‘The Last Jedi’ Loses Sales Momentum, Raising Concern for Disney


>oh no our movie only made us hundreds of millions of dollars profit, what are we going to do

I've no idea what you're suggesting with this post. Are you suggesting this isn't a cause for concern? What if you were a board member at Disney? Or even a shareholder? Would you feel as unperturbed?

That mentality worked out great for DC, right?

day of the rope soon, kike.

Imagine being this delusional

Haha you neckbeards are so fucking persistent.
It made over 1 billon.


Ofcourse it made 2 billion, it was the first of its new era you dumb fucks. The Last Jedi was a financial success and there is nothing that your 10+ threads can do to change that.

(HAN SOLO will make over 750 millon too)

>Investors guaranteed 50% profits
>They get 25
Hmm I wonder will they go invest their money elsewhere

Shitting in my shtreimel, Torbjorn.

oh no! not concern!!!
what if it makes slightly less money than the OTHER mega-profitable disney films????
truly a disaster

Can you believe that people pore over box office figures of movies they perceive as having ideologically slighted them?

>Hmm I wonder will they go invest their money elsewhere
yes they'll invest it in the OTHER company that ones all forms of children/nerd entertainment!
oh wait there isn't one because disney bought everything

If only there were other industries where you can get more stable returns

This is me. You figure the rest out.


Thank you.

It genuinely concerns me when I see people on here saying it was a failure because I don’t know if they’re trolling or if their financial senses are truly that bad.

The timing of these movies release and earnings are significantly more important than any other franchise like Marvel, DC, etc. because simply put Episode 7 was the first Star Wars in 10 years and it had the original cast from 30 years ago that turned SW in the global phenomenon it is today.

Love it or hate it, there is no franchise that matches Star Wars.

that's not what profit means.

>be a business
>say that a profit loss in comparison to last financial year is a good thing

Lmao you'd lose 20% of your stock

>you aren't handicapped, you still have one hand!

It was a fun movie, admit it.

All star wars movies were pretty much trash anyway, maybe the originals were good for their time but they aren't kino cinema like some of you claim them to be.

Disney decided they should at least make Last Jedi enjoyable as a popcorn flick and they succeeded. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the quips your humorless subhumans.

But you ain't got no legs, The Last Jedi.

>Love it or hate it, there is no franchise that matches Star Wars.

Marvel is now bigger worldwide easily.

>my franchise is bigger than your franchise

You'd think people would grow out of this by age 10

I don't give a fuck about Marvel or Star Wars, they're both complete garbage franchises for manchildren. I'm just stating facts.

>'haha' he wrote, trying to angrily smile through his tears

Lol, 500 million short of expectarions, DOA in china, 500 million short of the numbers they wanted is more than a pretty penny you stupid fuck

>financial senses

Again, 500 million short. Its so bad the fucking director is doing damage control by responding to people on twitter. And that other person is right, marvel is much more reliably successful with movies, toys, and other products while SW toys have been nosediving. Its not hard to see reality when you open your eyes.

Nice bullshit numbers that were manipulated to fit a particular range. Why don't you learn statistics or better yet GTFO this board. We are unequivocally a pro star wars board.

this is why you're poor

I'd hire a dominatrix to kick me in the balls because I'm such a stupid fucking retard that I didn't realize making Star Wars a platform for feminist propaganda was a bad idea.

I don't have stockholm syndrome so I don't have to "force" myself to like anything. I can just notice if it's bad or not and point it out whenever I like.

Star Wars movies are toy commercials, the wealth of Lucas came from the merchandise. This year they shipped 50% less than the years before and even despite the fewer shipments stuff is just shelfwarming as bad as before. Toy manufacturers already complained that the new movies have shit designs that they can't sell and 3 movies later they changed nothing. It's a downward spiral.

8 is barely getting more visitors than Rogue One while people said in masses that they would only not watch RO because it didn't have an Episode number in the title. Doesn't seem like they have shown up for this one at all.

