What the fuck

what the fuck

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has there ever been a more realistic depiction of what Hell is like?

love this movie, don't care how railed and panned it was
it's fucking bodyhorror in space
>explaining wormholes by folding paper
>in english doc

NC-17 cut never ever :(

It's the closest we'll ever get to a live action 40K movie.

Can we all agree that the movie should have not have had "le funny negro". How the fuck does he fit in horror movie?

Extremely underappreciated movie. I've never heard anyone talk about it IRL, and no one seems to care much about it based on online reviews and the RT aggregator score

>was described as a sci-fi movie and had a 16+ rating here in bumfuck yurop
>went to watch it with someone who can't see blood
I enjoyed it though.


It's constantly discussed on Sup Forums, and it's not underappreciated, it is for the most part a pile of crap. It's a rip-off of a handful of better genre movies and the 3rd act is a total mess. It had a decent premise and there are some well executed scenes but it's nothing close to a genre classic.

wasnt this the movie that started it tho?

I made some of my friends watch it back in college and none of them even made it to the part where they find the ship before they all checked out of their phones. why do people "watch" movies like that?

i think so, or even if not, it for sure made it famous

that must be a new dimension of pleb

Only space horror film worth watching.

don't forget to watch the deleted scenes

I respect the movie for trying something risky. It had great atmosphere and some shots were awesome, but the dialogue was shit and the premise wasn't built on enough

This was one of the occasions where I realized I 100% didn't agree with critic consensus sometimes.

Critics HATED this movie. I thought it was incredible. I mean, it's not fucking citizen kane, but I was thoroughly entertained, it was thoroughly gory, it had a great setup, and as a kid I thought it was fucking terrifying.

Critics also HATED Stargate, which was one of my favorite films as a kid. Doesn't make any sense to me.

That's because this board sucks and movies like this rarely gets discussed. All people talk abt on here is star wars and 12 yr girls.

omg that's tha funky shit.

Only thing I didn't like about the movie that unfortunately almost every sci fi movie does is have the crew of the space vessel be comprised of mainly blue collar wise cracking yokels who would otherwise be car mechanics or taxi drivers.

The closest thing to a 40k movie we will ever get and all you niggers know it

the only thin line connecting it to 40k is the sphere engine opening a portal to a vague nameless realm of pain. You could then easily say any movie doing something similar is also 40k related

>scientist discovers a way to travel into some extra dimensional word filed with magic, sex, pain and fear
>this is also the meathod if faster than light travel
>eight pointed stars and spikes
>being exposed even for a few moments to this other place drives you insane
>demonic possessions and other types of manipulation seminars from this no physical alternate place

It’s pretty much the warp m8

Watching the making of documentary made me like it more desu

Then you could just as easily say something like this is 40k related.


Based 90s.

>implying it’s not
>implying all lovecraftien sci fi isn’t wathammer


I don't remember any spaceships in that movie - especially not one that accidentally slips into hell whilst trying to travel across the galaxy.

I don't know, help me out here.

I knew the fact you chucklefucks shitposted about LE God Emperor, but the problem is you dragged people like yourself into a setting that doesn't want them. 40k doesn't want more le ebul sjw :

At the the time it released I was angry because it was advertised as hard sci-fi, but instead it was quake in space. Basically a thing that ruins sci-fi for me. I also hate Interstellar for its 'love dimension' and Contact for its religious undertones.

so movies are only 40k related if they recreate first contact with the chaos realm. Ok bubbies I understand now

Closest? It's part of the canon man.

At the very least event horizon got the SCALE of the horror down. The absolute misery and anguish of the characters and what they were bound to face is something that a lot of horror kind of neglects, at the end, they simply die, and that’s it. Event Horizon is full of dark promises about the nature of the universe, and embraces how miserable those promises are.

It’s full of bad decisions, but is pretty well acted, has good overall design, and definitely deserves some recognition though I’d agree it’s very flawed.

jesus fucking christ, you sound like a hipster talking about deep underground grunge-core music.

there will be no 40k in the future because it will be "problematic". showing an authoritarian (maybe even WHYTE??) empire that glorifies the military and stuff. a führer sitting on a giant chair. unimaginable

lmao shut up you fuckin gay nerd

What the fuck are you talking about ?

