Other urls found in this thread:
>yet another addition to the list of reasons Trump won
They aren't making another one, are they?
Didn't they already do the whole "le evil conservative politician with good guy hillary stand-in" thing in the last one?
Didn't The Purge 3 feature a stupidly blatant Hillary allegory?
why do they keep doing this
>It was a woman, so that means it was Hillary
Are you looking at that poster?
This franchise isn't subtle.
>more leftist propaganda
>blonde woman with medium-length hair who represents the liberal political side
nah, you're retarded
The poster is completely irrelevant to the character we're talking about.
>she's hillary because she has one of the four colors of human hair
Has MENSA contacted you yet?
trump won though
wait are they killing Trump supporters?
either way Purge should never have become a series, it was shit from the get go.
good job reading half of my post.
but really, if you're not baiting and you don't see the allegory then you just need to kill yourself because clearly you can't be helped
>entire post not containing a single argument, offering a piece of evidence, or providing a substantive addition to the conversation in any way
You seem stupid.
anything that depicts Drumpf supporters getting purged is welcomed
>more butthurt neo/pol/
It never ends does it
can't take the heat stay of the kitchen
your move Drumpftards
Well I know how the storyline of this one will go and this shall be DROPPED
kek trolling or not this is funny shit
>The Purge: Election Year
You can't be a Real American and a Trump supporter at the same time. Republicans and patriotism don't go together.
so, looking up a picture of it, they attempted to make it less blatant with the ponytail and giant glasses, but when considering the title and the time in which it came out, it's so painfully obvious (and I think this was on the part of the creators) that you have to be trolling to not comprehend it
*nu-Sup Forums
purge drumpf!!!
Amerifat rangeban when?
I'm still waiting for you brilliant film analysts to point out how her politics are in any way similar to Clinton's, how her mannerisms and personality are allusions to those of Clinton, or how her backstory and relations mirror those of Hillary. So far all I'm hearing is, "she is a woman wit yellow hair, dat means it hilary". You sound stupid.
Are you trying to sound stupid?
Why can't Republicucks stop talking about Hilary?
Naw, it'll probably be about how a Trump-esque president creates the purge in order to murder poor defenseless minorities and fags or something. I can almost guarantee that the central plot will be about a muslim woman being hunted down by a gang of Trump supporters.
This. The alt-kike abhors free speech as much as the SJWs do. Both sides must meet the rope before America can truly be free.
>You can't be a Real American and a Trump supporter at the same time.
this is true but not because
>Republicans and patriotism don't go together.
but because
> Trump is a kike puppet and is here to make israel great again
get your head out of your ass
trips of justice
How are you still butthurt 4 months later? How does your but feel?
It really just sounds like Hillary Clinton is living rent-free in your head. You can't see a blonde politician without thinking of her. That actress doesn't look like Hillary. She isn't the same age, she doesn't have the same style of dress or hair, and she simply isn't the same type of person.
Also, following this logic; it would be that the person she was running against was a Trump allegory...only, he was a skinny, religious fanatic with ties to the establishment and tons of policy experience.
Don't accuse me of trolling simply because I don't break into fever sweats and my brain doesn't immediately short-circuit the second I see a blonde lady standing behind a podium.
Jesus Christ. You just stepped past being lightly funny, and jumped into full autism.
When this is said, they have exhausted all other options.
>this hat obviously refers to illegal immigrants
Has there ever been a presidency before that has caused such butthurt and memes?
Butthurt about what?
Eminem making an ass of himself and crying about Trump not paying attention to him?
Saying he felt ashamed to be white and that he feels suicidal? I donĀ“t think anyone, left or right, thinks the guy still got it.
I was never joking. And your lack of any kind of rebuttal is telling.
It's okay to admit to being wrong, user.
holy fuck this faggot fell off the face of the earth
looking back, his music is corny/cheesy as fuck
Washington, Roosevelt, Nixon
Lincoln definitely caused more butthurt
Less memes though
Fucking hell, the American right needs to be gassed to death.
