Real talk, how will /tvpol/ deal with this film's inevitable success? Both critically and commercially

Real talk, how will /tvpol/ deal with this film's inevitable success? Both critically and commercially.

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Pretend like it's not. Just like they do with the Starwars films.

If it's good no one will care except retards. The problem is if the only thing he movie has going is the WE WUZ KANGS mentality.
If it is somewhere between mcu Spidey and winter soldier it will be ok. The problems arise when it's shit and shills go into damage control blaming everyone but themselves for making a shitty movie.
Anyone with half a brain knows that he setting is full of blacks and that's okay because that says he source material.

TLJ is shit from any perspective, not even normies like it.

smart city people will like it, suburban retards won't

Hopefully they will kill themselves

>city people shill myth
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.

We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.


black panther is gonna make something between 600 and 800 million dollars and it's gonna be called a flop by Sup Forums

Make a mountain of excuses, like always

it's obvious from the screenshot that dumbfuck hicks were trump's biggest base

> hillary got 45% of educated whites to trump's 48%
> hillary got only 29% of uneducated whites to trump's 66%

without mouthbreathers, trump would not be president today

Sup Forums here, I think it looks decent for capeshit, and it's message is antiglobalism, anti immigration etc. Wakanda was purely isolated and achieved KANGdom status, I'm ok with that. Might start a whole new Back to Africa movement .

>p-paid shills!!!
>white g-guilt!!!!

>American We Wuz Kangz, so emboldened by capeshit travel back to africa in search of city only to be sold into modern day slavery

how do you feel about fast and furious movies? The main characters are multiracial or black

>Lost both educated and uneducated white populations
>Whine that it is the dumb fucks fault
So this is the power of retardedness?

I think things will shift positively
people will shit on it, called racists, proving to normies how crazy these people are
it will be like a "le reational skeptic" dude responding to a feminist, but on a large scale in mainstream culture

Who the fuck cares? It's just another piece of capeshit.

Without the monkey and spic vote, Hillary would have lost in an even more devastating fashion, 37% to Trump's 57%.

Trump won college educated whites.

You know you're not too bright due to genetics, but still, try to keep up.

Coogler has never made a bad movie. You have to be retarded to think this would end up being awful.

You're either working on a college degree currently or in highschool if you think a college degree is worth anything anymore

It'll do okay. Not overly amazing. Just enough like every average marvel movie.

It's made a billion dollar with a 200 million budget. It's a success.

>goes straight into talking about fucking trump to derail the conversation

Sup Forums's here guys, let's pack it up.

>Without the monkey and spic vote, Hillary would have lost in an even more devastating fashion, 37% to Trump's 57%.

Why would Hillary not get the vote of the future of this country?

> Trump won college educated whites.

Only by 3%, smarter whiteys know better than dumbfuck inbreds

They are one of my favorite junk food series, even the blacks and women are entertaining.

>Trump won college educated whites.
Shame those white are so dumb now.

>moves the goalposts to spout racist drivel and blame "teh blacks" for why trump didn't "win more"

>Only directed two mediocre movies
>A reputation
Kys faggot, that director means nothing.

ayo hol up my nigga, real talk and shiz; fo sure it gon be good. whitey gon have to deal wit it. we'z kangs and shit now. and that's a good thing, my nigga.

Agree, and. because of how useless a Bachelor's has become I'm seriously considering going into more debt to get a Master's. And then soon I won't have any choice but to get a PhD.

kys shill

>pretending to be an uneducated black person to prove some ridiculous point about how this movie is going to fail

>smarter whiteys know better than dumbfuck inbreds
That's why she lost the educated whites vote.

nigga, it's gon be a hit. deal wit it. black ppl ain't ya slaves no more.

wtf point are you trying to make user? you just look stupid.

The reviews from the premier are in and they’re oh so soy

No one cares anymore.
Lol no. Have you seen the state of Hollywood today?

>whitey getting het up
ain't no thing nigga, just chill

Ha! That movie probably cost $800M to make when all was said and done including marketing

>liking movies makes you a soyboy

oh man, have i got some news for you!

When you lead off with a Twitter post from Collider, you're not really helping your argument that this isn't uncritical schills.

> kumail
> soyboy


it would greeat to show how an ethnostate with close borders can function.

>look up director
>expecting to find (((certain names)))
>see it is directed by nog
>the director of Creed
hm, I might give this a chance
Creed was heartfelt and good

He also did Fruitvale Station, which was essential BLM - The Movie

perhaps /r/blackpeopletwitter is more suited for you. there's no way in fuck you're actually black.

