How many of this years best picture nominations have you seen so far and how do you rank them?
Get Out > Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri > Dunkirk
I plan on watching The Post next.
How many of this years best picture nominations have you seen so far and how do you rank them?
Get Out > Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri > Dunkirk
I plan on watching The Post next.
Phantom Thread
Three Billboards
The Shape of Water
Lady Bird
Get Out
Best to worst
Haven't seen most of those because I live in Aus and all the ones I want to see still haven't come out so here's a short list
Get out > Dunkirk > the post
I watched Get Out and I didn't like it, not any of the others because they are not on torrent yet even though Dunkirk is but I don't want to even watch that it looks bad.
I've only seen Dunkirk. Going to watch Phantom Thread when the torrent comes out though and maybe Three Billboards.
Get out is an awful film.
How so?
Only Dunkirk so far.
The Post
Lady Bird
The Shape of Water
Call Me By Your Name
Three Billboards
I'm pretty done, I'm not really interested in seeing the other nominees. Maybe Phantom Thread since people have really hyped it, but not a huge PT Anderson fan.
I'd say Call Me By Your Name is my favorite movie of the bunch, liked Shape of Water, and Dunkirk was great. Those would be my top ones
>Call Me by Your Name
Gay jewish propaganda.
>Darkest Hour
Anglo jewish propaganda (bong children are getting raped thanks to bongland winning WW2 for the jew)
>Get Out
>Lady Bird
Don't know anything about it, but probably muh vagina.
>Phantom Thread
Might be good.
>The Post
Jewish propaganda to support MSM.
>The Shape of Water
White women even fuck fish now.
>Three Billboards
Don't know anything about it.
It's a nigger movie
CMBYN, Lady Bird, Phantom Thread, The Shape of Water.
I don't know what'll win anymore. I quit being able to figure it out after I stopped caring.
Darkest Hour - greatly enjoyed this, Oldman melts into the role
Get Out - it was ok, I suppose you need to be amerifag to have better context of it's message
Dunkirk - competent but like all of Nolan's films it felt sterile
That's what I thought.
Any actual reasons in terms of film making though?
It's a live action Scooby Doo episode.
>hurr durr everything is propoganda
Must suck to be you
a nigger made it
>replying to shitposters
It's nothing special. Just muh racism. The only reason why it gets any recognition is because of muh racism and that he's a nigger.
Fucking idiot.
Seen them all.
The first two are actual kino. Get Out is okay, but massively overhyped by the same people it’s satirizing. Ladybird is sitcom level stuff, good but unremarkable. 3B is a fucking mess. Shape is a simplistic and predictable fairy tale. The Post and Darkest Hour are stale awards bait.
Three Billboards
Dunkirk was boring, three billboards was SJW trash and I don't care to see any of the others, I could get the screeners if I wanted to
I think this is a weak year for Oscar movies
I've seen none of them. Should I kill myself or did 2017 really suck for film?
2017 was a great year for film.
Sorry, not trusting a tripfaggot
2017 was a great year for film.
Sorry, not trusting a namefaggot
Same, except Dunkirk > 3B and the top 3 orders are interchangeable
Get out? More like Get out of the Best Picture category you fucking piece of shit
Lady Bird > Three Billboards > Dunkirk > Get Out = CMBYN
I'm seeing Phantom Thread next week and considering the fact I've enjoyed everything PTA has done it'll probably end up being my favourite.
I don't mind what wins as long as it's not Get Out, The Post, or CMBYN.
Three Billboards
Get Out
Darkest Hour
Still need to see Phantom Thread and The Post. Don't really care to see CMBYN due to pic related. Lady Bird isn't showing anywhere and looks forgettable as fuck.
3 Bills > Dunkirk > Get Out
No intention of watching the others. Get out was a really week film, IMO. If it wasn't about blacks, it never would have even been noticed.
I really enjoy the Prequel to Hellboy tho, i would love to see it win the oscar for best picture
stop falling for jew propaganda
Oscars 2017 had better best picture nominations and you know it.
I’ve seen them all except The Post which I refuse to watch. Dunkirk and Phantom Thread are both well deserving. Lady Bird is decent, the rest are shit.
I always laugh when I see other Sup Forumstards who try to pick a side between various brands of liberalism and claim it as their own.
Every movie on that list is anti-Sup Forums, even the Churchill one and Dunkirk are obviously there because of their anti-nazi/anti-white supremacy subtext. From the soyboy who makes dresses and gets put in his place by his girlfriend, to the inter-racial sex propaganda directed by a spic.
Same with the Sup Forumstards in Sup Forums who are rooting for the Patriots. Nothing funnier than seeing people rooting for moviebob and elizabeth warren's hometeam.
Dunkirk > Shape of Water > Three Billboards > Get Out >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lady Bird
Everything about it. Literally.
Dunkirk > The Post > Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
>bong children are getting raped thanks to bongland winning WW2 for the jew)
You realize that Hitler was a Muslim lover and wanted to replace Germans with Arabs, right? His mass immigration plans were all laid out. Europe’s fate was Muslim no matter what. It’s the natural results of abandoning the church and forcing Christians to flee to America.
Get Out getting even mentioned in the academy awards just shows that its a joke. The movie, wasn't scary, and it wasn't thrilling, it failed on every level. Its a boring and uneventful film.
That being said, Three Billboards getting some love is nice.
