#BlackPanther is exceptional - the James Bond of the MCU...

#BlackPanther is exceptional - the James Bond of the MCU. You've seen nothing like this in a superhero movie - it's bold, beautiful & intense, but there's a depth & spiritualness that is unlike anything Marvel has ever done. It's 100% African & it is dope af.

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>It's 100% African & it is dope af.

>all the shilli- i mean praise on the top tab on twitter is from blue checkmarks
What did @jack mean by this?

shills are really, really going overboard with the shilling

Why are white men such cucks, how can any self respecting person say that

I'm really wondering how the movie will do in places where they can't sell it to blacks. Just as well as other marvel flicks, or worse because of the case and setting?

>It's 100% African & it is dope af.

Why are writing standards for "journalists" getting worse and worse across the board?

>100% African
>characters were made by Americans
What did he mean by this?

Fucking jews

Liberals should not be critics. They let politics cloud judgement. Movie looks mediocre af

If wonder if any blacks will recognise the irony in celebrating the fact that hollywood is literally selling their culture to them.

Do these guys even know what it means to be African?

An historic film. Pls give money for the kids

>james bond of mcu

Uhhhhhh uhhh uhh he's a rapist

>The James Bond of the MCU
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
James Bond sucks nowadays.

Hollywood isn't even selling them their culture. It's something a white guy made up and painted with stuff lifted from a national geographics magazine to make it appeal to burger blacks.

It's nothing new, "representation" has been a hot meme for years and that's basically begging the establishment to include them. It's clear that nobody is thinking of just making their own thing.

Pls gib us gibs so I can buy more drugs and white hookers

>Hollywood isn't even selling them their culture.

Yes they are. They wrapped it up in a nice tiny package and we all get to celebrate how African it is.

beware the aussie lies.

but isn't James Bond problematic to all this fuckers now?


>a fake country
>100% African

Seriously what the fuck did they mean by this?

Where in the movie does it show black people selling their own people to white people for booze and guns? I'd like to see an accurate portrayal of African culture.


It's pandering to blacks but it isn't black culture. It's homogenized hollywood garbage with black actors

Name one time in history (besides this one) when saying something being African was considered a compliment.

From the webms I've seen I'm pretty sure it's the exact same shit as all the other capeshit. Same tone. Same flat direction. Same quips. Same irreverence. Capeshit is cultural cancer.

Don't any of these people, hell even the writers of the movie, know that Wakanda is everything the modern left hates?
They are racist towards other ethnic groups, they are isolationists who don't let anyone in, they refuse to give humanitarian aid to other suffering people, strongly believe in ethnic purity and want to conserver their old culture as good as possible. Wakanda is most definitely not "100% african", they want nothing to do with the other parts of africa.

I don't understand liberals. Do they not understand what being subtle means? If they gave this movie like an 8/10 they can make the argument that its scoring just like any capeshit movie but when they give these agenda ridden movies perfect scores it makes it so obvious. Don't they give a fuck about the future of their jobs?

>the James Bond of the MCU
But I don't want James Bond, I want a fucking super hero. If I wanted James Bond I'd just go watch, here it comes, James Bond

>depth & spiritualness
Of the things in the trailers, this has made me the most curious. There’s a shot of him against the night sky looking at some tree, made me think there’s gonna be some “REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE” shit.

This, ffs. Are these people retarded? The characters were created by white dudes, and I'm willing to bet the movie was written, produced and directed by them too.

It's funny because it's true

Ever since we allowed Buzzfeed to be called a “legitimate news source” Yellow Journalism has fucking exploded.

>Don't they give a fuck about the future of their jobs?

Their bosses are happy for them to promote their agendas. It's why they got the job in the first place. Film criticism died in the internet age.

