Will it be kino?

will it be kino?

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considering the networks are forced to air it in full, it will improve the quality of CNN and MSNBC, so net positive already without knowing the contents

will we be allowed to have a thread here or would it be taking away from disneys black panther twitter racebait spam?

Hillary should be giving the state of the union address.

It will be clapkino

>mfw he reads the whole FISA memo during his speech and has ICE agent arrest the illegals Nancy Pelosi is bringing with her tonight

How many times will he tell us to respect Israel and remember the 6 Gorillion? His grandson is a "beautiful jewish baby" after all


>want to watch the People's State of the Union just to fuck with Trump ratings which he'll scream about for another six months
>want to watch actual informative programming

what the fuck am i supposed to do?

It's going to be a fucking trainwreck. I wouldn't be surprised if the fat fuck has a hard attack up there.

Depends on what you mean by kino. Expect every fourth word to be “best” “greatest” “wonderful” “fantastic”. The guy speaks like a 5 year old.

>yfw Hillary gives her own state of the union address to compete with Trumps
It’s gonna be sad

>tfw Democrat
>tfw other Democrats insist Hillary was a good candidate that deserved to win

Yeah, there is almost no substance to his speeches. People only like them because he makes people "feel good" or "feel angry".

It will be a shitshow with funny moments like everything else Trump does.

He has already monetized it by allowing you to buy a slot for your name to appear during the speech and the money goes into his campaign fund like every other aspect of his presidency, because he's a greedy fuck ("How dare you say the real estate billionaire is greedy!").

As usual he will say 4 or 5 unscripted things to make the newspapers and clickbait sites go crazy for a few weeks and take eyes off of actually important issues, like more corporatist cock-sucking from House GOP, the 8 or so proxy wars we're engaged in (does anyone remember Yemen?), and the ramp-up of military exercises in Korea.

The Dems will have their CGI sock-puppet make an address that says nothing but will be widely praised.

But no he will say something about blacks or Latinos, that's a lot more important! Sup Forums will sing praises to high heaven for this big-business shill because it pisses off the literal fags and soyboys of their least favorite news sites.

Execute Order 66

Stop ingesting soy products

>mfw he reads the whole FISA memo during his speech
I would be impressed, Trump isn't used to reading things that long.

>He has already monetized it by allowing you to buy a slot for your name to appear during the speech
Wait what?

>Barron is the designated survivor
>Capitol gets nuked by Hillary who got a nuke from Russia
>Barron ascends to presidency, immediate Augustus-esque reforms
>WH40k commences


>Your Name Displayed during the State of the Union

>This is a movement. It’s not about just one of us. It’s about ALL of us. Which is why your name deserves to be displayed during tonight's speech.

le "based" pepe keki man etc. Like I said it's funny and appropriate but it will be rationalized by Sup Forums-tards and their cult of personality.

The guy is clearly good at certain things, but how in god’s name is this man going to speak continuously for an hour? He can barely string together more than one coherent sentence.

Weird, how come the MSM isn't reporting on this? They usually jump at any chance to criticize Trump.

He'll probably act like an adult for 5 minutes and idiots will write articles about how Trump has turned over a new leaf and maybe everything is going to be okay and then a week later he'll be referring to Nazis as "very fine people" again and those same people will be shocked and appalled as if Trump hasn't spent decades making it very clear what kind of person he is.

>but how in god’s name is this man going to speak continuously for an hour?
have you never watched a Trump rally? at his peak he was doing 7 rallies a day for weeks, all of which were atleast an hour long, hes just bad at reading pre-written stuff

He'll spend most of the time bitching about democrats, the FBI and the media, and how mean they are to him. The rest of the time will be bragging at how tremendous all of his accomplishments have been, probably make a few remarks thanking his staff and family at some point.

>Daddy Trump giving me a chance to shitpost LIVE on tv and get attention from millions of people

In His rallies he was able to feed off the crowds energy and read the feel of the room to decide where to go next. With this he will just be speaking into a camera with a few other people on the room. I expect a disaster

He spent the hour rambling about how unfair the world was to him, repeating himself, saying “if I win it’s legit but if I lose it’s rigged”, and generally just stream-of-consciousness talking. He didn’t actually orate for an hour.

i'll be #resisting with my wife's son and a nice glass of soylent

>read the feel of the room to decide where to go next
He just has to do whatever gets the Republicans in the room to clap and whatever gets the democrats to sit quietly.

Have YOU watched a Trump rally? It basically came down to him repeating three word phrases like "lock her up" and "no to China" to thunderous applause and you shit sticks clapped for fifteen minutes devouring his vomit.

