Ryan Gosling

Why wasn't Ryan ever cast as Jason Voorhes or some other heavily inbred character?

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what is that cranium shape called?

deformed, abomination.


Yeah making fun of him here will surely make women realize he isn’t attractive and sleep with me instead.

is this real?

Its just a joke nerd


Sup Forums: where bitter incels try to mock multimillionaire celebrities for their height and hairlines

is that his actual head?

C'mon guys he has one eye like inch lower than another and still is a sex symbol.

>d-don't you dare to joke about this actor!!
pathetic desu

Gosling better not ever go bald fuck

la creatura

nu-Sup Forums sucks

The reverse Gadot


Anyone have that meme of the fat loser watching BR2049 thinking K is just like him?



Don't poke fun at /ourguy/ OP
Not like this


does anybody have that video of the southern girl with a thick accent showing off her coffee making stuff

I have this head shape and I'm balding

Time to die user

Haha, got him!

>tfw receding but still can't tell what my head shape is
I keep matting down my hair and trying to see. Maybe I should just shave it? It's not like I could do much if it was fucked up anyways.

Is that the head dent that causes autism?


omg kek

So that explains it

he's married tho

thank you user

the deflated ball

Why is his outfit so comfy

To an uglier hag latina.

He needs to upgrade to that sweet young pus

Heh im nothing like you guys

she probably treats him like her child which is why he's fine being with a milky mommy

why did he go for that fat ugly slag of spanish trash that is eva mendes

The Ayy

That's what my head looks like. Good thing i have based hair like the goose.

never understood Sup Forums's boner for this guy

Literally all his roles are just like us he's \ourguy\ aka our gallo

Can I get the original, please?

he plays autistic characters, virgins see themselves in that
the guys is "handsome", virgins see themselves in that somehow

cro magnon

Oh, no. Go right ahead, but I'll make fun of you too

to intelligent


My Fap collection

bruh look at this dude

Mega Mind

You don't have to worry, he's gay.

this, but mainly because of how good Drive is. noone would care about goose's tism if it was just some shitty flick.

i have a slightly less pronounced skull shape like that, ive noticed it's mainly found in anglo-celt mixed dudes. corresponds with heart shaped faces too. dunno if it has a particular name

pointing out how stupid you are isn't white knighting, dumbass.

He's just like us!

>bawwwww leave this actor alone!!!!

Literally homos. Probably some /fit/ crossposters, I remember seeing lots of threads of him back in the day

It's a joke you mong. We aren't quite so blindly rabid as SJWs with what we like so we can make fun of it from time to time.

Sup Forums adores the Goose.

>Phase 11: you love The Goose so much that you start mean threads about him on Sup Forums, knowing full well that the backlash you'll receive will make jaded Anons think "if this is the kinda guy that hates The Goose, then I love The Goose." The short-term blow to your own self-esteem and the pain of having to speak ill of The Goose is well worth the long-term gains in spreading love of The Goose.

Absolutely heroic.


Is it worse to have that skull shape or have the back of your head almost be completely flat like mine is?, just wondering.

>tfw having the same head shape
anyone else?

are u asian?

Dont you have a food review to do today, Joey?

No """"white"""" American with Finnish ancestry

Depends on how the rest of your skull looks. Gosling's looks off because even though it's pronounced, the top still looks flat.

you must have some mongol ancestry since ive never seen a white guy with a skull shape like that

can't wait until he goes bald

Nah he'll just get plugs.


you are probably brachycephalic and that's not bad, it's good

Yeah probably mongol rape baby genetics
huh, interesting read thank you.

post goose with animes

Because he's literally an autist who only plays as himself in movies.

Here's more
Fingols are superior

gay alien skull