The Emperor, a Turk, is head of the empire. There are blacks everywhere, Asians everywhere, white people everywhere. Every Space Marine turns black if he lands on a planet with high UV rating. It's not a positive authoritarian depiction. It's suppose to be unimaginable and comedic, but within the setting it is justified. As long as ADB is writing for BL, you'll get darkies written in.

not him but he's right, see this picture, this brought lots of people into 40k who are le epic meme magick!!!! ecks dee GoD EMPEROR TRUMP DDD:DDDD BENIS!

>The Emperor, a Turk
stupid amerimutt

It's because of how popular and influential Alien was. Before that film most crews were composed of a mix of military and/or scientists, professional types. Alien made the "trucker in space" thing big, so lots of other films tried to copy it.

That's cool and all but it's still one of the better sci-fi horrors that were put to film. I prefer Pandorum but Event Horizon had some quality shit.

I saw a 2 hour video of 2 dudes playing a 40k table top match
>fucking 20 minutes per person attack phases.
>Roll to hit
>Roll to see if hits did damage
>Roll to see how much damage
>Roll to see if defense is high enough to block damage

Are you seriously mad that your nerdy ass hobby had some funny political memes made out of it?

Get ahold of your ass you fucking dork

But he was. He was born in Anatolia, which is in Turkey. The flashbacks in Master of Mankind describe everybody as tanned skin. Including the Emperor as he kills somebody.

Back to and you go. I'm not mad, I'm just saying that guy is right that faggots have been dragged into 40k who don't like it for anything else than LE TRUMP IS EMPEROR :DDD

Isn’t the emperor possibly from Sumeria? Possibly from Anatolia which could make him anything from a Greek to a Persian to an Egyptian to an anyone from antiquity

Its very fun to do it, especially if you've spent time putting your army together, painting every guy, and balancing it to be a good force. When we play we are imagining the men really shooting and explosions really happening, but to the observer its just a nerd rolling a dice.

It's boring to watch other people play.

Ignore that faggot. The Emperor was created in Anatolia in 8000 years BC, he's not a "Turk"

He was Jesus, Muhammad, Hitler, and every other major important figure.

>being this much of a fag that people memed trump as the god emperor

Holy shit you are the definition of “reeee my secret club”.

Fuck right off dude the fact that you think 40k is some kind of secret art above the average man shows what a pleb you really are

The minutiae of 40k lore is really where it's at.

>Anatolia, also known as Asia Minor, Asian Turkey, the Anatolian peninsula, or the Anatolian plateau, is the westernmost protrusion of Asia, which makes up the majority of modern-day Turkey
>modern day Turkey
>hur dur not Turk cause Turkey didn't exist then!!!
BIG THINK. He's from the peoples of Anatolia, which are still the majority of people in Anatolia. So he's Turkish.

I can appreciate all that and even let my imagination put me in the boots of the soldiers. Maybe the match i saw was just shit.

Turks didn’t live in Anatolia until ~1200 ad you historically illiterate fuck

In Roman times Anatolia was occupied by Greeks and Celtic migrants from Western Europe.

Holy shit you are dumb

Its boring to watch others play even if you play it yourself. I don't like watching others play.

Turkey gets it's name from the Turkish invasion beginning in the high medieval period.

Is a bog body man found in Oregon an American?
Is a Neanderthal found in Westphalia a German?



Why was the devil in Star Wars?

Omg I had no idea the models looked so ducking bad


this is the one I saw in case you're interested. I wish the game played something more like Advance Wars. A little more streamlined. But I guess 40k is excessive by its very nature

Can we have one event horizon thread without gayhammer 40k fags showing up and derailing it with stupid vidya shit no one cares about?

Christ i at least thought you mean watching a match in person.

Watching a 90 minute battle video on youtube will bore most people to death, i don't know who the fuckare the 75k people who watched this video but they're bored no life nerds.

It's the same with lets play videos. Who actually wants to watch another person play hours and hours of video games rather than playing yourself? Weirdos, that's who.

It's fun to watch sometimes, but not for hours.

