Am I a pleb, Sup Forums? if so, how do I stop being a pleb and become a patrician?
Am I a pleb, Sup Forums? if so, how do I stop being a pleb and become a patrician?
you're an insufferable try-hard and no one likes you
You start by throwing everything on that shelf into the trash and then get a netflix subscription.
>no one likes you
t-thanks user, you too
You start by organising your collection. I don't care if you pick title, year, genre or director, just some kind of order.
I'm just kidding, I do care: by type (tv, film), then by genre, then by release year is the only patrician order.
Not enough kino
>(((dr who)))
>Yes, surely this is exactly what Doctor Who was like in the 1970s, I'll post that and BTFO him completely
Genuine question: are you retarded? That serial was written by Douglas Adams and stars Tom Baker, it's a fucking classic.
i've seen worse on Sup Forums desu
organise your shit though user, don't be a nigger
i like physical media user.
i'll take it under advisement.
kill yourself my man, city of death is classic and romana is a qt.
You’re fine
You're a pleb but not a massive brainlet pleb. Try your hand at some european cinema. Bergman, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Truffaut. This won't make you a patrician but it will expand your palette.
First stop paying the jew. Everything is online for the taking. Even super obscure shit is available when you get your power levels up enough to know what you're looking for.
y-you're pretty fine yourself, dear Sup Forums friend.
I've seen The Seventh Seal but that seemed pretty entry level to me; what Berman would you recommend? I'm a big fan of Stalker, definitely looking to get more into Tarkovsky's work. Will look into Fellini and Truffaut. Thanks user.
I'm going to keep buying physical media, probably blurays because they tend to have better features, which are a big sell for me with certain films. I do go digital alot (pic related is a small collection of favourites) but if I really dig something I tend to pick up a hard copy at some point.
Try Winter Light, Wild Strawberries or Fanny and Alexander (really cozy movie)
you're the second user to advise this. I will get on it.
awesome, thanks user.
such as?
why gringos just wach gringos films? i mean, you have a big industry but the lenguaje that they use is very similar. also, if you like Lynch, maybe you would enjoit to wacht films of Raul Ruiz or Buñuel, very weird atmospheres
Stop consuming fiction
>why gringos just wach gringos films?
but i can appreciate what you mean. I'll look into Ruiz and Buñuel, thanks dear Sup Forums friend.
stop consuming oxygen
>being so addicted to escapism that you equate make-believe stories with life-sustaining oxygen
>in the current year + 3
Shiggity doodah, shiggity yay
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
>He buys movies to impress Sup Forums
Why do you still own dvds in the year 2018?
Don't watch anything you've heard being talked about irl
Not OP but if you are of a certain age then you already have a bunch of DVDs from when you were younger and now if you live near a mall and they have a store with DVDs they sell them dirt cheap so its easy to complete collections you already started years ago. Also some people just like physical copies, its why people have bookcases full of books when they could have them all on a kindle
>giving a shit about what the fags that browse here think
think for yourself you dumbass, obviously you don't though, only try-hards would pay actual money for david lynch's garbage films.
well like says
most of my dvds are either fairly old or were picked up in charity shops. pretty much exclusively into blurays now tbqhwy. funnily enough, I also have a few hundred books as well, and those are just the ones in my apartment. The rest are still in storage.
nice repeating digits, dear Sup Forums friends.
kill yourselves, dear Sup Forums friends.
Not everything has been released on Blu Ray yet.
dont worry OP, there's nothing wrong about physical copies. Don't bother with the millennial shitposters, they never watch a making off or a commentary track anyway.
if you can't appreciate Lynch, i sincerely feel sorry for you user. i really dig his work.
thanks, dear Sup Forums friend. i love the greater insight offered by such special features; i've seen a few that could basically function as standalone documentaries.
Your opinion is fucking awful and you should feel bad.
Oh look it's another Tarantino and Lynch fanboy.
hating on Tarantino and Lynch isn't particularly clever, funny or original, dear Sup Forums friend; anons have been doing it for over a decade.
Reddit is superior
Sup Forums is not
I prefer alphabetical.
>good movie selection
Sick meme.
Not OP but I also like having physical copies
>Am I a pleb, Sup Forums?
>asking other people for opinions
>owning physical media
>taking a picture of your physical possessions as if it's a status symbol
>personally identifying with overpriced plastic
You might as well show your Funko Pop collection you tranny numale.
How Alphaville comes before Alexander Nevsky?
>You might as well show your Funko Pop collection you tranny numale.
i think too much Sup Forums has rotted your brain, dear Sup Forums friend. get some help.
Factually, he isn't wrong.
>Bergman, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Truffaut, the list goes on!
