Why didn't the people of Middle Earth just wait for the gold to trickle down?
Why didn't the people of Middle Earth just wait for the gold to trickle down?
Because he wasn't spending shit
Also, good luck to them with the inflation
Was the gold covered in dragon shit when the dwarves got to it?
>supply-side economics
The ultimate joke for a liberal idiot.
I'm sure Smaug's personal hygiene is better than that. He'd probably walk out into the surrounding foothills to shit every few months.
because the dragon's CGI was so fucking bad that they couldn't allow that abomination to live, it was breaking their immersion.
Because the Jews would have taken it by then.
dragons dont know how to invest
Because hoarding capital doesn't magically make the value of products go down.
what? the dragon was great cgi the fuck you talkin about
>Because hoarding capital doesn't magically make the value of products go down.
it does when all the demand has been cut out of middle earth because all the capital is sitting in a mountain
you're retarded
Dragons represent our ego. The fact that they sit on gold and do nothing with it is similar to how we often hold on to our inner treasure and refrain from expending what we have on creating something in fear that we will never make it back.
That's just gold. The value of products can be attributed to anything as long as the trading parties agree upon it.
and middle earth uses gold minted coins to trade, finding another solution for a currency while take time, meanwhile economic growth will tumble because of the halt of trading
If any asshole dragon could just hoard the gold and completely ruin the economy, then it's best to suffer through the process of change and end up with a currency that's more flexible and can be issued as fiat.
>and can be issued as fiat.
and have a fractional reserve banking system for middle earth also?
Of course. We'll finally be able to find out what Aragorn's tax policies will be like.
What was the Masters tax policy?
he better have a Broad Base Low Rate system for his income and sales taxes
You mean neoliberal idiot.
>do I fit in yet guys
Let's be honest, there is no monetary policy on earth that could re-introduce that level of gold into the economy without causing mass inflation. Let the dragon keep it I say, the common man is better off that way.
>without causing mass inflation.
middle earth would currently be facing mass deflation at the moment so restoring it would re balance prices
How come Sauron's eye had no eyelashes? What's gonna stop dust from getting in there?
>i've got a headache so I should shoot myself in the head
No lad.
>Just give Smaug more of your treasure, that'll encourage him to invest in Erebor's economy!
The fire burns the dust
>Prices drop 40,000%
>Prices rise 40,000%
Why didn't they just raise the dragon horde tax? Dragons should have to pay their fair share.
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, investing out of country. You step into the market, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where your finances might be swept off to.”
goods and services are actual wealth, all that gold means nothing if he's not spending.
the eagles cleaned his eyes
So. Let's make it clear once and for all.
Did or did not king Aragorn collude with Mordor?
Someone please post black Boromir
>tfw you need to be an economics major to take part in lotr threads now
on the other hand prices will restore themselves to a normal level, and his hoarding of that gold will not impact on middle earth
What a time to be in the middle of an economics Bachelor
a vault is not a bank
>broken edoras fallacy
Why didn't Sauron just take Frodo to court. Nobody disagreed that the ring was the property of Sauron after all.
>numbers plucked out of thin air
The Numbers don't matter its the impact of taking money out of the system will make prices drop because of lack of demand then bringing it back in will cause the prices to rise because of an increase of demand
same, too bad i fucking hate it.
Smaug will freely distrubute his capital among the dwarven proletariat whether he likes it or not
Bummer at times yeah, at least it prepares you to handle your own accounting and gives a decent shot at a job. I'll probably only earn money for a few years before finding something that interests me more once I'm more financially secure
>post plucked out of ass
Allow me to rebuke your point with a humorous image
Even if it's in the bank it's technically being spent because its being used for loans. Even if it's spent on a diamond ring then over the years that money is being continuously spent as well because the owner is curating the ring. Meaning that what this person is doing has value to other people. Cant take it with you. Even if it were destroyed then that increases the value of other rings. Value can be a hard thing to erase. People like middle earthers just need to find it. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
Economics & finance graduate here. Good luck. You'll need it.
You forgot that it also matters over what time the money is taken out and reintroduced, and where the gold came from to begin with.
This gold was mostly mined, so it was never removed from circulation, so there was no deflationary period to be re-balanced.
Smaug was the equivalent of those cunts who hide tens of trillions in tax havens.
I'm majoring in logistics in a coastal country, I'll be fine
It doesn't take much to get into MBB unless you're not a brainlet or Big4 if you are.