Anyway try out warhammer 40k for yourself, GW stopped being mega jews and have some really good value starter packs now. Dark Imperium is best, it's £100 for like £300 worth.

The premise was built on plenty. Crew goes to recover ship and black hole shit happens. That's more than enough for a solid adventure movie but they went full horror.

It's easily better executed than most horror movies, on top of being a pretty compelling idea in the first place. Compare this to Freddy vs. Jason.

best space horror

That's racist. You see a devil. I see a doctor, scientist or engineer.

the movie is a masterpiece up until the black man comes back

I'd rather play Homeworld Remastered or Star Citizen. Warhammer is played out to death.

thanks bubby i'll check them out when i have some spare money

you can play whatever you want

Honestly, it's a decent horror/body horror film but the third act suffered terribly due to having to be edited down to a 90's R rating.

I really wish that the directors cut vhs tape would leak out or at least be bundled as an extra on a future release.

It's a damn shame that the original deleted scenes negatives were destroyed. I would have loved to have see the original NC-17 cut of this movie. Especially the massively extended hell sequences at the end.

Alien is worth watching too

>Anatolia 8000 BC

How fucking retarded are you?

>Anatolia, which is in Turkey
And Oceania is in Australia.

Not only the extended hell sequences at the end, but the cannibal orgy video in full would be nice to see.

The few people who have seen the uncut version of it have said that it's possibly the most extreme thing put to film that isn't an actual snuf film.

Woah, you're telling me Sahara isn't a country?

Not to mention they're speaking fucking Latin. The movie is 100% 40K. it's literally an early experiment in warp transportation before they developed Gellar Fields.

No, Starship Troopers is also a 40K movie. It's Guard vs Tyranids, and has psykers, power fists and a totalitarian government. No sign of Chaos at all.


You arnt wrong about the emps being a turk but the rest is nonsense. You arnt wrong to want Internet alt righters out of your hobby but you are full of shit claiming the hobby is multicult.

I remember this was the first movie I saw in a "stadium theater" where they were hyping how great the surround sound and picture were

I barely remember anything about it except thinking it was kind of interesting

ass = blasted

And romans and celts that loved around there would be brown meds. Suited to the environment. Don't try to group my pasty Irish celt bros with brown med celts like a fag.

Liberate tutemet ex inferis

watched it on tv and those scenes where in the movie. german tv

I watched it online and they were on as well

How would the movie make sense without them?

isn't Pandorum its sequel?

One of the few movies I've thought needed to be longer

well this came out of the blue, holy shit.

>Can we all agree that the movie should have not have had "le funny negro".
He impressed me, honestly. He was the only negro I knew of at the time who actually survived a horror movie. Black dudes were always the first to bite it. I know Laurence fishburn is black, but he died at the end.

I never claimed the hobby is multicultural. I didn't make any claim. I just don't want alt-righters joining the hobby (like they have) and spend the 2-3 hours worth of a game talking about the 'SJW' and 'Libcucks'. I don't give a fuck. Joining a hobby because it was attached to a political situation is the fucking worst. There is a reason GW kept their mouth shut about this but didn't keep their mouth shut when PETA complained about their models having animal abuse.

where does even say that hes not a turk? are you that assmad that you cant even reply properly?

it got an alternate ending where the le funny black guy dies and the woman survives with the captain i think. i´m not sure because its been a while since i watched the version with deleted scenes and its been years since i watched the release version

I'm literally furious I had to go and pace around my room since I made that post and now. Fuck you.

The whole movie kept a vibe of mystery going that I felt never really amounted to something further. Basically, hell stuff dude - ships a monster now

Haven't seen Freddy in a while, but my type of horror movies are The Thing 1982. You got the body horror, you got reasonable characters, you got a more sensible situation. I felt Event was trying to make itself out as something more than it was

>Fuck you.
no. fuck you

>I had to pace around my room

Oh my god I hope this is true you total clown

lurk more kids.

>it's WH40K
nope, it is actually DOOM, id Software even was responsible for the CGI in this movie, it's pretty much a doom spinoff

You claimed the imperials are full of blacks and Asians. It's an almost exclusively Caucasian organization in the art work.

Yeah there was a thread for this a few days ago