problem glasses
explain Jazz being stuck with microdick because of "easily reversible" hormone treatment
t. jazz
Wouldn’t that just make it stronger and able to pump blood faster and harder?
the opposite actually
If Jazz were to de-transition she would eventually regain average penis size, especially if they gave her reverse hormone treatment, like the average MTF transgender person
>underdeveloped peepee
>it will magically start developing again past the point of puberty
Sure thing, merchant
That's how heart attacks happen
Puberty-blockers just block puberty, hence the name, not negate it, afterwards it engages like normal. Do some research into the things you hate so much, you might come out with a different opinion or at least not sound like such a moron when sperging out over them
If people post puberty could suddenly grow penis length don't you think it would be done religiously?
>Thinking that's not achievable natty
I shiggy diggy.
All le ebin meemees aside, those aren't roid muscles. Looks like 2 to 3 years of weightlifting, calorie counting, and good lighting. I mean, shieeeet, 2 years ago I would've thought he was roiding too, but after lifting for a few years, I'm pretty similar to him in this pic, except I think I might actually be a bit BIGGER, so no, he's definitely not roiding...And if you still think he is, come back again after 3 years of lifting and ask me that question.
>erryday is shrugs day
OP pic is a lot bigger than that dude desu
It's not post-puberty, puberty is blocked and would return normally afterwards with minor hrt
>lying to spread its agenda
Imagine my shock
>i can say they're lying as long as i never actually look up the facts
will you ever leave your apartment, paul?
His chest might be a bit bigger, but my traps and biceps are for sure bigger. I just fucked up the lighting, and this was from a year ago, so I didn't really know what I was doing.
Logically, I'm much bigger now. The only thing is, I'm pretty sure that's an old picture of Crisp Rat, so in order for it to be fair, you need to take a picture of current-day me and place it next to a picture of current-day Crisp.
He has a bigger chest, but by now, my delts and traps are without a doubt much bigger than his.
Which part of "you can simply grow your dick back on" do you goys don't understand ?
Just transition already for fuck sakes !
It's so common that people don't even know what a normal physique even really looks like. If you have to ask and someone says it's possible as a natural but requires a super strict routine, you can take enough roids to get a "natural" looking physique.
Personally I kind of try to avoid films with people I think are roided out, I can deal with it being an open secret in weight lifting and sports and shit, but when it comes to people acting and modeling and shit society is just turning into a huge joke and the next thing you know you have drug addicts as politicians.
>tv trap needs to have piece of it ass cut off to make fake shlong
>although it can simply grow it back if it wanted to
It's very common, these are not life-long body builders user. They go from chub or thin to ripped in less than a year.
This should be common fucking sense, this is also why Hugh jackman stopped playing Wolverine. Because he had to keep taking drugs to keep that physique and he just got the point where it wasn't worth it anymore.
this is achievable natty after many years of lifting and im bretty sure chris pratt has always been pretty swole under his fat judging from how he looked when he was younger. hes probably on test though.
They have months off at a time between projects.
We started the discussion talking about hormones. Yes, detransitioning after surgery is much more difficult. Did you have to move the goalposts because you were bored of the previous conversation or just had no real response?
Your heart is like an engine, over-use and stressing it are not good things.
Your heart only has a set amount of beats in it before it fails. This is why very often, healthy people will just have their heart stop for no reason in old age (heart failure).
Your heart pumping faster is not a good thing in general in itself and should be avoided when possible. The reason exercise is supposed to be good for you is because (and doctors accept the heart has a set amount of beats before it fails) it lowers your overall, average heart beat during resting. The lower your heart beat the longer you live, this applies to all other species too.
The ideal is to work out for an hour or so and no more, otherwise you're just pointlessly wasting your hearts lifespan and doing more harm than good.
...Mate, nothing that significant hormonally is perfectly reversible.
To conceptualise it in layman terms, thats like bending a plastic fork, then bending it back and saying it's the same as it was before.