>/tvpol/ BTFO again

what a time to be alive

>Black panther is much-needed levity to the Marvel cinematic universe and that's a good thing
>Black panther is a game changer, best superhero movie of all the time and that's a good thing!
>Black panther is the greatest superhero movie ever made in existence and that's a good thing!
>Black panther is the funniest superhero movie ever and that's a good thing!
>Black panther is one of the highest rated superhero films on Rotten Tomatoes and that’s a good thing!
>Black panther is the Hilary Clinton of movies and that’s a good thing!

Do you think Armond will like it?

This is why critics are useless now. It might actually be a decent film. Or not. But knowing that no one will be willing to call it out of it sucks means all opinions are suspect as shit. Imagine being that person who said, "Unfortunately it sucks and is filled with bad acting and plot holes."

>This is why critics are useless now.
Unless they praise my favorite film and share my political leanings, then they're BASED XD

Ooooooooooh savage.


It's where you stick a panther in your mouth

I bond burgered your sister?

Don't cry.

I doubt it.

The only opinion that matters in this culturally degenerates age.

The only reason any african country helps other countries is because the U.N will bitch about it, if the U.N was gone Nigeria or Ghana would not give a flying fuck about helping other countries.


he'll hate it

Yes, the Critical Response to "Black Panther" is a Literal Tsoynami. Here's Why That's a Good Thing.

There’s a good chance he won’t even review it. I think he only reviews DC flicks now.

>blue checkmark


i keep seeing this word and i just can't buy it

what's "bold" about pulling money out of marvel's deep war chests to make a movie out of a time-tested comic book property that you know the entire twittersphere will erupt in praise for just on the basis of identity politics? seems like a real safe bet to me.

It’s “bold” in the sense that black-led movies typically underperform at the foreign box office, so Marvel is taking a risk here with respect to the European and Asian markets.

I can't wait to feel the spirtualness

This isn't shilling, fags, it's virtue signaling.


I can't be the only one who is going to add this movie title to their filter list.

I'm also hiding every topic related to this film from now on.

You should do the same.

Don't feed the beast by arguing with marketing fags who just want to raise the exposure for this film.


Does Egypt count as African or no?

*gets triggered by celebrities saying mean things about daddy Trump at the Grammys*

Why are movie critics nowadays so shallow and vapid?

They're desperate for relevance.

>people itt unironically defending this garbage movie

But does it bring a much-needed levity to the Marvel cinematic universe?

Society is shallow and vapid, and is designed to create more shallow and vapid people

Naturally it creates shallow and vapid art, there is no meaning.

It's a spiritual realm that the black panther can go to and converse with past black panthers aka former kings of Wakanda.

In Civil War he talks about Wakanda beliefs in death with Black Widow a believe they become a great cat and run free on the plains of Africa.

Huh I wonder why this guy couldn't use the word SPIRITUALITY

Maybe because he's DUMB

America is 13% black and a good % of that is impoverished so I'd be surprised if they keep the movie afloat

Wait a minute. Wasn't there another critic who called this the Hamlet of the MCU? It's like all these people get the same fucking script, just with fill in the blanks.

Fuck Whyte Peepo n Shiet: Tha Mutha FuKKKin Joint

Blacks live rent-free both in the Sup Forumsdditors heads and irl via subsidized government housing. Based.

If it's the same Aussie he's a literal bona fide cuckold too, so it makes sense.

>James Bond of the MCU
So a womanizing spy? What?

>paid critics agree with me on idiological grounds Sup Forums btfo the movie must be great

upvote this

basically black Trump without checks or balances

>paid critics
Not everything is a conspiracy, stormweenie

>James Bond of MCU
Makes literally zero sense. They’re not even trying to make it seem like they’re not shilling

So you... do it for free?



Soyboys BTFO

this but unironically

Fuck. How does Marvel keep making the best movies?

Why do black people identify with this movie while the only thing they have in common with the characters is the skin colour? Is a race the only identity for them?

Kek, those shills praised TLJ too

>Is a race the only identity for them?
Yes, their culture kind of pushes that idea onto them. I've talked to black people who specifically hate that part of their culture and consider it something that holds them back as individuals.