>Crank 1&2
I really like that they took the sequel and went far more over the top because knew just how silly the premise of him still being alive was. I would love it if they made a threequel.
>Crank 1&2
I really like that they took the sequel and went far more over the top because knew just how silly the premise of him still being alive was. I would love it if they made a threequel.
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No guilt it's an incredible postmodern action movie
No guild for the crank films, they're great.
I'd have to say my guilty pleasure is Scary Movie 1-4. I've probably seen them 10-15 times by now.
Tom Cruise hanging off a cliff. No safety net, just the shaggy-haired Scientologist at one with the elements. The spectacular opening of Mission: Impossible II (or M:I-2, as the punctuation-happy marketing department would have it) is daftly brilliant for having nothing to do with the rest of the film, and is in some ways symptomatic of the film's car-crash appeal – it's a magnum opus of action cliches, excess upon excess upon excess. Why should we start with Cruise hanging on a cliff? Well, why shouldn't we?
Mission: Impossible II, directed by action auteur John Woo, is a bad, bad film – an overflowing volcano of prime gruyère. The whole thing appears to have been put together by a 13-year-old boy who thinks that everything looks cooler when doused in slo-mo, explosions, inexplicable flocks of doves and a Limp Bizkit soundtrack. A young Zack Snyder, perhaps. Every kiss-off line and action beat comes soundtracked by wailing Wyld Stallyn guitars, each OTT kung fu kick plays out several times from various angles at half-speed. It's baffling even to consider that this was ever aiming to play it straight, such is its unintentional hilarity.
There's a host of terrible scenes that immediately spring to mind: a flamenco dance, rife in overbaked symbolism; a car crash with more luscious, flowing locks than a shampoo advert; and a finale featuring the most idiotic game of chicken ever commited to film.
The weird thing is, it's not a particularly badly constructed film. Whether you're laughing or cheering at it, it's stupendously entertaining throughout its overstretched running time. Just ask yourself: when was the last time somebody spent $125m (£75m) on something so silly? Nowadays, your summer tentpoles are mostly safe superhero money-spinners. How often do blockbusters deliver their key exposition by means of a pair of exploding glasses fired from a rocket? It's wonderfully ludicrous.
Aside from all the absurdity, there are elements of Mission: Impossible II that do genuinely deliver. It remains interesting for being one of the last big blockbusters to eschew large-scale CGI destruction in its action set-pieces, instead favouring excellently choreographed fight scenes that are clear and genuinely exciting. The sweeping camerawork provides an example of practical craftsmanship that, in an era where it's so much cheaper and easier to simply do it in post, already feels like it's from a bygone age. Then there's Cruise himself, who displays the intense watchability that made him such a star in the first place. Revisiting the ridiculousness of Mission: Impossible II highlights how dull Cruise's more recent action vehicles (Knight And Day, Oblivion) have been. I'd rather watch this magnificent pile of crap any day than sit through either of those bores again.
The series had a miraculous return to form in JJ Abrams' and Brad Bird's respective third and fourth instalments, but it never again reached the giddy heights of balls-out stupidity to which Woo took it. Mission: Impossible II might be utter rubbish, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to give this another watch with a beer in hand on a Friday night and try your hardest not to enjoy yourself. You'll find it impossible.
Is this pasta? Christ.
director's cut when? probably never, but I would love to see it. it's supposed to be 3-4 hours long.
its from here, i agree with all his points
Charlie's Angels 2
I mean what the fuck is happening here and why is it so stupid and entertaining at the same time
This will always be kino nothing will change my mind
I feel the same about the whole fast and the furious franchise. For me, one of the things that makes this genre of over the top action flicks so enjoyable is that they're so completely self-aware. Honest movies, if you will.
>crank 2
>didnt you get my message?
>flashes back to crank 1
>wind rushing by the phone as he is falling drowns out the whole message
laughed so fucking hard, i love it when completely absurd movies stop for a second to be totally realistic
>being unaware of the Crank Guild
>not paying dues to the Crank Guild
you're under arrest
bladerunner and bladerunner 2049
Charlie's Angels 2 is fucking awesome in so many level's its meta as fuck
I thought the hangover movies were quite amusing though i must mention i was hungover myself and had about 4 hours of drunken sleep the night before
I'll also include Shoot 'em Up, really underrated gulty pleasure
I apologise from anyone who thinks it's great. It isn't, but my god is it entertaining.
Gossip Girl. Ex girlfriend put me onto it and it was so fucking ridiculous that I couldn't stop watching. Easily one of the most entertaining shows I've ever seen.
I watched all 4(at the time) for the first time and I was just baffled at how 2 seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with the others
You should watch Happy!
Speaking of tv