>main character is playing chess
>he is so clever
Main character is playing chess
So? It's a great mental challenge to anyone playing it and a good opponent will always make you improve yourself.
Nah, thinking ten moves ahead takes a lot of talent*.
>OP can't play chess
>he's a brainlet
>main character is bane
>he crashes plane
Well, talent is always nice but those guys are in a whole different category. But everyone can still enjoy it and it will do good for you if you enjoy it, even if you're just a beginner.
>character is supposed to be good at chess
>gets surprised checkmated
>mc plays poker with villain
>thinks he can read tells but gets them wrong all the time
>still win with sheer luck
thoughts on this? haven't seen it but fischer is the GOAT so i'll probs give it a go
>main character is the world champion of chess and has one of the highest IQs on the planet
>hates Jews
>mc is supposed to be a top poker player
>movie doesn't show him outsmarting his opponents
>he gets a royal flush instead
They portray him as some autist in the movie
>final hand, everyone all in
>villain acts smug
>4 of a kind
>already celebrating
>MC stops him
>psh nothin personnel
>royal flush
>wins all the money
>gets all the pussy
Movies are shit.
But he pretty much was an autist. Hell, the man modernized the chess timing system and wrote a godlike book about chess.
The man was chess, literally. And apparently a really unlikable shut-in too so it fits.
>checkmates you
>character uses metric instead of imperical
holy shit, this guy must be a genius
>mc is supposed to be a top poker player
>movie doesn't show him outsmarting his opponents
>he wins by bluffing foreshadowing some bluff later on in the movie
>makes u ragequit
>mc is a genius
>gives insight of the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies
>mc is a genius
>has the same political opinions as the writer
Nah, people who are "good" at chess have memorized all the patterns so anything they do isn't innovative or thought provoking.
If you pit a guy who played chess everyday of his life and works at McDonalds to a neuroscientist who's never played a game in his life, who do you think will win?
>character hates jews
>is jewish himself
that boy must be wicked smaat
Of course I meant that the players are at the same level. It would be ridiculous to pit someone inexperienced against an experienced one. I can see your point though, which is fair. But I still think that it is good to do some brain exercise, no matter the mental sport, even if it is "only" patterns.
Matt Damon has really let himself go.
This. Shogi is the sport of the intelligent man. Not chess
>MC is a genius
name one movie that does this
>whites go first