what did he mean by this?

>Back culture
What did he mean by this?

It's a fucking comic book movie. Grow up retards.


It's an obvious reference to the scars that black slaves bore upon their posteriors, as well as the reputation of shapely hindquarters that black folks are known to possess.

Jesus Christ, he finally looks old.

>back culture
>posing with a bunch of people's backs



I would have figured that a name like "Killmonger" would be attached to the hero. I'm glad that was cleared up, otherwise I might have been completely fucked.

>The 1st MCU movie about something real
It kinda is the opposite. Every other MCU movie is at least grounded in reality or starts out in some real world environment while this one is basically entirely a fantasy story. It has no cultural relevance whatsoever because it is set in a completely made up fantasy world, tackling fantasy superhero issues.

>picture of backs

>back culture is powerful

>not sure if deliberate



Are there any critics that are somewhat reliable who saw the premiere?

Well THAT's unexpected!


everyone has their back to whitey, thus back culture

Still love, Spike.

I'm not one to brag...

Whoooo am I kidding, I LOVE to brag!



whose dick did he suck to get in there

>black culture
>not African culture

Remember when everyone praised The Last Samurai for showing Japanese culture? Or when the critics cheered at the portrayal of English culture in Master and Commander? Or what about Mexican culture in Apocalypto? actually many critics derided how Mel innacurately melded Aztec and Mayan culture
Neither do I.

>"what could have happened if white colonialist would never have landed in Africa"
Well... what exactly were the Africans waiting for?

Thor literally spends the vast bulk of it's runtime on Earth in a boring small town

Isnt he like 60?

It's funny because it's a fantasy world. It doesn't portray any black culture at all. It portrays the imagination of two little Jewish American men.

>Thor 3

GotG begins on Earth.

Guardians starts on Earth, both times.

Haven't seen the Thor sequels.

>I don’t even like superheroes
Marvel’s new target audience

>david ehrlich
>hates action
>loves cgi rhinos and powerful women


I mean it must have been a different world for those girls to be considered attractive?

spaceships and magic spears are real

I think he meant the action was sub-par and the rhinos are probably the translation of dora milaje, the king's bodyguards who are all female.

I’m completely convinced that the majority of black people cannot identify or empathize with non-black characters.

All these reactions seem awfully similar to the reactions about a certain female superhero film from last year that turned out to be just an okay film but these "people" heralded it like it was some great achievement and a masterpiece.


Why is this allowed, fucking niggers and their stupid fucking names.

This entire black panther shit is going to be hilarious, it's some blaxpoitation comic coming to the silver scream and SJW and dindu nuffin' niggers are jumping on the bandwagon to celebrate it.

>Not one of these twit reviews actually said it was a good film.

probably because blacks are in general violently racist and hateful to anyone they deem not part of their in-group

Similar to Get Out too. It's a smart move, desu. Making films that you can't criticise without being labelled a racist or sexist.

Why is it acceptable for Marvel movies to have bad action and CGI? They're comic movies with 100 million dollar budgets. They have no excuse to be lazy. Most MCU shit looks like Netflix or CW shit just with a higher budget.

If they would’ve just had an extra 200 years, they would’ve put the mud pies down and built a rocket.


>mfw I live in Shreveport Louisiana and people still chuckle about this today.

ahem... *breathes in*
Black. People. Cannot. Be. Racist.

Why are their names so retarded
t. clueless europoor

>that filename

Wonder Woman is a shitty 4/10 movie so better avoid this

>Those names

If anyone remembers the 90s when new jack city, boyz, juice, menace 2 society, all the those movies had shootings at or around the theaters across the country,
Notice what they have in common (those movies were pandered to niggers like black panther is), and now we got soyboy faggots literally raising thousands of dollars to buy tickets for inner city nigger kids to go watch the movie.
Talk about a recipe for disaster, a theater with hundreds of uncivilized inner city nigger teens with no impulse control in a place they cant afford to be in but are because of gibs, the noise would render the movie unwatchabe, the smell would make it unbearable, i can guarentee its gonna red pill a bunch of movie goers and theater workers

Fags take it up "the back door" aka the asshole. Black Panther is a faggy piece of shit.

Names also, unironically, impact what kind of person you will be.

Do you genuinely think a child, from the same parents, would turn out the same if you named it either Elizabeth or Chastity?

If they gave their kids normal names they might stop acting like the fucking niggers their names make them. Call your black son Tim for fuck sake


>marvel movie comes out
>"it's the best one ever!"


Reminds me a whole lot of how Wonder Woman was the best capeshit ever made, then turned out to be no better than Man of Steel.

I'm at the point where if you can be called a sexist, or a racist for not liking a movie then I'm not trusting any public critic. Have to wait for myself.

