I wanted to rip the throat out of most Jews after this. It's literally Jews Jewing Jews.
Films against Jews
I wonder if you people have ever even met a jew
I don't have to meet a volcano to know it will burn me. I can base that off research.
have you? think what you wont of Sup Forums conspiracies its not a pleasant culture
Is there a single solitary person from this film who wouldn't be Jewish in real life?
The nu-right actually posts threads about this movie and unironically defends the jews, though. Haven't you seen the "DUDE FUCK BANKERS LMAO" (facetious of course) threads about this movie?
Nu/pol/ literally worships jews though. You're not "BASED" if you don't want to marry your daughter off to a kike and get your grandson's foreskin lopped off.
Then you didn't understand the film.
Christian Bale's autiste character
>made money off the financial crisis and showed his proofs for why/how since before the crisis even began
>FBI jews still came after him anyway because "oy vey how can a goy make so much money off of one of (((our incidents)))" (they couldn't find anything/charge him with anything)
>Nu/pol/ literally worships jews though.
No. They don't.
Wait so you don't actually know any Jews?
>Is there a single solitary person from this film who wouldn't be Jewish in real life?
This is my Quant.
That's 8gag, not Nu/pol/.
Jews are overrepresented because they have higher IQ.
>W-we dont worship da jooze
>We're just shilling for a zionist clown
It's very very different.
>Hollywood made an honest film
>muh Jews
kys shill
And they say shills aren't real.
That film was directed by a Bernie supporter, so no.
Not an argument.
1.) You posted a screenshot from 8gag. "nu/pol/" refers to Sup Forums's Sup Forums
2.) You posted a two year old (pre-Trump presidency) screenshot. Post-Trump, 4/pol/ is very very pro-jew, in a "we have the best jews dont we folks they sure are truly the most based jews haha GIVE THAT JEW A COAT" /ptg/ way.
If you can't have any actual logical discourse and just reply to everything with "shill" and "based", then you're nu/pol/ and part of the reason why we're still donating billions of dollars to Zionist Israel.
>26% of Physics Nobel Prize winners were Jewish
let me guess, you think they are rigged and whites are discriminated against? Sounds like nigger talk.
>the most political Nobel prize is also the one which Jews have won less
The fact this the film was directed by a jew that supports other Jews in an ultimately Jewish designed government policy means the story he's telling about some jewish investment bankers ripping off some jewish investment bankers who were ripping off the American public means it's not a Jewish film.
>or have Jewish spouses
Revenge of the Nerds
Jesus Christ, has it got this bad here?
>point out facts
>>"j-jesus christ! shill!"
I genuinely cannot wait until you amerimutts re-elect Trump so the entire country can burn itself down
>y-you're a shill if you don't hate jews with us!
>even though our god emperor is literally their greatest ally!
>we elected Donald Trump! yeah, take that jews!
>w-what, Trump doesn't hate jews like we do? uh y-you're a shill ok that photo doesn't count umm here read this 3 year old essay length screenshot from a reddit-clone *chan forum for pedos and schizophrenics
What facts, mate?
Both your points were based on attacking what you say is old and outdated without any substantiating proof.
There are no facts, you slimy kike.
>calls me a slimy kike
>still can't refute the bonafide fact that Donald Jew Trump is a self-professed "greatest ally of Israel"
Pathetic mutt.
ADL in da house
We hate you so goddman much. And "we" isn't describing some minority group, it's fucking everyone.
inb4 404
>y-you know what I hate about Obama, folks?
>he didn't treat my favorite people, the jews, like the special chosen gods that they are
That's why you voted for this guy, right mutt? :^)
>first 20 seconds
Jesus Christ, how the fuck did the kikes trick Sup Forums into voting for this guy?
A movie about jews (and an autistic) jewing the jews
>Y-You're guy is really our guy
>That's why we've been shitting all over him for over a year and panicking in the last week
>DUDE we fucking hate fucking jews
>thats why we voted for this guy:
Stupid amerimutts can't even get politics right...
>keeping your enemies so close that you allow one of them to marry your daughter, force her to convert to their religion, convert your grandson to their religion, and chop off his foreskin
>still takes the time to remind everyone to remember the 6 million and to not bully jews & blacks
The amerimutt is easily tricked, apparently...
I hate Muslims, they're still better than Jews though. Jews are like my cat or dog if they didn't listen to what I said.
I remember clearly back in mid 2015 when they were supporting rand paul and then trump started his campaign and suddenly there was a lot of trump shilling
that entire board is astroturfed hard by establishment republicans
You have to go back, tourist.
>this fucking thread
The absolute state of amerimutts...are they all this brainwashed?
Yes because obviously the need are trying to make us racemix to create a slave class. Why wouldn't they? I mean I'm jealous I didnt think of it first.
Fucking Christ Sup Forums is retarded. Ironic considering their sticky
Pol is full of retards. More news at eleven.
>spam infographics that no one will read
amazing, Sup Forums really is nothing but a bunch of sad internet activists no different from tumblr.