2017 is the worst year in a while and it will be solidified as all-time worst when they give Best Picture to Get Out
>Hitler was a Muslim lover and wanted to replace Germans with Arabs, right? His mass immigration plans were all laid out. Europe’s fate was Muslim no matter what.
wow source please
Dunkirk doesn’t have an anti-anything in it. Did you watch it?
>Nothing funnier than seeing people rooting for moviebob and elizabeth warren's hometeam.
Get some sleep, dude. You’re cooked.
It's funny how it's only Sup Forums plebs who say this.
>The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France
Retarded cuck shit
>Hitler had been much impressed by a scrap of history he had learned from a delegation of distinguished Arabs."[2]
>The delegation had speculated that the world would have become "Mohammedan" if the Berbers and Arabs had won the Battle of Tours in the 8th Century AD, and that the Germans would have become heirs to "a religion (Islam)...
He literally wished his ancestors had lost to the Muslims and been conquered by them. Literal cuck fetish.
>Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world.
Wtf? He literally has a sub fetish
>You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity.
Sounds like a retarded cuck to me. Also he was a vegetarian: literal soyboy
*inb4 lowest ratings in history*
It's a movie that celebrates the allied forces and vilifies the nazis
>Hitler wanted to replace Germans with Arabs, His mass immigration plans were all laid out. Europe’s fate was Muslim no matter what.
source for this though
But this is irrelevant. Who cares what the masses enjoy? It's not like most people are interested in film as an art form or know anything about film history.
Dunkirk>>>Lady Bird>>>>>>The Shape of Water
>It's not like most people are interested in film as an art form or know anything about film history.
yes, clearly the people who do are the ones watching the fucking Oscars
>it’s irrelevant if people agree with our awards or not
Yeah, you’re an idiot
Who do you think was going to replace all of the dead German men after Hitler took over Europe, Russia and Africa? Did you ever think about this. Maybe you should read up about Hitler’s summer home in Baghdad and how he created the Ba’athist party. Don’t overdose on those redpills though.
>It's a movie that celebrates the allied forces
Muslim or teenager?
Haven't seen any yet but I am planing to see Darkest Hour.
Fuck the oscars though. If they aren't even going to nominate open up your eyes for best original song why should I care about them.
ok so you were bullshitting cool
That said as mad as I am open up your eyes wasn't nominated I am glad that piece of shit wonder didn't get in.
I just remembered it was nominated for makeup.
Still I guess the makeup was passable.
I thought 3 Billboards was fucking trash except for the excellent performance from Harrelson.
The movie was a last-gasp boomer hippie fantasy, complete with out-of-touch feminism, unrealistic girl power scenes and laughably hamfisted social commentary.
>mfw the ending scene is completely irrelevant to everything else in the plot
Only seen three because release schedules are shit here. If I were to rank them I'd say Three Billboards > Get Out > Dunkirk. I'm seeing Phantom Thread in 4K next week.
Nice bait
Lady Bird > Get Out > Call Me By Your Name > Shape of Water > Three Bilboards > The Post > Dunkirk
None of them are that great. Fingers crossed on Phantom Thread.
It absolutely did. Too bad they fucked it up by making a cheap, forgettable political statement rather than giving it to the modern classic that deserved it
Moonlight was by far the best of the 2016 nominees, and if the "modern classic" you're talking about is La La Land you should fucking kill yourself.
>Moonlight was by far the best of the 2016 nominees
Who let black Twitter in?
This is a film board, if you want to argue about identity politics go back to Sup Forums.
three billboards
shape of water
get out
darkest hour
the post
lady bird/phantom thread aren't yet out in ausland (and who can be fucked with screeners)
they're all fairly bad except dunkirk (and probably phantom thread)
very disappointing that florida project and br2049 didn't make the cut as both are better than biopic drivel like darkest hour and the post
I have never encountered a single person who defended that piece of excrement winning that wasn't arguing identity politics
Moonlight was an artfully made, deeply empathetic film that any one scene of which has more value than the entirety of vapid, inauthentic garbage like La La Land. You have awful taste.
People will still be watching La La Land in 10 years. Moonlight will be a trivia question.
even if you believe moonlight was best picture that doesn't excuse Silence not even being fucking nominated (though I assume that user is talking about manchester by the sea)
>Get Out
Reminds me of this
>Crash won the Best Picture Oscar at the 78th Academy Awards, controversially beating the critically favored Brokeback Mountain and making it only the second film ever (the other being The Sting) to win the Academy Award for Best Picture without having been nominated for any of the three Golden Globe Awards for Best Motion Picture (Best Drama, Best Comedy/Musical and Best Foreign Film).
>The film's use of moral quandary as a storytelling medium was widely reported as ironic, since many saw it as the "safe" alternative to Brokeback Mountain. Critic Kenneth Turan suggested that Crash benefited from anti-gay discomfort among Academy members,[12][13] while critic Roger Ebert was of a different opinion, arguing that the better film won that year. Ebert placed Crash on his best ten list as the #1 best film of 2005.[14]
>Film Comment magazine placed Crash first on their list of "Worst Winners of Best Picture Oscars", followed by Slumdog Millionaire at #2, and Chicago at #3.[15] Similarly, a 2014 survey of film critics by The Atlantic identified the film's victory as among the most glaring mistakes made by the Academy Awards.[16]
>In a 2015 re-polling of Academy members, Brokeback Mountain was voted Best Picture over Crash and the other 2005 nominees.[17]
>Paul Haggis said in a 2015 interview that he did not believe that the film deserved to win Best Picture.[18]
Silence was definitely the best American film of the year imo, but Moonlight was the best of the nominees.