I think Tolkien was a fucking mastertroll, look at the dwarfs: Short, big nosed, with a lot of saved money. Then the elves came, and elves are tall, blonde, and white as milk, and they took off everything from the darfs. I suppose Tolkien recreated what Germans did to Jews in WWII, and no one noticed a thing, kek
Kill yourself, Dunning-Kruger man.
Well sir but isn't that still being used? They're just victimizing someone to do it. And just for starters Reuters is getting a little bit of value for that. It's all energy man. Find the flow dude. One person's loss is another's gain.
Well, Smaug simply tried to avoid taxes imposed by Aragorn.
But Erebor is outside of Gondor's jurisdiction and Aragorn didn't become king until like 70 years later.
if you don't think Tolkien took influence from real life in a very openly racist time period, well then, you should just kill yourself
I know, if you are too dumb to be aware of your stupidity, you won't recognize outside assessments as valid either. Still, it is worth a try.
so this entire movie was about robbing the 1% to give to the 99%?
when did LOTR become socialist propaganda????
Americans unironically believe this.
Just like the jews. Hoard all money. Spends everyone elses money
Smaug robbed the dwarven Kings first his claim on the gold was illegally obtained and therefore subject to confiscation.
Thorin is the only one with any real claim on it. When Thorin promised to give gold in exchange for access to the mountain he did so with a verbal agreement in front of the entire town I might add.
Thorin was thereafter legally obligated to fulfill his side of the bargain. His refusal was grounds for war.
Bard being a poor peasant did not have access to an army and could not get the gold himself therefore he sold parts of his claim on the treasures to the elven king.
The elven king agrees to loan his army for bards use in exchange for the treasure. The moral being don’t steal other people’s gold and don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Bard hired the elves to try and break thorins legs for not keeping his oath.
He's a dumb lizard
>implying that Aragornian New Middle-earth Order (NMO) would respect nonretroactiveness of legislation and its territorial jurisdiction
Aragorn’s progressive and innovative tax policy helped rein in the inflation, and they eventually had Elven mages revive Smaug after realizing he really was too big to fail.
He better unless he wants every other nation to gang up and overthrow his tyrannical regime.
I missed taxposting
t. billionaire job creator
smaug was literally the best part of the movies
>tfw not smart enough for taxposting
Nothing good ever comes from breaking oaths in Middle Earth
>Feanor and Sons "I swear I'll get these back"
>Melkor "I swear I've changed"
>Ungoliant "I swear I'll help you Melkor"
>Thingol "I swear you can marry my daughter once you reclaim a Silmaril"
>The Black Elf "I swear to keep you happy my wife and son"
>Saruman "I swear to help and educate mortals"
>Gollum "I swear to serve you on the precious"
>Denethor "I swear to hold the city until the return of the line if Kings"
>The Men Under the Mountain "I swear to serve"
>Wormtongue "I swear to advise you in your best interests"
Anyone else I missed who made a promise and didn't keep it? Is Eru basically a pissed off contracts attorney that karmicly dicks people who don't honor their agreements?
The Hobbit was published 1937. WW2 started 1939(in europe that is) in case you didn't know.
back to Sup Forums, you fucking retard
Turin promised to take care of Finduilas then ran off bare assed and let her get pinned to a tree. he also promised to return to take care of his family, then never did and accidentally raped and impregnated his sister while his mom died alone in the woods.
>Implying those problems didn´t start way before WWIII
Wow, plebbit, you defended the minorities, you did it!
And yet it completely disproves your half assed conspiracy theory
the fuck u just say little bitch?
It doesn´t, since Jews were already getting their business and houses away, nazis were already in the power, but not in war. Not to mention Tolkien was living in Europe at the time (Remember he was born in South Africa), he knew about the problems, how does that disproves my theory? Playing the plebbit hero doesn´t do any good here
>Tolkien knew about WW2 and the holocaust before it happened
ok, you are clearly too far up your own ass to be reasoned with
Didn´t you read? The Jews were getting their busineess and houses away by the Germans, that happened BEFORE WWII, the holocaust is not a theme in the Hobbit, but the stolen places and money of the Dwarfs by the Elves (Like Germans did to the Jews), simple as
wtf is even this thread?
>I suppose Tolkien recreated what Germans did to Jews in WWII
This is what your said.
They kept doing that until they built the concentration camps, besides, the first comment didn´t mention anything about the holocaust, just the stealing of their possesions
>implying LOTR isn't a tale about business ventures