Solo being the first movie that people everywhere guarantee that it won't get 1 billion is not looking good in a world where investors get cranky from any kind of dip in profits. Who knows what the real budgets are in a world of huge marketing campaigns that are sometimes counted towards the movie budget and sometimes not.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a budget of 200-290mill (like Disneys SW movies) and in addition to that 180$ in marketing. It made more than 700 million and that was considered a failure so huge that they rebooted it again and outsourced it back to Disney.



So people of the WSJ are neckbeards?

jesus christ lads stop beating the dead horse already

>Projected to make just under 2billion.
>So underwhelming and after wom spreads it only makes 2/3rds of that (1.3billion at last count).
>No cause for concern...

There are people at Disney (and the shareholders) who will look at this as 700million dollars lost. I hear the toy sales aren't all that hot either. Given the astronomical sums required and involved they won't give the current creative team a second chance/wait to see if IX will fail - they're going to make changes now. And chief among those changes will be "Stop alienating the old fanbase and showhorning in your pet agendas/mary Sues".

If your creative team actively appears to hate their own main fanbase wtf are they doing in that position to begin with?

Wow I dont know if its just me, can someone take a look, is this starting to look like a trend?

>$248M in china
>$42 (forty-two dollars) in China
>TLJ did 1.693548387096774e-7x as much business as the last one

>We are unequivocally a pro star wars board.
Not anymore we aren't, these are flop numbers for Star Wars

>The Last Jedi was a financial success
Actually it wasn't, even the Wall Street Journal says so now
>b-but muh billion
Yeah the movie in which Luke Skywalker dies made a little less than Age of Ultron and Harry Potter, great success


The Last Jedi had almost the same opening weekend numbers than TFA, the reason it has made 700 million less and probably lost money for Disney is because it was shit. That's why it has underperformed so fucking ahrd

>Solo will make over $750 million too
Shame it needs more than that to break even

Retards just want to believe star wars is failing but the truth is sequels always make less, they will just maintain their fan base now

see and pic related, Star Wars is done for

>Disney will be happy continuing to make less on this franchise
>Disney make films for fans

Are you 5? It's a business. If Disney sees profits getting lower and lower it's matter of time before they either sideline the series or just pull the plug completely.

nah star wars will never "fail" but it's just a massive waste of potential for everyone

fans don't get what they want because the movies have an extraordinary lack of imagination considering the massive universe they were given as source material, and disney doesn't get what they want, because whilst the films are still profitable they're still losing hypothetical revenue.

no one wins

So Box Office Mojo has the domestic total at about $611 million for TLJ. Is this the figure before or after the theaters take their cut? If it's before then doesn't that mean Disney has only made about $398 million domestically and probably even less in the foreign market since they get even less of a cut? Like even being generous and saying they get 50% of the foreign total theyv'e only made about $700 million. Minus the production costs, which they're too afraid to announce, I'd say around $250 million which brings their profits to $450 million and then subtract their marketing cost, which again being generous considering how much marketing Disney did for the movie, suggests it was 50% of the production budget. So $125 million to marketing means their profit shrinks to $325 which seems nice to me but is basically less than the budget for Episode IX, production and marketing.

SJWs win because they will continue to have a major franchise pushing their propaganda and pandering to them

no they don't

this is why I fucking hate identity politics, it overemphasises ridiculous internet arguments and convinces people that anything other than real human experiences has ever changed anything that really matters

sjws will never get their progressive fantasy. they don't have the numbers to implement their ideas, certainly not worldwide or in the west. all they get is fluffy entertainment that doesn't change anything. female rocket scientist numbers haven't increased after the last jedi. black unemployment won't fall after black panther.

and you "losing" star wars also means nothing. go invest your time in something other than escapist fantasy and consumerist bullshit. the old movies aren't gone. you don't need to worry about "sjws" because they aren't real. you aren't forced to socialise with them off the internet, and what happens on the internet will never make an impact on your real life - unless the internet is your real life, in which case go find something of meaning

>Disney to shareholders: this_is_fine.jpg

Firing KK and the incompetent Story Group and other higher ups, and replacing them with the Star Wars equivalent of Kevin Feige would be a promising first step. But I don't think they will go that far until it's too late. They are in a Hollywood bubble, and in the current political climate dismantling the engineered 'force-is-female' hierarchy at Lucasfilm could go terribly wrong from a PR point of view. They'd sink the brand before risking looking sexist.