How can you say that when this movie poster exists? You honestly think that Sup Forums is the butthurt one in this scenario?
>Butthurt about what?
People mocking your political father figure. You seem to take it very personally. Your entire identity is tied into this terrible President.
So a movie called "The Purge: Election Year," featuring a left-leaning, blonde, female politician, has no parallels to Hillary Clinton?
And you're in a thread, for a movie, whose poster features a parody of a MAGA hat?
the memes are shit tier and the people who are butthurt of a cheeto-has-been are irrelevant
>You honestly think that Sup Forums is the butthurt one in this scenario?
The multiple threads about this poster seems to suggest this is the case.
The poster is just playing off of iconic political imagery, the same thing these movies have always done.
>the meme trip from [s4s]
>trump supporter
coffee pot
>You honestly think that Sup Forums is the butthurt one in this scenario
is pol never butthurt about something ?
anytime anything happens or a nigger even farts a large chunk of those children die of an anurism
>own a red company hat
>not related to Trump at all
>afraid to wear it out because someone might confuse it for a Trump hat and bully me
>The multiple threads about this poster seems to suggest this is the case.
Fucking hell user, how did you allow yourself to get raped just then?
>So a movie called "The Purge: Election Year," featuring a left-leaning, blonde, female politician, has no parallels to Hillary Clinton?
That's right, user! The character did not resemble or act like Hillary Clinton in any discernible way. Sometimes people yellow hair, and sometimes people are just women. Similar to how her opponent did not resemble Trump in any way.
>And you're in a thread, for a movie, whose poster features a parody of a MAGA hat?
Like someone said earlier, the movies are not subtle. If they wanted the Senator to be a Hillary stand-in, the character would have been a Hillary stand-in.
>all those triggerd youse
haha I didn't even read your shit but you fags are so easy to set off
...literally on the very same page as this thread.
>the meme trip from [s4s]
>trump supporter
Bro I don't fuck with you so stop replying to me. Gtfo out of here with your shit.
>That's right, user! The character did not resemble or act like Hillary Clinton in any discernible way.
You seem to be ignoring any and all evidence and context presented for you and just framing it as a coincidence.
I don't know if you're trolling, or a foreigner who doesn't have the full context of American politics, but I don't think we're going to be making any headway here.
Meant to reply to
>stop replying to the posts I made replying to yours
Were you parents sad when they found out their only son was retarded?
coffee pot coffee pot
I think you're replying to yourself at this point to make a strawman, since that person isn't me.
Something very sad is definitely going on here. I think I'm done.
I'm not ignoring evidence, you just aren't providing any. The fact that a politician in a movie happens to be a blonde woman doesn't not automatically make her Hillary Clinton. I've asked repeatedly for you to provide something from the actual film to support your assertion, but you have nothing. The fact is the character does look, speak, or act like Clinton in any discernible way.
We're not making any headway because you refuse to consider the possibility that you're very, very stupid.
You don't have to announce you're done with a conversation, you can just leave and post in another thread. No one is sitting around waiting on your brilliant insights. This isn't reddit.
>The fact that a politician in a movie happens to be a blonde woman doesn't not automatically make her Hillary Clinton
In a move called "The Purge: Election Year." Released the same year as the 2016 election, which Hillary ran in.
You seem to not be able to grasp basic context. Or hell, pop culture. I know it's been a few years, but do you not remember the sensationalism of that election?
Didn't I tell you to not reply? Dumb fuck. You already got btfo by me so why haven't you gtfo out of this thread?
I hate you all and can't wait until you're dead.
>In a move called "The Purge: Election Year." Released the same year as the 2016 election, which Hillary ran in.
Yes, you've said so repeatedly. I'm not sure why you thinks this strengthens your argument. Blonde female politicians have existed before 2016, and they will exist afterwards. If there were substantive similarities between the character and Clinton, you would have an actual argument.
>Or hell, pop culture. I know it's been a few years, but do you not remember the sensationalism of that election?