I really doubt they do it, they don't have normal work schedules to meet, they don't have the stress of bills and morgages, they can afford trainers and dieticians
Whats more, they only seem to focus on what will be seen on screen - Hugh Jackmans legs remained tiny the whole time he was working his chest for Wolverine
They don't call a time out on puberty they just stop it from happening.
Are you guys on fucking soy or something? Huge Jackedman and Crisp Rat are literally, LITERALLY fucking natty. People like Hugh, Chris, Chris Evans, they're all natty. Hell, I bet even Chris Hemsworth is natty.
>"B-But, how do they bulk up in such a short amount of time?"
Dude, seriously, take it from the entirety of fucking /fit/ when we say that when their careers are just starting out, they practically look like baby gym-rats. You see the OP picture up there? That's fucking nothing. I see natty dudes in my college gym every fucking DAY who are bigger than him. Now compare OP's pic to a current pic of Pratt as he is today. HUGE difference. He got that body over years of hard training. It's just that normies are super easy to impress. As long as your body has angles and shadows underneath your muscles, normies won't hold a ruler up to your body and measure every inch. Normies aren't autistic like /fit/izens-- they don't care about how vascular their movie stars are, or they don't care about >lmao baby pecs; they just see field of depth and small, hard muscles and are easily impressed.
For example, look at Toby Maguire in Spider-Man 1. If you ACTUALLY look at him, he's not even that impressive. Like I said, I know 10 people right now, off the top of my head, who I see in the gym who are bigger, stronger, and just as good looking.
So yeah, when people are all like "hurr durr how he add so much mass in so little time", the truth is, they just eat a lot, train hard, cut down a month before filming, and even after all that, their gains are only enough to impress normies and girls. Certainly respectable, but to imply that they're roiding is literally laughable.
We debunked this shit over on /fit/ years ago. The ones who ARE roiding are the ones like The Rock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hafthor Bjornson; people who've done shit like wrestling, powerlifting, and body-building. Actors seriously don't need to cycle; that's a meme.
>they don't have normal work schedules to meet, they don't have the stress of bills and morgages
Neither do most of the posters here
Depending on what class actor you are sometimes you have to pay it for yourself.
Can only have 2 of those at a time, that's the rule.
A literal cursory google search suggests otherwise
Toby Maguire literally admitted to taking steroids you fucking retard. looks so weird. It is like not his body.
HGH abuse next to none. There's better stuff for getting a movie bod, they're not trying to be pro bodybuilders.
Eat clen, tren hard.
"Months" is a short period of time in terms of natty physique training.
Hugh Jackman is a 60 year old gay man with a ripped physique.
He's rolling on all kinds of shit 24/7
oh yeah so you can just stop puberty for 50 years and go through puberty as a 60 year old... dumb
No they don't..
multiple personal trainers isn't going to speed up anything
if anything it'll hold someone back. unless they've got good gear hookups
t. Dweller.
I don't care what you fatties post on /fit/, or how impressed you are with the bros you saw that one time you were brave enough to step into a gym.
Anyone who lifts knows you cannot put on the muscle our Film friends do, in the time they do it.
I grew up on a farm, working and playing sports, and have been lifting 8 years since I left for uni.
I look like a fucking beast compared to the average cuckboi.
And I absolutely guarantee you cannot put on Huge Jackedman kind of muscle in 6 months, without juice.
Not a fucking snowball's chance in hell.
Looked it up, turns out he did, I'm honestly surprised as fuck.
Young 20-something year old roiding just for THAT? It's kind of embarrassing. I looked like that after just a year of bulking and cutting. That's pretty weak sauce.
this pic is 3 years of lifting 10 hours per week?
fuck, lifting without steroids is a scam
>arnold said
trust is a weakness fren
Dude you're not even fucking close to Chris Pratt. Sit down, be humble.
It's not bad at all for 6 weeks work. That's the magic of steroids, they speed everything up.
