15 capeshit threads

> 15 capeshit threads
> 13 soy wars threads

when will this shit stop, Sup Forums

>I hate nu-star wars so much!
>*makes another 100 nu-star wars threads*
Star Wars fags are the most insane group of fans, literally worse than bronies.

>>implying that this board is for discussing movies and not frothing about (((them))) undermining the white race with shitty blockbusters

Ignore tripfags and shills
Post gore in Disney/Star Wars threads

Redditors think they're fighting some big battle against "muh essjayz" when they're accomplishing literally nothing

I'm pretty hyped for the next 5 months to be 30 Black Panther threads 10 Star Wars threads and a sprinkle of Oh no no no meme threads that are all ready overused. The only thing we have to look forward to is the Cunny threads the bot posts that are taken down in 1 minute. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE


I don't know...

>30 Black Panther threads

this tbqhwyfam

>make thread about rather barely discussed kino (i.e. no capeshit, no meme wars, no flavor of the month race/sjw b8 flick)
>thread gets 5-10 replies until it gets bumped off the board

>watching shit no one likes


>implying your average Sup Forums shitposter watches anything other than his 10 movies/year consisting only of capeshit, memewars and flavor of the month race/sjw b8 flicks

That's probably accurate

When you leave. I'm not kidding.

never, Sup Forums always was one of the worst boards

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

why'd you post a picture of yourself?

do you think this is facebook or something?

wow you really showed him. user btfo

shit on reddit all you want, but r/movies are nowhere near this obsessed and r/truefilm has genuine film discussions.