I just binged through the first season of this shir and after a whole bunch of anti-religion, weird cuckold subtext, anti-family, and underage sex/drug use it ends with a white family must raise a Chinese/African-American baby. Does this get better or should I abandon ship now?
I just binged through the first season of this shir and after a whole bunch of anti-religion, weird cuckold subtext...
season 1 to me is very depressing.
season 2 is great, and season 3 is kino television. highly rec
season 1 follow exactly like the book, it is an adaptation,
for season 2 & 3, lindelof and the original author work on a new story for the series
Huh so it does get better then. Wait, the book ends the same way the show does?
if you thought season 1 was cucky you won't get halfway through season 2
ignore the redditors singing its praises
they give the kid away. also kevin is jesus
i hate half of the season 1. but season 2,3 are good imo
Nah, if the symbolism was any more blatant it would be wearing a sign.
nvm lol, 5deep7u
yeah thats what he mean user
only the first season is based on the book. The book does kind of end there, it never expands beyond the small town.
The book is also shit. S2 and S3 are much better.
Sorry I'm not woke enough
Season 2 is different, many people like it better then first
season 1 is better on a second viewing.
season 2 is good but it changes everything
season 3 is just a rehash of season 2 but its still pretty good
Don't bother. It's pointless shit all the way through. A show for people who consider "something happening in the background is meaningful for later story" and "it's a show about questions, not answers" to be epitomes of greatness, i.e. housewife-tier brainless pseuds. Just watch Six Feet Under instead if you want a good, albeit not great, HBO drama.
it's mediocre "deep" pseudo-kino by lindelof aimed at "intellectuals". it's objectively trash; avoid.
Drop it now.
You summarization of the show already is a bad sign that you’re too far gone to see kino. We dont need anither gumming up the Leftovers threads.
Greatest comedy in years.
It doesn't feel deep or intellectual at all to me. Everything is very surface level
This. Season 1 was the best it had to offer. None of it makes sense and the ending was retarded. It is one big jew propaganda shitfest all through it. You can ask any of the redditfags here to tell you what actually happens in the show and they have no idea. It has became a meme here to act like you understand the show, the message its trying to convey, and what actually happened in the end. Its pure nonsense for the sake of being nonsense. It is literally the penguinofdoom of television.
I can no longer distinguish ironic Sup Forums shit from serious one.
It was the second worst series finale behind Lost
woah...le dream...le little girl ;_;...le karaoke...le KINO!!!
If Season 1 is as shit as people say, should I just skip it?
Or nah?
It's really not worth the time.
Skip the whole show. It's really not good.
The story is shit and ultimately doesn't matter. Watch it for the god-tier characterization and character growth/development.
>It is one big jew propaganda shitfest all through it
I feel like this is true for the vast majority of western television.
not gonna lie - i watched it all, but didn't understand half the shit. Can someone explain why the white people cult wasn't speaking and smoking all the time ?
>redditors singing its praises
not even reddit watches this show lmao. The only time i've seen this show actually get a decent conversation is in Sup Forums.
OP the show is amazing and black people get introduced in season 2 so if you're already angry because of your mental status you'll probably abandon ship. The third season is probably the best show you'll ever see tho.
Imagine being so much of a snowflake pussy that you have to imagine liberal boogeyman in everything and not just be able to appreciate kino.
From what I remember, all they wanted to do was remind people the the event happened. Not sure why they didn't talk though, but in the end, none of it mattered
that's what i hated about the show. That it builds up stuff, which seem to be interesting and then goes no where. Why not make plot interesting too , not only characters ?
>being so brainwashed you can't notice obvious patterns
>being so annoyed by a show with a primarily white cast starring two beautiful white people in the main roles just because they take care of a black baby with a black absentee father
wouldnt them being beautiful make it worse
>redditor calls anti reddit post reddit
ho hum
no, it gets worse, don't fall for all the shilling. the first season actually seems good in retrospect considering how horrible season 2 and 3.
season 2 and 3 is basically a bunch of retarded random mysteries that were never intended to be explained being rammed down your throat with shitty violin music blasting in the background. oh and kevin literally turns into jesus and he gets resurrected a few times.
drop it, immediately.
you might be retarded if you think it's anti-religion, especially after season 2 and 3
Honestly, just skip it and watch the final season
OP said he watched season one
Even season one has Matt in it. It's a hugely spiritual show.
Did you even watch the show? lmao
>raising other people's children
>breeder cuck joke as well cuck overtones
>everyone is divorced or cheating
Oh I see, you're a Liberal
You know Joseph raised God's son as his own right?
jospeh probably jerked off in the corner as angels banged mary
can someone please explain what's wrong with season 1? I loved it, and 'Two Boats and a Helicopter' is one of the best episodes of tv I've seen.
Exactly, season 1 is just as good as 2 and much better than 3.
come on man. at least be knowledgable on what your talking about if you're going to shitpost
too bound to the books.
that being said s01 is great, but s02 and 3 are better in every way
Season 1 was the only truly interesting season. No idea why turkey got rid of mapleton new york
Matt episodes are good tier
uh, gabriel is the one who brings her the news
and he probably bangs her
>weird cuckold subtext
that's like 90% american tv shows nowadays
One of the best shows I've ever seen.
The Leftovers is literally "leftovers" from LOST.
Why is this?
because it's the american way
Fucking millenials I swear
>anti religion
did you even watch it?
This show just has no balls. Let me just say, I'm fine with the sudden departure never being explained but fuck off with the open ended questions every episode without even attempting to have some explanation. The show is the equivalent of a pseudo intellectual teenager spouting off philosophical questions he doesnt even understand.
I rolled my eyes everytime that stupid mournful piano song came on.
I'm a Christian and I didn't feel the anti-religious angle at all
A big thing in the show is to make you question whether everything is happening with some sort of preordained higher purpose or it's just the characters who see it that way given that they can't rationally explain what happened around them. Logically it's the latter, but the show never rules out the former
This. I'm completely fine with pure character study type of works, but this shitshow is held together by such abysmally retarded narrative that it's hard to not roll eyes every 15 seconds.
When I rewatched the show I started understanding and appreciating season one more. The first time I saw it a lot of it went over my head, and I didn't really understand most of it. Think I like it more than season 2.
I have only seen season 3 once, but it's my least favorite I really have no desire to watch it again
>fuck off with the open ended questions every episode without even attempting to have some explanation
what questions didn't they answer kiddo?
>but this shitshow is held together by such abysmally retarded narrative that it's hard to not roll eyes every 15 seconds
You didn't get it.
I got it. It's just badly executed shit.
This may be one of the worst shows I've ever seen.
*fucks your dad on top of a pile of guns*
this is unironically the only unanswered question in the entire series
>incredibly contrived drama randomly happens to incoherently behaving pointless characters: the show
It's one of the very worst things not only on HBO, but on TV overall.
"i wish i was homewaaard bound... i wish i was.. homeward bound"
it still hurts