>just got out
>random post
>knows every retarded name there

Is this real or an edit? If it's real is it supposed to be ironic? I honestly can't tell anymore.

Did they for real put this in a children's movie?

>black culture is powerful
>set in a fictional permakwanza world were you see the power fanatasies of African Americans play out
>African, European, and Caribbean blacks hate it.

Why are Americans the niggers? -regardless of race. American whites are the white niggers, blacks are the black niggers...

hahahaha fucking Dobson

its real. one of the worst webcomics I know of

>first marvel comic movie that is real
Isnt wakanda a fake african country? Doesnt kang chaka have a fake ademntium suit? Doesnt kang chaka get his powers from a non existant magical watermelon? Doesnt she know most if not all african kangz are in modern times are either extremely corrupt, or warlords? Doesnt she know inner city niggers will be responsible for shootings nationwide at local theaters because soy boy fags are buying tickets for nigger kids? Has she never met a nigger?
>first marvel comic movie that is real

>Dobson literally just resorting to tracing now
Truly an inflated ego

Black ghettos here in America are only several steps away from being culturally autonomous entities within major cities. Isolation, ignorance, stupidity, and not being able to operate with most of the rest of the country leads to situations like these.

>shows off tits and ass
>d-don't look creep

bastard cunt spike would never tweet that.

>i loved the last jedi
>i cried when one POC heroine got her moment to shine.
Gee i wonder who this chink could be talking about?

so, this guys self insert is a fedora wearing stuffed bear? how pathetic

Chastity is a wierd as fuck name to give your kid. dont do this.

All of the black kids born in the early ‘90s have retarded names because Malcolm X movie and other retarded black power shit like Public Enemy. Black people born before the 90s have normal names.

Its a slut name. As is Kendra or Jasmine

>black culture is so powerful
created by two white dudes

>whenever I'm sad I watch videos of minorities enjoying something and get the same feeling that other people get from watching cat or animal videos because essentially I recognise their lives as inherently less valuable or important as mine and therefore I can look down on them and take pleasure in their simple ways


No no no, wait a sec there user, we need niggers to keep their stupid names like deshawn or quentifa that way, when i see their applications on my desk, it goes in the trash

pandering to minorities and treating them like overgrown children is the cornerstone of modern liberalism

Well i loved wonder women, well the first part, that beach scen kicked ass, then it dwelved into muh womyn stronk movie woth bad cgi at the end, but all in all, a good representation of wonder women, those sjw were giving her shit for making her outfit too skimpy

oh look another free Disney premier where people walk away happy because they were attending a party

What is it with libs and "adjective, adjective and adjective".

Liberals fundamentally view minorities as mentally damaged children.

what make me laugh most about this stupid tweet is that this idiot probably doesnt know that black panther was created by 2 jews guys who lived in lower Manhattan, wonder also if he knows how shitty wakanda treated the rest of their African brothers and sisters

>action movie has awful action

It was good up until the death of the German officer when Pine told her that humans are complicated beings, killing one won't magically end the war and then Lupin shows up and dies after a horrible CGI fight, ending the war

Real talk, why are black americans so retarded and what is up with those names?

europe, australia, etc, the black creature is not a stranger to other parts of the world but they seem to be nowhere near as bad nor as ridiculously named as their basketball counterparts. Like africans have silly names but at least you can put that down to hundreds of years of 'culture'.




First time I see the word used in a positive way. And from a lefty at that.

Tfw been on feg too long and was expecting this to be a reply to smut

Sup Forums constantly BTFO these days

>brainlet trying to have thoughts

christ that numale fantasy

Those look like extremely generic white girls

Wait. The rhinos are just black women?
I honestly was expecting rhinos being ridden into battle like elephants or horses.

>red pill
>theater workers

The hate blacks more than anyone

thumbnail looks like he has a gnarly black eye

why not just watch shaka zulu?

do nuniggers even know who that is?


so its the lion king then

Oh boy... I forgot I wasn’t on Sup Forums for a moment. That’s the tip of the Dobson ice berg.

what else does he do? I want to know

> Yo Tyrone, you kno we wuz kangz ‘n shiet?
> Hol up, u be sayin’ dis brudda ere can be a kang??
> Das rite Ty, we gots like flying space pyramids ‘n Nubian kweens and we own wh*te slaves nigga
> dayum pham, were dat be at??
> weal homie, you gots ta get to a city far beyond the mountains of afrika, higher den any wh*te man ever been
> do u kno da wey Jamal?
> yeh, but to get that high you have to kno Wakanda...
> shiet nigga, Wakanda??
> yeh brudda, but I dont rememba no mo
> remember what homes? De way dere?
> nah, nigga - Wakanda drugs we was on