The election in the purge didn't resemble the actual election at all. There were no Clinton or Trump figures. It was just playing into the election hysteria and political fervor, because that's what smart horror movies do.
When Trump is gone, do you think you'll go back to being a normal, functioning human being? I hope so.
poking fun at something =/= butthurt
I used to be ok with Sup Forums raids when they were lighthearted and poking fun at shit. These days nu/pol/ crossposters on Sup Forums are just fucking miserable and bitch about everything.
These are the people who come to Sup Forums and call you a leftypol shill. Really makes you think
>poking fun at something =/= butthurt
That what every butthurt person says.
What are you talking about dumb cuck
including nu/pol/, yes
Let me guess, Sup Forums will be blamed for making things political, yet shit like this permeates all facets of media and news, But it gets political if we point it out.
>Blonde female politicians have existed before 2016
Name a more prominent or relevant one in the context of when the film was released.
>It was just playing into the election hysteria and political fervor
Okay, so you yourself admit there was a tangible political connection to the film.
You seem to be playing dumb for no reason. I mean how do you even define "substantive"? You're the one completely dictating the terms here, while presenting any arguments I make as coincidences. The way you're doing this, nothing good is going to come from out talk.
I'm honestly a little baffled with this conversation. You're making genuinely serious posts, but being coy for no reason, other than to, I assume, feel like you're "winning."
I've never seen the entertainment industry so hostile towards a political affiliation. I got pretty thick skin but even I'm starting to get pissed off.
It isn't a two way street though, if they were lambasting leftwing politicians or presidents, it would be fine. But they don't do that, and that is the rub.
Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?
>Name a more prominent or relevant one in the context of when the film was released.
I don't need to. Just because a prominent blonde politician exists, doesn't mean that every blonde politician on television is a reference to them.
>Okay, so you yourself admit there was a tangible political connection to the film.
Yeah, the entire film was about a hotly-contested election. During a time when we going through a hotly-contested election.
>You seem to be playing dumb for no reason.
Yeah, I get buddy. I'm playing dumb. I'm trolling. You seem to be going out of your way to dismiss my opinion, rather than countering them in any intelligent ways. It's pretty telling.
You are clearly convinced that your argument is so sound, that you don't even need to bother defending it in a earnest manner. You think simply repeating, "SHE HAS YELLOW HAIR AND DA MOBIE IS CALLED ELECTION" is enough. Shit's boring. You're boring.
I've explained why I don't think the Senator is a Hillary Clinton stand-in. Mainly because she doesn't look like or act like Hillary Clinton. You've explained why you think she is a Hillary Clinton stand-in. Because her hair is yellow. Great conversation, we learned a lot from each other.
>I got pretty thick skin
I doubt it.
You voted for Hillary?
*continues to potentially be the greatest president of all time*
Heh, nothing personal kid...
You want to talk about it user?
>"I voted for Trump because of a movie poster! But don't call me stupid!"
The villains looked like democrats especially the Hillary looking old lady presenting the shootout in the second film.
Name 5 things Trump has done that benefited the people.
>I've never seen the entertainment industry so hostile towards a political affiliation.
Hard to accomplish when you're only 13 years old and lack the perspective of the last 30 years.
Does he?
Because this is their last chance
>I've never seen the entertainment industry so hostile towards a political affiliation.
Sup Forums is fucking pathetic, how old are you?
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
What's to doubt, anons mistake is taking the brunt of political criticism, in not opinion, it was the hypocrisy that is offensive, they should roast their own as much as they do the right.
I want to see Hillary Clinton lose balance and hit her head on a night stand for a sketch, or Obama walking home with a hoodie on and he gets beat up by a Mexican. Their side could be just as funny, even funnier. I'd wager that the >Donald Trump Roast
Helped him more than hurt. He allowed people to lambast him, hell, if they had a Hillary Clinton roast or an Obama one, it would probably be incredibly funny.
He ordered tax cuts to the elites hoping it would trickle down to the middle and lower classes. Oh wait Reagan tried that one already and it fucking failed lol.
>Lorica Segmentata