Holy fucking shit, how the hell has this chick not been memed yet?

Holy fucking shit, how the hell has this chick not been memed yet?

She looks like a fucking hot mess now. She went from being a 8 to a 1 over the decades. She literally got JUSTED even more than Branden Frasier.

Other urls found in this thread:


>justed when they hit the inevitable wall
pick one

How about you shut the fuck up and never say a bad thing about precious Shelley again. Delete this thread.

>being an 8
let me guess.. you're british

>went from being a 8 to a 1 over the decades

its called aging, women despise it

she always was really ugly

You sure about that? She looks pretty fine here.

Mental illness without proper help will do that.

Sorry mate, just speaking the truth. she's even a bit loony and said some weird shit recently.

I think she lost it once she 100% lost her looks.


She always looked like shit. Also, go read up about how much Kubrick hated her and would purposefully fuck with her on the set of The Shining

Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?

She is a senile 68 year old woman, nothing funny or meme-worthy about that, specially because you and me will get there one day.


>shes 68

How did you expect her to look at that age?


Ah, leave her alone. She already suffered enough because of Kubrick's lack of professionalism - and she already became a meme because of her performance in The Shining. She became thought of as that weepy overacting constantly scared woman, even though in reality her performance shows a pretty realistic reaction to the situation that her character is in.

She's mentally ill so it's unfair to laugh at her. Brenden was a fucking idiot for marrying a gold digger and starring in shitty flicks so that's why we laugh at him.

Go be a twelve year old fucking faggot somewhere else OP, you fucking loser. I guarantee you'll look worse than her by 25 you subhuman. Le meme le old crazy lady el justo jajajjajaja. Behead yourself you brainlet shitskin.

Have some compassion, she's old and mentally ill. That interview was Dr. Phil exploiting her for views when what she really needs is proper support. She doesn't deserve to be treated like a freak show.

She had to do hundreds of takes on Shining and was in tears all day, Kubrick probably mentally broke her down to make her performance genuine.

>that banshee
>an 8
Lock me in a hotel with her and I'll kill the shreiking bitch before dinner. First day.

Kill yourself first.

What have I become, my sweetest friend

as a kid I used to hate her because of her looks, but she's a very special lady

She's literally insane, so she gets a pass. Leave her be.

She's what an average white woman looks like

Last I heard, she was living here in Texas and was quite paranoid. Somewhere outside of New Braunfels..

That's just what women look like without makeup.

Dame Helen Mirren 72

I've always heard of Kubrick being a mad man but what exactly did he do during filming?

True about Kubrick
What a film
But it ruined a great talent

You too will take a steep and undignified descent into despair before the nothing takes you, it's just a matter of time.

Different user, but Kubrick told the entire crew to ignore her during the film so she felt isolated all the time, both on and off set. Kubrick also pushed Scatman Crothers beyond 70 takes for one scene reducing him to tears until Nicholson stepped in to stop it.

Shelley was very pretty
Such a shame

>Shelley Duvall
>Ever even remotely an 8

Her tits were so small her chest was practically concave.

She looks like Barkhad Abdi

I'll not meme more because she really looked like my ex

she was a 4 and went to a 0

Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall.

when do you think we should take Shelley to a doctor, holy fuck Margot Kidder all over again.

Scatman never knew his lines, but this is a film where Kubrick was losing it

OP will kill himself way before that.

Have some decency for god's sake

Stanley and Jack got along famously


>tfw no goofy looking gf to seek your approval because she knows you're a catch for her

Kubrick was cheap as hell and used people as far as you let him
Jack was a sob too and Kubrick gave him professional courtesy

>she was never that hot to begin with
>or that notable of an actress
>no media presence of any kind since going batshit, social media included
>she is literally, unironically insane, not meme insane like Jenna, it's sad
Shelly just isn't all that meme-able. What's the punchline? A crazy homeless lady looks crazy and homeless?

I’d meme Kubrick, but not Shelley

wtf am I reading


Left: Sup Forums
Right: reddit

That´s what happens to the majority of attractive Mexican women, m8

Agreed. I also think Rileyposting should stop.

>She went from being a 8 to a 1 over the decades

>imagine being so insecure and mediocre that the only people you can look down on are legitimately mentally ill, elderly obese women.
i mean, kill yourself op, unironically.

She lives in texas. Apparently she's a total loon.

>posts one example

Yeah man id bang everyones grandma here

This is what happens to normal people who accept age and dont have loads of surguries injections fillers etc to try and look young forever, leave nana alone faggot.



>Kubrick's lack of professionalism
What the fuck are you even talking about

She was always really ugly

Are you british or something? How is that an 8?

nice hyperbole

This I think is the biggest JUST.

nah but i mean her peak was 30ish years ago.

>Shelley Duvall
Are you fucking high? She was literally the scariest part of The Shining

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? SHe looked so good in The Shining & Popeye. And now she looks like somebody sucked the life out of her. SHe looks absolutely JUST. Did her husband left her or something? Does she have to pay big alimony or what? What is going on? My 98 year old grandpa looks better than her.

What are you on about? Right after Shining she did Popeye which is probably her most memorable role. Then did a bunch of movies after it

Do you think Kubrick was responsible for her mental illness ?

She's gone crazy and there's no one to look after her.

She's quite obviously mentally ill. Leave her be.

this user gets it

she was maybe a 2 or 3 at her prime

pefect casting

She is literally schizophrenic.

I watched her show "Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stories" when I was growing up. Comfy desu. Popeye is kino.



absolutely, i'd go loopy working with that egomaniac


>not Faerie Tale Theatre


you can only apply the JUSTED label to people, most usually MEN, who get btfo through divorce-rape or relationship-financial drama.

this is not a case of someone getting JUST'D. you are retarded, op.

Jesus, makes me wish I could take back the boners I had for her on Voyager.

This. She was a good actress, but few survive the beast unscathed. There's no fun in picking on a nice, sickly old woman.

>how the hell has this chick not been memed yet?

Because we feel bad?

She lives like 10-15 minutes away from me. Saw her at the gas station quite a while back. Wat do?

Hug her and say you are a big fan

disguised yourself as stanley kubrick and go stare at her trought her window

Kubrick was...problematic to say the least...