I thought China hated niggers?
I thought China hated niggers?
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They don't see a difference between blacks and normal Americans is all.
Sup Forumsfags are retarded, don't let their projection fool you
Do you get all your info about the outside world from Sup Forums, mutt?
>most popular U.S actor in china
>mfw people belive that
>its a "marvel pays some film festival to advertise black panther" episode
That's Asian Americans award show not Chinese awards you brainlet.
Asian American are brainwashed but Chinese ppl are red pilled on the nog.
They like GOOD LOOKING actors and actresses. Maybe if Nu Star Wars didn't use uggos it would've done better in China.
>Black man wins award
This is in America...
>Chadwick Boseman
Never even heard of him.
Marvel is REALLY shilling this hard, aren't they?
The mouse must be afraid of black panther flopping
I can't tell who's Sup Forumsfag and who's A Disney Marketing Shill
>China just hates ugly people and bad movies
>Disney assumed China just hates blacks, hence the editing they did for the Black Panther Poster
black panther is going to be huge in china, have you seen all the retarded cgi shit in it? its made for the china man market
it's a shill talks to himself episode
Don't believe poltard worldview. Its mostly delusional.
They go like:
>REEEEEE no white woman would actually want to fuck this world-famous mixed race actor!!! THey just can't because that would make me feel unsure about myself and thats A CRIME! If somebody likes this black guy on a screen, its actually a world conspiracy to kill the white race and accually everybody hates black man but kikes want you to believe otherwise! World revolves around what I LIKE AND EVERYTHING THAT DIFFERS FROM IT IS JEWISH CONSPIRACY
they're called 44%ers.
>Better call them shills! Surely this will work
Probably a miss translation and it actually meant coolest monkey in the jungle
>US Actor in China
>in China
Learn to spot fake news lads
>Actor Chadwick Boseman was on hand to receive an award for “Most Popular U.S. Actor in China” during the 13th Annual Chinese American Film Festival (CAFF), which runs from November 2 – 30, 2017. CAFF is organized by EDI Media and supported by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China (SAPPRFT) and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the U.S. and it draws in celebrities and other high profile industry personnel from both the United States and China.
Imagine being this deluded. Black Panther will gross $1 billion thanks to China and there's nothing you can do about it.
This was in the US and almost assuredly some publicity thing arranged by Disney by way of funding the organization or whatever. There is no way in hell that some literally who black actor is the most popular US actor in China.
lugenpresse at it again
>chinese american film festival
theres your answer
I'm not a pol fag but Chinese people dislike niggers. In the poster for black panther they literally had to cover his face to hide that he's a nigger. Also OP posted an Asian American award show not Chinese or Korean award show.
>when a black guy stars in the movie, he does a lot of damage
Obsession the Post
I had to google him as brit, hes somehow most popular actor in chink land.
Don't let the name fool you, it's voting pool has no connections to China
Boyega btfo
Chinese have no empathy for animals but they all own and mistreat dogs now.
It's a status symbol, pretending to like black people is part of that.
I can also make up "International Excellence in Acting Award" and award it to Gary Busey.
Does it not strike anyone as a bit weird that he is winning this award when the film he is in has not even hit theaters? I really doubt he got that many legitimate votes based on the trailers alone.
Imagine being this delusional. They literally have to HIDE HIS FUCKING FACE in the poster because they know Chinese people don't like niggers.
Gotta be a bit obsessed when every board has been pol-infected to one degree or another.
I like this idea
>Chinese american awards
>most popular American actor in China
I'm sure the average chinaman has heard of this guy lol
>push western identity politics into every subculture shitting it up in the process
>be surprised that said subcultures revolt turning political in the process
did disney really create an award show in china to promote this crap wow
You know that constantly sperging out about trans and other irrelevant freaks is part of pol infestation?
Yeah this board needs IDs
OP is clearly a nigger doing a lot of samefagging in this thread.
Nice fake article you got on the left there
>t. Triggered amerimutts
I find it hard to believe that he is the most popular US actor in China, coming from someone that's actually excited for Black Panther.
What is this based off, Civil War and trailers for Black Panther? It's more likely to actually be Dwayne Johnson, who stars in the immensely popular-in-China Fast and Furious franchise, and of course Jumanji.
Seems like a publicity stunt.
Yeah, identity politics were extremely visible and popular on Sup Forums until Sup Forums saved us.............
You know that pushing trans faggotry on children via tv shows might turn people angry right?
Literally me in pic related
It's a publicity stunt
>He is vellee popurar actol! We ruv flesh plince of berr airr