>No wipe transistions
>No "I've got a bad feeling about this"
>No Lightsaber fights
>Star Wars logo changed to red for no reason
>Title fits terribly with all the other titles
No wipe transistions
You see, your expectations got subverted. Instead of getting a Star Wars movie like you expected, you got a got a terribly piece of shit dressing up like Star Wars
What do you expect from a person who hates Star Wars to do when they are handed the entire franchise on a silver platter?
>Title fits terribly with all the other titles
People say that for every single one. You'll get used to it.
The Force Awakens is still a terrible title, having it followed up with THE Last Jedi is only worse
>No wipe transistions
I'm pretty sure I saw at least one
dogshit movie tho
-There are wipe transitions
-That quote is in the movie, but hidden in a clever way
-Lightsabers fights are not so important
-Just marketing shit
I hate this, but the points you're criticizing are really stupid.
Oh that totally redeems the movie then. Thanks, user.
If those were the only flaws it would be the best SW film ever made.
It really looks bad when you compare it with the other middle movies
>Attack Of the Clones
>The Empire Strikes Back
Both these titles is about one group doing something aggressive
>The Last Jedi
Don't fit at all, nevermind it's the second movie in this trilogy starting with 'The'
>-That quote is in the movie, but hidden in a clever way
bb-8's speaking in boops and beeps is not a clever way
The title wasn’t bad on its own, what was bad was that they said “the last jedi” in the film dialogue not once but twice! They never say the movie title in Star Wars, and no movie in general should say their title twice
I hate the overuse of red and design of the poster. It doesn't even look related to TFA. it's so radically different from all previous seven films you'd think it was a stand alone entry
Can anyone confirm that there were absolutely zero wipe transitions?
>Lightsabers fights are not so important
End your life.
Shit like this just make it easier to disown this flick as a Star Wars movie
>-That quote is in the movie, but hidden in a clever way
This is your brain on consumer mentality
>-Lightsabers fights are not so important
As a fight by themselves? No.
But they are clashes of wills. They are symbols of turning points.
>That quote is in the movie, but hidden in a clever way
No it’s not. At no point does a character say it, nor does it indicate that another person said it. Johnson forgot to include it, and made that up after to cover his ass. You might as well say that every character said it to themselves when they were offscreen if you’re gonna believe that
As one needed more proof to prove that Johnson doesn't really care about Star Wars
I'd rather it was as easy to disregard this trilogy as possible, glad they are more original so I can pretend they are not canon
You might want to watch the movie again. Look out for a character mentioning another character saying that he had a bad feeling about this. Does everyone on Sup Forums have Alzheimer's?
TLJ wasn’t bad. Just mediocre in every way. At least the prequels were more fun.
theres like 1 or 2 iirc, seen it few days ago.
Well, i would expect them to completely ruin some of the most beloved characters of old only to kill them off without giving them much justice, while also , portray one of the more mystical concepts of the series as something silly, ignore or even just take a shit on established cliffhangers and plotlines from the previous movie, making strange plot twists that seem forced or even out-of-character, take a bunch of advise from trendy ideologies, do next-to-nothing creative with the cinematography, have really bland dialogue, and generally make a movie with barely any atmosphere at all.
but that's just me
You had your expectations SUBVERTED!! And he did have that line in, BB8 said it in his first showing, crazy right! Also had the best lightsabre fight that has ever been filmed
You're just hating because your alt right or even a Russian spy. Critics loved the movie so its clearly good
how do you make that thing?
>TLJ wasn’t bad.
It was very bad.