Ehhh Creed was just a remake of Rocky. Fruitville Station was better.

i didnt know this
giving it a major chance now
creed was kino

creed was not a remake of rocky it had many different themes

blacker than you tyrese

The silent majority still hate niggers.

screen capping this for when the movie doesn't break 200 million


I never thought I would look to the Chinese for honesty and for a film's true success.

>B-but it'll flop in China guys! They hate black people, just like us!

Trump's president now, you guys can act tall


what's your point?

I love the cynicism of putting it out during muh black history month too. We have to guilt people to care.

It's like releasing a native American super hero on Thanksgiving.

>Disney shill crying Sup Forums
That never happened before.

>idolizing a film because of the fact that it panders to a certain demographic and lets you day dream about provoking outrage in others

Sycophantic OP truly has BTFO Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>4.5 billion dollar purchase price
>diminishing returns after damage done to brand by TLJ and the shitfest that Solo is shaping up to be

>preemptive damage control

My point is that Sup Forums is obsessed with how movies with black people do in China.

Yeah, and Force Awakens wasn't just a re-cobbled together Star Wars.

Why are you calling Sup Forumsedditors /poltv/, Sup Forums reject?

because chinks are racist and they represent a huge part of the market, so they influence the total revenue the mouse gets.

>inevitable success
A lot of people I know are pretty burned out form superheroes right now and aren’t politically inclined to see stuff just cause black people are in it, and as such will be skipping it or going later into release.

It really depends on how well marvel controls their consumers, if they play the race just right it will be very successful, if not then you get a no-show and the inevitable TLJ backlash. It’ll be successful in a way, but I couldn’t say how good or bad it will do.

Our reaction will be the same as always, 100 threads a day about capeshit none of us like as a few DCoibois jump in to talk about “based Snyder”

Sup Forums likes this movie because it supports ethnostates. If all the African Americans returned to their motherland it would be a treat. I can promise it wouldn't look like Wakanda tho.

this. why do people think Sup Forums dislikes this when they were praising it for the ethnoestate idea?. they just hate the stupid reactions it gets on twitter

If you care about movie preformance you care about China. They just have a more honest society ..which is ironic.

Nice goal post shifting tho.

chinks love fast and furious and coco, shut the fuck up and go fuck your sister-mother again

You know, I wish the best for everyone who made this movie. They seem like they’re really proud of what they’ve done and it’s not the usual names involved.
But god damn the annoying fucking cucks who will praise this movie simply because it’s black and not because it’s a good movie need to get cancer

>pumped my fist

No more than how much other people are preoccupied with fretting over movies with minority casts succeeding and garnering positive publicity. When you want to make sure the media that aligns with your ideological convictions succeeds because you view failure as a rejection of your agenda, you are unhinged.

JUST saying

>pretending to care about foreign box office returns for a movie to somehow prove that it's ok to hate blacks

it's ok user, just say you hate black people and move the fuck on

you know that inevitably the movie will start with wakanda as an "ethnostate" then when they realize how cool it is to have allies from other cultures they'll open up, right? it's as predictable as the seasons.

The people that supported trump were always pretty vocal about their stances and positions, liberal media outlets only started to focus more on them because partisans wanted a convenient boogeyman to deny themselves any admission of fault or reason to be accountable for their own shortcomings, setbacks and failures.

I'm a Trumpfag and I really hope BP is great. I hope it has excellent action, no political jabs, great acting, and especially a good story.

I detest Left wing politicians and policy but have no problem with actual Democrats (unless they only want to argue politics all the time). I do see that Leftys are better at making movies and tv so I don't mind a little soy on the screen. But only a little.

What we will see for sure:
1. Some fag or dyke
2. Some jab at wyppo
3. Rap music

... and these things are expected. Tedious but I can get past them.

What I'm afraid of:
1. Heavy handed Trump attack
2. Global Warming preaching
3. Reparations push
4. Entitlement normalization
5. Too many jokes

I'm excited. I think it will avoid the 2nd list and be in the top 3 best Marvel films.

>"Black Panther is the superhero version of President Obama."

face it drumplets, you guys ARE losing the culture war

>Guys guys guys

>Sup Forums shits on a movie because the main cast is black
you have been drinking too much Sup Forums kool-aid and now think it can only be a bad movie because niggers
lmao the angsty little racist meme is true

Oh look it's the newest fake overpoliticized shitty hollywood flick. You faggots only started spamming it 5 minutes ago but it's already getting old.