Is Atomic Blonde worth the watch, Sup Forums?

Is Atomic Blonde worth the watch, Sup Forums?

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Not revolutionary, nor particularly satisfying. But if you want some spy vs spy, mission impossible, john wick shit, then it's pretty gud.

Charlize and Professor X do a good job in this.
It has that matrix "everything must be as cool as possible" aspect which is annoying. But still entertaining

I think up to the first fight scene. Then it just gets dumb plotwise.

I thought it was pretty good, just a solid action movie with what I remember as a pretty good soundtrack.

if you want to see mummy girl tits

Didn't someone with John Wick have something to do with Atomic Blonde?

She gets beat up pretty good, but still comes out on top

radio host in my town said it was better then James Bond so it's obviously worth the watch
Remember to drink your Ovaltine


I was hoping for Drivette but ended up with Sucker Punch levels of shit

Pretty much this. The way she fights is particularly brutal.

>100lb stronk womyn doesn't effortlessly dispact five or six men built like linebackers


dont listen to this user its not sucker puch at all

Yes. The fight choreographer from John Wick directed this one. There’s a sequence near the end that is really impressive in its level of spatial awareness and brutality. One if the finest fight scenes I’ve seen in quite a while. You feel like you’re right there.

it's equally worthless in many aspects that was my point

Fuck no and I watch a lot of shit

No, it's a very dumb spy thriller with the same level of complexity you'd find in cheap Canadian movie. The photography is good tho.

what did you expect, it's based on a comic book. It's basically capeshit

yeah, its comfy, would recommend

in what?

if you like european-like slow paced movies, for example "Nikita", you gonna like this one too

It has one amazing fight scene, one ok one, and a boring sex scene that are worth watching on youtube. The movie itself sucks

a weightless story and a complete lack of style to compensate for it, much like Sucker Punch or other movies like that

The villainess is so much better.

I liked the part at the end where she grabs a gun out of a bottle and does some kind of autism dive to kill three guys at once

Other than that this movie is generic af

I've watched it a few times and it is, alright, mostly, but seems to be missing something.

She's an agent faking to work for another agency faking her job for even another agency. Visually is good, the story is fucking dumb

Yes, the fights are good, its set in the 80s and A Flock Of Seaguls - I Ran is on the soundtrack.

>A Flock Of Seaguls - I Ran is on the soundtrack.
i loved how almost every time there is onscreen music source, it's small detail but often overlooked

Yeah, solid action movie, good fight scenes and Charlize Theron fucks Sofia Boutella.

>but seems to be missing something.
it's missing the Atomic Blonde we were promised in the title
nothing about the operation is interesting, just a convoluted mess you never feel like following
nothing she does or investigates is interesting, at all, I mean it's almost surreal how they made that happen

I've never been a big fan of it but hearing Blue Monday on theater speakers was great, I understand why it became such a club hit now

>Sucker Punch levels of shit

Sucker Punch is pure kino

I hate strong womyn films but she actually does a good job. Definitely not watching that Red Sparrow movie though, fuck that ugly bitch

Buffalo Soldiers used Blue Monday better i thought. Another 80s set kino.

It was alright. Unnecessarily convoluted, felt like the filmmakers thought it was smarter than it was. Overall, I honestly preferred JWC2; same slick action, no sense of embarrassment at being a stupid action movie.

that's not what kino means user


>unironically asking Sup Forums for a movie opinion


Blue Monday was something fresh for it's years.
After Joy Division singer's death, the rest made electronic/new wave band, but still keep that dark, cold tone of Joy Division.
Blue Monday itself uses contrast etween disco tone but grim lyrics, it's directly related to Joy Division singer suicide, it was monday when they found his body.

I liked how it wasn’t as much of a STRONK WOMYN power fantasy as most movies with female protags: while she does win, she absolutely gets the shit beaten out of her in the process and it’s a close fight

I get it, I just think they had a better singles after it, even if they all follow a pretty similar formula. Perfect Kiss is a masterpiece, as is it's Jonathan Demme directed video

well, formula is simple coz it's still Joy Division
it's literally old same post-punk/cold/dark/gothic rock thing, but with electronics

Is there any chance for a sequel? As far as I know this made a profit.

>that part when she's fighting that KGB bear and tries to get up but instantly falls back from exhaustion

>just a convoluted mess

Was it? It felt straight forward, generic, and boring as shit.


Terrible bland movie with one good scene. Not worth the investment


Which James Bond? If Spectre then yes, absolutely.

Lots of Fun and I still listen to the soundtrack like once a week.

It's pretty good. Just don't expect something extraordinary

So what's up with this thing is it a tranny ?

Why hasn't there been a movie where the female lead is jacked or has visible muscles yet? I thought Hollywood was all about strong women

hmm, don't think so
just strange man-like face

Better than all the cape shit.