How do you take such an interesting premise with such an amazing lead actor and make such a BOOOOOORING show out of it?

How do you take such an interesting premise with such an amazing lead actor and make such a BOOOOOORING show out of it?

Seriously, how?

Not your tempo?


what a pleb lmao

I like it enough to keep on watching it. It's just episode 2, chill out dude.

He's way past his prime anyways.
Vern is still his peak performance.

I’m going to keep watching it in case it improves and because I love JK Simmons, but goddamn that second episode was a slog. Unlikeable exwife, unlikeable assassin girl. Every scene without Howard in it was just torture by boredom.

i want to know more about alt-world NOW

This is another thing. You can barely tell which world you’re watching except when they blatantly spell it out for you with the skyline or something. And even then it’s hard to tell—like all us Americans are familiar with Eurofag skylines or something.

Christ I watched the first episode a week ago and had already forgotten about it. Yeah the setting seems really underused. I like the interactions between the two Howards, but that is it.

they haven't shown enough of alt-world yet though. from what we've seen it seems a bit more militaristic i guess? i'm sure they'll get into it more, but it's only be 30 years since they branched off, they aren't going to be THAT different

maybe peak foot game
them little piggies are off da chain

It seems to imply that somehow in the alt-world the Cold War was won by Russians. Maybe as part of a deal: let's end the cold war you will get this world we will take this other one, maybe?

I agree with that. That unlikeable ex wife getting heavily blacked and that muslim female assassin came straight out of a leftist mind... but given the state of entertainment, I'll still take it.

alt-world seems a bit more advanced though

Why is every sci-fi genreshit "premise" so epic to retarded plebs?


There’s things they could have done to visually distinguish one world from another, though. Hell, just make the colors in one warm and the other cold or something if nothing else.

doesn't seem necessary. we know which world it is depending on which character we follow. they also probably did this so they can do twists and mess with our minds a bit

But it mostly takes place in alt-world.

no it doesn't. it mostly takes place in pussy-walter's world

Yeah, that's alt-world. Badass Howard comes from the prime world.

no, pussy-walter's world is our world. based-howard is in alt-world, it looks more advanced and has a different berlin skyline

agreed, modern sci fi trying to be serious and all... fucking shit Fringe did it better

Who says our world is the prime one? There's a reason he's called Howard Prime. That world is the one that actually created the crossing.

so what youre saying is there is a based alternate version of me and im a pussy

fuck you

Just look in the mirror brah, you know it's true. You're Howard Silk and you're going to spend 30 years at the same position.

haha jokes on you im a neet

that's not how the show explains it. both realities used to be one reality before they created the doorway, so it's not like one reality opened a path to the other, they split the moment the doorway was created

Yes, let's all trust the spy-guy who may or may not actually know the whole truth.

That's what the "twist" will be. Howard Prime comes from the place where the event occurred, Silk is from the divergent timeline.

every alternate shares the same memories before the split. howard and the assassin girl prove that

gotta say, assassin girl has the most disappointing tits i've ever seen. she's pretty cute with long hair though.

Everyone says tom hanks being accused of sexual misconduct would ruin them but for me it's this guy he was JJJ for gods sake

He actually raped Tergesen in real life.

i bet you enjoy the films of michael bay

JK is a tier 1 operator

It's only been two episode but it's fine thus far because they are hinting at things. Such as a major incident that our world caused in theirs. No doubt that are saving major reveals for when our Howard goes to their world.

i'm pretty sure alt-howard is playing some game and he's behind everything that's happening

>Unlikeable exwife
She's not so bad, plus the writers have beek sketchy on what Howard Prime's wife does in our world. I'm guessing she also works for the same organization in some top secret capacity unknown to Howard.

Howard Prime's boss even says the world is identical in the garage scene. "Same events, same experiences."

Fringe did it much worse, like all sci-fi that does a parallel universe that's slightly different. For instance, it's nonsense that people can have a the same family and siblings on either side. All it takes is one sperm cell to beat another to an egg and you have a completely different child. Now take that men are always creating new sperm and will be having sex with his wife in a different scenario, and it all falls apart.

>Fringe did it much worse, like all sci-fi that does a parallel universe that's slightly different. For instance, it's nonsense that people can have a the same family and siblings on either side. All it takes is one sperm cell to beat another to an egg and you have a completely different child. Now take that men are always creating new sperm and will be having sex with his wife in a different scenario, and it all falls apart.
fringe did it better because it's not realism tryhard