This is the most overhyped film scene of all time

This is the most overhyped film scene of all time.

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you gotta put it into context. It was a scandal back in the days. Nowadays this would have been seen as empowering. Also there is a story attached to it.

Apparently she didnt know this was going to be in the movie and slapped the director after she saw it.


Eeewwww why does her pussy looks so rotten?

No this is

I consider this moment in film the exact moment when the Roastie became no longer just an anatomical anomaly but a cultural statement in female empowerment.

You can really see her bean

You can barely even see anything. It's not like the zoomed in on her uterus or something. A half second of roast beef was apparently enough to make dudes cum in their pants back then.


4k when

I mean, Sharon Stone was hot but not that haircut and really, vaginas aren't sexy most of the time.

>vaginas not sexy
Thats a pretty gay statement

Do you want to fuck the thing the facehugger is based on?

Only for, let's say normies, and old people.

Yes? And lick it, kiss it. You name it. It's all pretty damn great.

cunts are disgusting to look at, I'd much rather look at her feet

t. betavirgin


fuck yes

You wouldnt be able to appreciate a vagina unless you got to play with one irl.

nigger 30 years ago a half second of a nipple slightly visible through a sweater was enough jerk off material for dudes for months

She didn't know they were filming a scene that she was acting in?

just listen to your heart user. its trying to tell you that you're a massive faggot

because it is rotten user.

i would scream underage but that movie is old as fuck
stop watching porn

hell yeah, you sound gay

This is what happens when you watch anime and tranny porn all day. Unless you're actually gay ofcourse, then it's cool.

>Unless you're actually gay ofcourse, then it's cool.
This is what happens when you browse reddit. Being gay is in no way "cool" you brainwashed drone.

I have no problem with gay people. It's literally a natural phenomenon. All the gender stuff is just weird social constructs which I can safely ignore anyway.

the remake is way better

The director's short film before this one was a guy's dick being cut off

Basic Instinct is a classic, so well written, I read the screenwriter's memoir. Once he was pulled over on coke by cops, they let him go 'cause he said he wrote this film. Didn't fuck Sharon Stone though she offered, and fucked everyone.

The writer wouldn't compormise on anything and threatened studio execs with knives and shit if they gave him notes

duh .. its all bullshit cause she wanted to pretend that shees not that much of an attention whore thot when she in fact is



that's was all? what a blurry mess, you can't even discern the labia or anything

where's the money shot?

Sociopathy and psychopathy can also occur naturally, doesn't mean it needs to be celebrated and put on a moral pedestal. I have no problems with faggots existing, I have problems with people forcing other people to treat faggotry as if it was a normal, casual thing.

But he said that she 100% did know about it and there is tape to prove it and implied that she is a massive bitch and he chose her for the role, plucking her from shitty daytime tv, because she was so good for the part. Also making her an international worldwide star and multi millionaire for her troubles.

I believe verhoeven over her 100 times out of 100.

Not when your mom is getting skewered by three guys on the internet for free, but back in the day people still had to see her in magazines.

Why is OP always such a faggot?

why are girls so cute but vaginas so gross?

Well no shit. Do you think they can really put an actresses vagina up on the big screen without their consent? They sign contracts for everything. Since there became a film industry, commercials too there hasn't been a frame that wasn't meticulously planned out.

She's denying responsibility for it and trying to not seem like a whore, but obviously she signed off on it and it did her career wonders because even a retard like OP knows that it's one of the most hyped movie scenes of all time.

I never realized the Alien franchise was a gay agenda propaganda stunt.

Have you ever interacted with one?

"Human beauty, in the union of bodies, shows the contrast between the purest aspect of mankind and the hideous animal quality of the sexual organs. The paradox of ugliness and beauty in eroticism is strikingly expressed by Leonardo da Vinci in his Notebooks: "The act of coition and the members employed are so ugly that but for the beauty of the faces, the adornments of their partners and the frantic urge, Nature would lose the human race." Leonardo does not see that the charm of a fair face or fine clothes is effective in that that fair face promises what clothes conceal. The face and its beauty must be profaned, first by uncovering the woman's secret parts, and then by putting the male organ into them. No one doubts the ugliness of the sexual act. Just as death does in sacrifice, the ugliness of the sexual union makes for anguish. But the greater the anguish—within the measure of the partners' strength—the stronger the realisation of exceeding the bounds and the greater the accompanying rush of joy. Tastes and customs vary, but that cannot prevent a woman's beauty (her humanity, that is) from making the animal nature of the sexual act obvious and shocking. For a man, there is nothing more depressing than an ugly woman, for then the ugliness of the organs and the sexual act cannot show up in contrast."

>I have problems with people forcing other people to treat faggotry as if it was a normal, casual thing.
Literally the definition of having a problem with gay people existing

>Literally the definition of having a problem with gay people existing
Don't be a bigot, if somebody wants to hate faggots for being degenerate filthy sodomites then that is their choice, you shouldn't force your opinions on them.

whats wrong with being degenerate filthy and a sodomite ?

In modern western society a person can exhibit a strong dislike for one or another nationality and will probably garner hatred from that particular nationality and that's pretty much the end of it, exhibit a dislike for homosexuals and you'll be fucking crucified. Fags are exempt from criticism, they're a pet for self-righteous moralists.
If you don't take an issue with this you're either biased, uninterested in the topic or simply braindead.

Regardless, that's a fat clit right there.

>is literally scared of vaginas
Everyday you guys impress me with how autistic you are

You missed the point, I said a person should be free to be disgusted by poo bangers and you should respect their right to experience those feelings. I never said it was disgusting, although I do think it is.

It's obvious you are homophobic. Come to terms with that user.

Not him, he is and that's besides the point you drooling retard.

vaginas are nasty though. like an open gash, who the fuck knows what's going on down there. I still fuck it scares me

>It's obvious you are homophobic
Ok, I'm also disgusted by open defecation, what is your point?

she's literally not wearing panties and uncrosses her legs.

how the fuck can she possibly claim she didn't know?

Where is her penis?

Folks really can't appreciate what the lack of access to porn will do for the mind these days. You go without it for long enough than a chick putting her legs up on a seat or table will get your mind racing. Especially if she's got long socks or leggings on.

>not him

Yeah, because you were born in 2005.

Only adult vaginas are gross. Young vaginas are beautiful.

>falling for the roastie meme

It isn't and the movie is also Kino.

It wasn't though, I'm him he's not me but he is right though, desu fampai.