The hallmarks of the tasteless and the uninitiated. It's okay if you're just getting into the medium, but there are some (even here, on a so called ''film'' board) that actually believe they are cultured or have a snippet of taste because they like these directors, when in actuality they are nothing more than embarrassing cringeworthy copy/paste babbies with no opinion on the medium they claim to love whatsoever.
For a cinephile like myself, it is truly disgusting to watch, and the main reason I, and many others, steer far away from this pit of despair and depravity. You are everything wrong with this board.
>not organized by format
>that disgusting mess of sizes and discs that don't even fit the shelf
Kill yourself
>no jurassic park
Nigga, Netflix is shit, Popcorn Time is a better app.
>Popcorn Time
may as well pirate at that point.
I erred. Will correct.
>buying dvds
yes only blu ray is worth buying
>anons have been doing it for over a decade.
Oh gee I wonder why!
>Mixing dvds with blu rays
Absolutely Disgusting
I think he just used "status" as a gimmick to not have this redirected to /wsr/
JP is a pretty solid blockbuster, but I’d get Jaws, Raiders or Schindler’s List first.
>too much Sup Forums
Get out, tourist.
>dvds and blurays
do you have anything constructive to add, dear tripfag friend?
idk, dear Sup Forums friend, probably because Sup Forums has always had it's share of retards.
>Get out, tourist.
i've probably been here longer than you have, dear Sup Forums friend.
What's your top 5 movies?
Die Hard
Mean Girls
Die Hard
Mean Girls
Die Hard/Mean Girls
i-i think i hate you, dear tripfag friend.
The same reason I still own my Special Edition Star Wars VHS's. Because I can still watch them, yet choose not too.
someone validate me by giving their opinion on my dvd collection
Solid unpretentious collection.
i like it, dear Sup Forums friend; a lot of classics there.
thanks bros, I've been rather particular with which films I buy DVDs for. When watching they have to give me this feel, a feel that it's a quality film. Gut instinct you might call it. Caspere knew this.
you're cool user we have most of the same dvds
High quality and surprisingly well-organized.
thanks anons, hope you're all having a good night/day.
Most if not all of those movies in OP’s pics are on bluray
Stop buying movies
If you use Netflix then you don’t belong here.
Don't listen to those kids, user. That's a pretty kinotastic movie collection.
but also see .
>Dark City
Aged horribly
Rest are regular kinos. Haven't heard of layer cake
>Dark City
>Aged horribly
You're wrong, and you're a grotesquely ugly freak. Thanks.
Rufus Sewell was shit, 2049 is its successor
>Haven't heard of layer cake
Put it on your list, friendo. Also I disagree about dark city aging. I only wish they didn't semi-spoil the great twist at the end by putting that monologue in at the very start. Thankfully the version I just so happened to watch first time around didn't have it in, so I had the proper experience. I absolutely loved the grim, gothic, brutally lonely feel of it and the lad actor was great.
>City of Death
You're okay in my book, nigga.
>TDK trilogy
>From Dusk Till Dawn
>>>try hard
sounds like you're the pleb here you butthurt faggot
t-thanks, dear Sup Forums nigga.
>pal uk releases
you must not be american, op
your tastes are fine. i over get rid of some of the films from your collection
mulholland drive
david lynch collection
from dusk til dawn
chuck all those in the trash
i would get rid of some*
this. also, those are some mighty fine repeating digits, dear Sup Forums friend.
while i appreciate your input, dear Sup Forums friend, no. just no.
Unless you're still watching on a crt tv, you need to get a blu ray collection. Its a dramatic difference, especially when you eventually buy a 4k which is pretty much every new tv now. Upgrade already.
mentioned it a few times already but all my new purchases are bluray only; better quality and usually better special features. thanks for the advice though, dear Sup Forums friend.
Missing pic related.
no, dear Sup Forums friend, that is not kino and i would not waste money on it. i would not even accept it as a gift.
Very solid collection. Good taste.
dvds still look good on a upscaling blu ray player
You say that like there's anything wrong with pirating.
Your life and your collection is a meme
o-okay dear Sup Forums friend, y-you too
Lynch is interesting when you're 12 years old and haven't seen much cinema. He's overrated and his films are boring and trite. I don't give a shit what your liberal arts film class professor says, he's shit.
i studied computer science, dear Sup Forums friend, but i still very much enjoy lynch and i'm sorry you are unable to appreciate his work. thank you for your input though.
i'd still rather have a bluray, dear Sup Forums friend.
How do I stop being patrician?
enjoy acclaimed films that aren't mainstream.
how's that shakespeare collection, dear Sup Forums friend? i myself own the rsc complete works edition; it's a handsome book and i enjoy the various essays and annotations, though the paper is a little too thin for my liking.
could you be more specific? some examples perhaps? thanks in advance, dear Sup Forums friend