Arnold said you should only sleep for five hours a night.
almost as if people prefer to put in the least amount of effort
He needed to bulk up quick for spidey. Actors do have downtime, but their weekly routines change all the time with the job. Spending years doing 5 day splits to bulk natty isn't really that practical when you can just roid.
Steroid misinformation is great.
>At some times more than 70% of the males in my gym are on cycle.
>Actors don't b&c
Stay delusional natty cucks
Fuck off, like I said, it's good lighting, CG, perspective, and an unfettered schedule with top-tier trainers and nutritionists. If you had the time to lift 4 hours everyday (2 in the morning, 2 at night), minus Saturday or Sunday, ate nothing but steak and chicken, and you only had 6 months, you'd be fucking fine.
>First movie, audience doesn't stop the film to measure your pecs and deltoids with a ruler, they just see "strong-looking dude on film" and it sticks with them for the rest of their life
>Second movie a year later, you're noticeably bigger now and you're pulling mad weight in the gym
>Third movie: By now you've built up enough of a presence that people actually DO stop the movie just to measure your bis and shit with a ruler. By now, you've been lifting for a good 2 to 3 years and are actually big neough to appease the most autistic of /fit/izens
Fuck off. This was from last year with bad lighting. Can't be fucked to take pic, but I just want you to know that my traps and delts are definitely bigger than OP's pic, and even then, that's not even considered very impressive.
desu lifting is a waste of time if you aren't taking roids
it's like doing martial arts and not fighting competitively
or writing music but not playing shows
fucking smoke and mirrors and magnets
>lifting 4 hours a day
>when your hourly rate is north of 6 figures
you are a pathetic soicuck
post cb, fagzor
would take you downtown to Chinatown in a sec', I reck'
this is what woman love
they love his face
>you can lift 4 hours a day as natty while not eating so much that you get fat
This guy has probably been lifting for 5 months and thinks he's going to be huge if he keeps up
I can count how many women rates fight club on one finger
you're a fucking idiot.
You lift big and eat huge for the first two months, then you cut hard for the next month, rinse, repeat. It's called "cutting and bulking"? Pretty famous, maybe you've heard of it?
muscle growth is limited and gradual, the process can't really be sped up. Body builders have to make it a career spanning decades to get to competition level. Actors could hardly do that.
Mostly attitude, face helps but won't get you far if you're a pussy
I hope you're being ironic
>Spanning decades
Are you fucking for real? You can get to Chris Pratt levels (2018 Chris Pratt) by just lifting for two to three years, depending on your routine and genetics.
Being a Hollywood actor is all about taking shortcuts and cheating anyway you can. It's their nature. This is why a lot of them can't act, they just choose not to and they'll do whatever they can just slip on by.
Look pal you're entire argument boils down to you wanting to rant about how you're a fitness guru and people can't possibly be on roids because they're not big enough. You obviously have no idea about how people on roids look. There are guys on roids that look like the blob from xmen. Clearly you haven't followed body building for any length of time there are decades worth of pictures of how some natties and roided out guys started to explode in size. Just because you take roids doesn't mean you're necessarily going to get really massive. Most of these guys are not even shooting for massive bigger than life steroid freak looks, they're going for a natty look. Thanks for your rant but you're a tool. Dunning kruger effect in action, that or you're just being sarcastic. The fact you can't really spot a roid user unless they go full out on it like the rock, arny, or bjornson really makes me think you're being ignorant. Poe's law though maybe it's sarcasm.
>More natty cuck coping
Good luck getting big with two month bulking cycles.
I don't know what his legs look like, but that's easily done natty. I'm 186 and have been lifting for about four years and look similar though I usually carry a little higher bodyfat%. Look at his delts. Guys on gear usually get bowling ball delts, something that's very hard to achieve natty. And didn't Pratt wrestle in college?
Brolin on the other hand. When you see an older dude get jacked, it's suspicious.
>that's easily done natty
not in 6 months though