What are some movies about going insane from prolonged isolation?
What are some movies about going insane from prolonged isolation?
taxi driver
the king of comedy
Cast Away
though he gets better
You can't turn insane from prolonged isolation.
you quite literally can
it's not common, but it is possible
This haha wouldn't that be crazy lol what a silly OP.
Adventure Time
the movie about your life
The Shining
Are you taking the piss cunt?
I love these beverages no homo
Anyone who claims to be a loner who lives in a populated area, has contact with family members, or sees a real human being everday is not a fucking loner.
t. someone who lives in Alaska
you actually become more sane
Yeah but other than that
Technically you can only turn insane upon reintegration after a period of prolonged isolation.
You literally cannot go insane from the isolation itself.
Old boy
Episode 1 of The Twilight Zone: "Where is Everybody?"
I second this
watch Cast Away if you haven't seen it yet OP
it's a great movie
I've been an aspiring wannabe bushcrafter ever since I've seen it
Vomit taste. Only in America.
A very disturbing movie.
>works in a fucking supermarket with several other employees in close proximity every day
Being surrounded by people who don't know you or care about you doesn't mean you aren't isolated.
Don't even bother replying to me, I'm already sick of your braying.
I saw that last night. It felt like the original idea for The Matrix. And it had the Illuminati eye.
i'm sorry
This sounds like bullshit
I don't know if the MCs go insane but:
Crumb by Terry Zwigoff
Michael Haneke's The Castle
First commits suicide, second is an unfiished Kafka story.
>he thinks sitting in your mothers basement = isolation
Did you just go and edit the wikipedia article on social isolation to back up your claim lol?
Fuck that must taste delicious
nice spoilers you cunt
maybe because nobody saw how fucking insane you were before that reintegration maybe?
people who are put into solitary confinement start going crazy pretty quickly.
It was nice. Felt a little diluted tho.
If you have internet you're not isolated you dumb cunt. Stop virtue signalling about Alaska, it's the most annoying trait of people from your state. So you move a little snow from time to time and the roads get bad, hey, me too and I live in fucking Illinois.
The Man Who Sleeps
The Machinist
Your soy dippers, madame
get a pet OP
Isolation is probably the single beast way of driving some insane.
And no,being “isolated” while shitposting on Sup Forums doesn’t count
>Thinks internet = human communication
Retard im sure youll disagree but im sure you'll get some iq points one day
I've been in my room for the past 2 years. I've never gone insane. My parents never talk to me. Everyone is working all day or don't give a shit about me since I was a kid.
I've been focusing on my trade, and I'm nearly done.
You can live in an overpopulated area and still be alone. Elderly people living off of their pension stay at home alone for many years.
Not sure if schizophrenic or just the regular kind of retarded.