>no wipe transitions
That's not a bad thing, only nostalgiafags would want they ugly ass transitions to come back, i liked the prequels and they were horrible throughout
>no "I've got a bad feeling about this"
seriously why would you care? just so they can carry on the nostalgiafag train? I didn't like this movie but this is the stupidest shit to complain about. Also apparently the did say it so you a dumb faggot
>No lightsaber fights
Meh the red guard one counts, not so much the Luke v Kylo one so i'll give you there was only one
>Star Wars logo changed to red for no reason
It's always switched between yellow and blue, red isn't exactly drastic
>Title fits terribly with all the other titles
in what way? it sounds Star Wars-y enough. The only major issue with the title is it isn't true because the film ends with there being more jedi just cuz
There's so many problems with this movie and you picked the dumbest shit
As this movie could get any worse
It's also lacking actual alien characters
Well it isn't a Star Wars movie so clearly it didn't need that
I haven't seen it, but my parents saw it 2 days ago and said it was star wars back to its roots. My dad said it was very similar to the first movie made.
>There's so many problems with this movie and you picked the dumbest shit
There's so many problems with this movie and you choose to defend the dumbest shit
>Episode 6
>Return Of The Jedi
>Episode 8
>The Last Jedi
Bravo, Rian
>hurr muh title iz not the one i came up with
>muh shit transitions
>Y RED??? Y RED???
>dey dib't say the fing from de over movie
You seriously would have wanted this movie just to be fucking "MEMBER WHEN THIS HAPPENED" again? These things are far from the dumbest shit, it would be twice as fucking stupid if they did do most of these things
No, it was bad.
If this wasn't a star wars movie, it would have bombed miserably.
The only reason anyone went to see it, was because of the star wars brand, which is now weaker, because of this movie.
The guards attacking Rey are like the three stooges. Why would they all swing high at the exact same location. Why wouldn't at least one just stab her while she is blocking the others.
Bad coreography.
>hidden in a clever way
If Hollywood execs shit in a cup and got black people to sell it in the street while numerous articles were written calling you a racist if you didn't eat it I'm convinced people would show up to eat shit in a cup.
That's exactly why the guard fight is so shit and pretty much outs every fan of it as a mindless drone. The fight is pure choreography, and it's BAD choreography at that. The guards running around in the background like headless chickens, pushing back 3 guards with one kick, driving your saber into the ground, Rey getting her lightsaber snagged by the guards weapon and not just turning it off to get free, Rey dropping her lightsaber, thus freeing her from the guards chokehold, THE LACK OF ANY FORCE USAGE. There's no stakes or tension, Snopes is dead, and you know Disney won't let Rian be SUBVERSIVE and have Rey or Kylo get killed by a random faceless guard.
>lack of diversity pushes people toward isis
Then why aren't there tens of thousands of people from 90% arabic Saudi Arabia joining up?
>planned to see this really early because star wars
>see all the bad feedback/stupid memes about leia flying etc.
>decide to wait
>lose interest
>finally decide to go see this movie yesterday
>no expectations whatsoever
>it's actually a good movie
>not a typical star wars movie
>characters are more fleshed out
>adds to the overall jedi lore
>interesting fights/amazing space battles
>lots of tension and action paced with the slower moments like reys training and luke parts
>easily the best of the 3 new mousewars films
Well Sup Forums was wrong again. Fuck you retards and fuck all star wars drones.
sir? you forgot your Mouse hat™ in the theater,
here ((you)) go,
Do you remember ish where they were? I don’t remember any at all.
It was pretty bad, even as a stand-alone.
uum, i think one was connecting cutting away or in the casino subplot, and the other one Im assuming could happen somewhere during the "tense" ship outrunning and Holdo convos.
You’re probably excited for the new avengers movie too
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
There's literally no difference between you guys and reddit now.
I'm sure there's a handful of other places where people discuss movies in a way that would please you intellectually, so why don't you fuck off their way?
What is this you say about choreography
And That's A Good Thing
The Jedi "Return", it takes 30 years for the "Force to Awaken", then 5 days later, "The Last Jedi".
What a great story arc.
What will episode 9 be?
"A new Jedi"
Hello Disney.
Do you have a team come up with these fake posts, or do the paid shills have the freedom to kind of make up their own propaganda?
What is the QC process for this? I mean, this particular bait is so random and unbelievable, you might want to rethink your strategy for subversion.