Don't forget to check the background of every one mentioned or the real life equivalent from the Big Short.
Jews are not your friend.
>I'll just call them retarded and convince myself that I'm right despite all evidence proving their point
>I can't possibly be wrong after all
First Jew I ever met was in elementary school before you guys figure out that you’re not suppose to tell the goyim about it. He was the biggest nerd in school, had barely any friends, and a huge fucking mole right on his cheek, people called him “The Mole.” He was extremely ugly and awkward looking which made everyone think he was just some ugly English kid or something but then he starts talking about Jewish holidays and it all comes together even back then as kids. Turns out even though he was the ugliest, weirdest kid I ever saw, he was rich as all living fuck. Went to a birthday party one year and he lived in this big two-story house with maids and servants since-I kid you not-BOTH his parents were lawyers and basically raised him with servants. He enjoyed basketball but he sucked and even the white kids smashed him daily, let alone the black kids.
To this day I don’t understand how somebody with so much fucking money can fail so utterly at socializing, I mean money=friends in school if you’re even remotely competent and he wasn’t. Today, he’s a rich fuck just like his parents because Jewish kids are little nepotists that always succeed and never had to struggle early in life because they’ll always have daddy’s firm to fall back on. He failed utterly at life and his Jewish social connections found him success regardless. This kid doesn’t deserve shit based on how much he shit the bed in highschool and yet jews always make it in the end because having an in-group that nobody else has is a huge fucking advantage that you people never admit to.
Way to show how fucking butthurt you are.
>I hate muh jews cause they're successful
All of them look out for the tribe. The flaws and failings of a person don't matter. If he comes from the right family.
>ITT: Jewish slaves playing make-believe
Does anyone else just get embarrassed by americans and their autismal spam?
Way to miss the point. The point is, if he were just some regular white kid he’d be like every other white trash loser, but because he had Jewish connections in Law he was carried to success in the back of nepotism.
The post reeked of jealous salty butthurt. Being jewish didn't make that happen for him, being rich did. Same would happen to any rich white guy, nigger, or any race. Have you never met one of those white turbochads living off daddy's money? They'd all be absolute white trash losers if they didn't come from a well off family.
yes, Josh Mizel (sp?) he ruined Christmas for all of us back in the 4th grade. I'll never forget that little kike and how even the teachers were annoyed with him and I didn't understand why. Now I do.
I had a classmate in highschool that was jewish. Too this day he's still one of the most athletic people I've ever known. He was always friendly, never talked shit about anyone. He was involved in army activities already during HS, and enlisted as he finished HS.
When I did my military service, we had a guy in the platoon that was jewish. He was short and shy but amazing at martial arts. He eventually became a doctor and later served in afghanistan.
>the background of every one mentioned or the real life equivalent from the Big Short.
They're pretty much all white catholics. All of the largest banks in the US are run by non-Jewish whites.
>oh we should have elected hillary trumps daughter married a kike!
>i guess we have to love kikes now too
kys faggot
Jews have a big advantage in Law I don’t even need to argue that and if you try it just proves that your post reeks of being Jewish. Not only are they more likely to get positions from other Jews, but they’re more likely to be hired as a private attorney if they have a Jewish-sounding name, everyone wants their “Jew Lawyer.”
>pol is one person
>ptg is pol
seriously kys.
>t. eternal mutt
>any of this shit
Yeah just let Sup Forums think for you bud.
I can guarantee you've never read the people at the top of Sup Forums or have even attempted to study any logic or philosophy. You're cringeworthy. Have fun dealing with that
Do you think anyone apart from the 30 IQ neonazis who already agree with you falls for this shit in these images? What do you think spamming them accomplishes? Everyone who isn't brain dead noticed long ago that all these .jpgs are 99% lies.
>nu-pol love jews
>i just pointed out a fact
Ok so just pull a Saul Goodman and become a lawyer using a fake jewish name. Should be ezpz right?
you are probably a shill if you don't hate jews. it was trump or hillary you nigger. trump isn't perfect but he is the tip of the spear at them moment.
Yeah, spamming nothing but those 56% memes really convinced me otherwise.
ok so trump likes israel so fucking what? it wasn't a choice between trump and hilter you fucking kike ass nigger.
Get some perspective dude, there are no smart people who share your beliefs. Everyone on your containment board is borderline or full retarded. This isn't a coincidence.
It isn't a coincidence that all of your "information" is hilarious unsourced nonsense like this that you all eat up and believe because you have the intelligence of literal monkeys. Again, there are zero smart neonazis. This isn't a coincidence.
transparent kike
let the ADL burn
>ima single issue voter and that issue is israel
oh ya we should have support that meek little faggot with no back bone. too bad we picked someone that actually beat hillary. and thats all anyone cared about.
You can’t “fake” being Jewish it’s a culture that reinforces your tribe and details “the other” every Saturday
>israels average IQ is 95
Yeah no
Stuff like this is why nobody cares what the poor white man thinks any more.