>nothing is bigger than Star Wars
>actually Marvel is bigger at this point
not even that user but what the fuck is that logic

Kids don’t like Star Wars anymore. They like Guardians of the Galaxy and other Marvel shit

The highest grossing film of 2017. Let that sink, neck-beards.

Holy shit Sup Forums BTFO, star wars is here to stay

>return of luke skywalker
>carrie fishers last film
>still can't even match the previous movie


TLJ aside, I think people are getting pissed off at cliffhanger endings. Abrams loves the "mystery box" by his own words. That works way better as a TV technique than a movie hook and cliffhanger. Both ANH and TPM were self contained stories while TFA wasnt. Empire was not self contained and ROTJ suffered for it.


Because outside of “nerds” nobody gave a FUCK about that old used up junkie. Look at fast and furious. Paul Walker died and that movie made a billion dollars. Same with Heat Legend and TDK. Can we stop pretending that a used up druggie grandma was anything worth going to the movies for?

>he said, knowing all the figures and having a porg plushy
"yeah you're the brony nerds for not worshipping My Little Star Wars"

Are you just mad because I posted a brony?

The alt-right ddossed the online shops so you couldn't order the merch. I tried to buy the evil BB-8 and the orders never went through because of alt right ddossing the websites. It was sold out in all the regular stores, that's why sales are bad. Alt-right ddossed online.

no because you're pretending you're not the equivalent of that fat nerd who's into girly kid shit in this situation

Ah so you are a brony

>they will just maintain their fan base now

you are literally that fat brony, a nerd defending with your entire being a franchise for little girls and relating to princess shit

>But by mid-January, it was grossing less than half as much each day as “The Force Awakens” at the same time two years ago and less even than 2016’s spinoff “Rogue One,” which didn’t feature iconic characters in major roles and opened to $155 million.

Why won't they ever explain why the film is making less money than Rogue 1 did in the same month?

Can you believe a major studio was more concerned with inserting political messages and jabs at old fans than they were with not making a shit movie?

Literal children are picking this thing apart. Johnson gave us a movie whose central conflict had all the tension of watching two kids paying “I’m not touching you,” yet still somehow managed to come off as an even more contrived premise.

But I never defended Star Wars at all

>With blockbuster grosses expected for “The Last Jedi,” Disney was able to demand theaters play the movie for a minimum of four weeks, an unusually long period. That hasn’t been a problem for large multiplexes, but strained single-screen cinemas like Rodney Miller’s Elder Theatre of Jackson Center, Ohio, population 1,400, where screenings were nearly empty later in the run.

>“The first week was good, the second week was pretty decent, and the third and fourth weeks were disasters,” he said.

Alt-right got to this town and stopped people from seeing it after first two weeks.


dem reds

Now show us where investors were promised TFA-tier profits you dense retard.

Is that why Suicide Squad made so many bux? Word of mouth was fucking catastrophic for that movie, yet it didn't negatively impact BO numbers at all.

Suicide Squad was fun as fuck and had a good audience score. Critics opinion doesn't mean shit only the audience appearance counts and it had pretty good word of mouth. I bet it's audience RT score is fresh.

Also a large number of thots went to see the movie so they could get the Harley makeup right for their haloween costumes.

It’s already doing worse week by week than R1.

>estimates of 1.9 billion that swiftly got downgraded to 1.6 billion
>couldn’t even hit that
The absolute state of Disney Moms.

>how do companies work
pls refrain from talking about what you dont know

>suicide squad was fun
we have a brainlet here

t. Kathleen.

cmon ive tried watching it a second time many times
only get to slipknot slapping the bitch and from there on cant keep going