Yeah but they were livestreams with chats (totally not friend/social interaction simulators)! BASED sense of belonging and community! BASED!

>I expect a disaster
It'll be written quite well, and he has a lot of good to say, but I can't imagine it'll be some amazing piece that we'll quote or remember. His globalism speech remains the most memorable to this day.
>He didn’t actually orate for an hour.
I can tell you never watched rally in full
see I can tell you haven't watched a rally in full either, watch his latest one last december, he talks in detail about things like energy independence and coal reserves.

>It'll be written quite well
You really expect Trump to stay on script for an entire hour?

>he talks in detail about things like energy independence and coal reserves.
Define "detail", because he usually sounds like a kid who didn't read the book for his book report.

What the hell do you expect? He's a politician for the mentally challenged.

Or when it is in detail it's delivered flat and monotone. Because he's just reading and sounds bored.

>You really expect Trump to stay on script for an entire hour?
it's not a rally, he sticks very close to script given context. See Riyadh speech, Poland Speech, the last semi-SOTU, the Davos economics speech.
>because he usually sounds like a kid who didn't read the book for his book report.
nice meme, working in childish metaphor because you lack coherent criticism. He has a working class vernacular yes but has often proven he has a wide range of vocabulary, it's a choice he makes in how he speaks, and he sounds very different in private much like Hitler. I encourage you to watch literally any rally in full and actually listen to what he says, theres surprising detail in the policies he talks about and the issues he stresses.

Hallucinations are serious user, seek help

>has the power to declassify whatever he wants
>claims to be able to prove Obama surveilled him
>claims to be able to prove there is no "there there"
>claims to be able to prove they got shit on the FBI
>declassify nothing and continute to not sanction Russia
One nation under cuck.

don't forget his total overuse of the words "very" and "tremendous" and "disaster"

Post a link to what you think is his best oratory speech. I will give it a chance.

>“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

>another cultist who actually believes the crony capitalist who spent a lifetime getting rich thanks to crony capitalism is somehow not capitalist

I mean look I get it, Shilldawg was a total cunt but let's not blind ourselves to reality.

A Hitler admirer? I guess you want to project all your fantasies onto a businessman, so anything is forgiven.

>the globalist calls out the other globalists!
>proceeds to let House GOP carry out Globalist agenda

Wow, so brave. He hasn't even deported more people than Obama yet. What is he waiting for.

i wonder if i can pay to have TRUMP IS A FUCCBOI scroll across the screen.

Because he's done so much other stupid shit over the last couple of days that there aren't enough hours in a day to bring any focus to it.

Not him but his speeches are now written by Miller who is a retard that couldn't get a job with proper politicians (and he tried...). Of course Trump can stick to the script, he did that for years on TV. Problem is that the script is mostly shit because it was written by a balding C+ Californian fascist.

Am I hallucinating because I can accurately predict reality? Does someone hallucinate when they "predict" the vampire will be the one to try and suck someone's blood? Or predicting a shark will eat them if they're bleeding in the ocean?

You're a very silly person. When someone only does X, they don't suddenly decide to do Y.

>but has often proven he has a wide range of vocabulary

Name drop: the speech.


before his brain degeneration from an old age filled with hedonism. Bet you any money someone posts him on talk shows from THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO to "btfo" of you.

Or he can just talk about the dnc corruption. That can easily go on for an hour

this is probably the most coherent description of what the current problem is
>man taints his family name forever on a gamble he'd most likely lose
>man humiliates himself everyday and loses a billion+ dollars on the campaign and lost investment
he had virtually zero super PAC's and crony donations, unlike his enemies jeb, Ted, Marco and Hillary
>A Hitler admirer?
no, I was making the case that great orators sound different in private, and you shouldn't take people like Trump at face value
>proceeds to let House GOP carry out Globalist agenda
Trump hasn't passed anything particularly 'globalist', he's carried out his agenda as best as possible with a gridlocked congress and pushed for as much investment in the US as possible.
>He hasn't even deported more people than Obama yet.
Obama manipulated the statistics, catch and release means the same people are counted sometimes dozens of times
I remember a day when Trump used 'up his sleeves' and the entire MSM sperged out at his insanity but it's actually a very old phrase. He still uses 'braggadocious'

>he had virtually zero super PAC's and crony donations
Dude its's a meme.
>Obama manipulated the statistics, catch and release means the same people are counted sometimes dozens of times
>hurr only my guy tells the truth everybody else is lying

>Trump hasn't passed anything particularly 'globalist'