Woah, deep


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That's stupid desu. Usually you get attacked from the back. It seems that he doesn't know what he's saying.

I do the same

What kind of moron wouldn’t?

Leftists, they're always standing in the middle of roads and acting shocked when cars hit them.

>Not looking both ways Regardless, always
>especially in bongland where there's one lane roads and randomly spattered small one way streets everywhere

That's just common sense.

I agree, not about humanity though, about Muslims.

In my town all the one way streets are on the rich side of town. I'd be rich if I got hit by someone driving the wrong way on a one-way.

I constantly look 360 degrees around me at all times

I almost can't tell whether that's Tom Hardy or Shia Labeouf.

>not walking into the street hoping to get hit

*death from above*
Ha !


Shit. How many degrees in a sphere??


>you wanted to look one way
>but it's the other way

>be Conservative
>Pawpaw wants me to buy dinner and I need new shoes for a date and some ammo for huntin' next weekend
>leave for Wal-Mart
>stroll down the middle of the road with my concealed weapon as is my God given right
>get hit
Fucking Mexicans think they own the road!

How Can Streets Be Real If Humanity Isn't Real?

>simpsons profile pic
>incoherent spic gibberish
Every time.

Honestly a decent metaphor for lefties.

just turn 360 and walk away at that point bruh

Seeing liberals around Sup Forums comforts me somewhat, even if they make really, really shitty posts.

Never enough. Unless you can see through earth...
*enraged mole pop up attack*

I notice in the middle of the day there are way more autistic righty posters. Liberals are too busy working while you NEETS have nothing better to do than shitpost on Sup Forums I guess.

>not shitposting from work

get on my level, commiecuck

>The virgin double-take
>The chad surveil

There are plenty of liberal NEETs too. In fact, the policies tend to be in favor of supporting such a thing.

There are ways to counter mole attacks. The real question is, what about the danger from within yourself?

laughed much ty user

Yeah? Last week I had two old women walking behind me and I kept pretending to look at shit to my right so I could see them in my peripheral vision.

That’s nothing to do with humanity, that’s the problem with letting women drive.

>goes to Sup Forums
>act shocked when being shitpost at
you bumbling fool. you probably forgot to breath when the jew puppetmaster abandon you

Me too. Situational Awareness is a good thing.
How many chinks thought looking both ways was for faggots, before starring in some horrific traffic gore video.

>implying the rich asshole wouldn't have their judge buddy find you at fault in the civil suit

If you were really a jedi you would always be aware of your surroundings without needing to look.

>gets paid millions of dollarydoos to play pretend in front of a camera
>fucks supermodels
>is literally living the dream
>"has lost faith in humanity"

day of the rope cant come fast enough

well if you need every 1 degree in a circle to make a sphere 360 i guess it's 129,600 degrees

41253 square degrees

48 degrees


>lives in a world where people who play make believe are paid a fortune
>hasn't lost faith in humanity


BLM non-figuratively does that though.

You don't turn a circle into a sphere by squaring it.

Yeah, I don't trust drivers either. I even keep one eye on them when I'm still on the sidewalk. I don't even fully expect them to stop for signs or lights until I see it happen. I mean, sure, they don't USUALLY run the light or drive on the sidewalk, but sometimes they do.

This is your life we're talking about, after all. You really going to trust it blindly to the competence of some random stranger, for no gain except maybe sparing the split second it takes to raise your eyes or turn your head?

me too. gotta keep watchful of niggers. based Hardy knows it too.

I guess that post really struck a nerve, right? You fackin commies.

you could say he acts like a big guy...

So what you're saying is looking both ways before you cross the street is racist?

>You don't turn a circle into a sphere by squaring it.
you do if you want a hypersphere
and who wouldn't want a hypersphere?

>the virgin pedestrian - The Chad Jaywalker

>still being in that people are so bad all the time phase past 25
>not eventually coming full circle and realizing the flawed nature of humanity is it’s most beautiful aspect and that people are capable of immense charity and compassion often with no benefit and do so regularly, and that ultimately we must have faith in each other and strive to be the example on account of the fact that we are totally alone in the universe and no one and nothing will come to save us

It’s like some people are trapped as teenagers forever.

>it's real


user, it's possible to see the beauty in humanity's flaws, appreciate both the good and bad in people, have idealistic dreams about the untapped potential of the species AND not want to get hit by a car. these things are not mutually exclusive.

To say the reasoning behind your looking both ways is you’ve completely lost faith in humanity is the problem user. You’re supposed to look both ways crossing the street. That isn’t because people are bad, it’s because you’d be a dumbshit not to.


The OP was about looking both ways on a one-way street... Implying he expects people to be going the wrong way. And I agree, not because I think it is LIKELY people will be doing that, but because the stakes are so high (life or death).

That doesn't mean losing faith in humanity, it just means acknowledging that people are fallible (exceptionally so, behind the wheel) and not wanting to be dead (yet).

fyi nignog sued icecream truck guy and won a shitload of money

i nearly got run over by a bloke in a van going through a red light the wrong way up a one way street who then shouted at me for getting in their way

you're supposed to look 3 times anyways you absolute faggot

It was her turn


Yeah that’s why you fucking faggots spend all day everyday protesting, rioting, and blocking roads on work days, right?

>busy working

What planet are you from?



Congratulations, you managed to turn a Tom Hardy shitposting thread into an american partisan issue.