Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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What did she mean by this?

Because he makes kino


What does the fact that he remarried and had children tell us? What does the fact that he works outside of Hollywood and makes non-Hollywood films, meaning not just Hollywood is willing to work with him, tell us?

Hollywood can throw someone like Harvey under the bus but they will never allow pedowood to blow open

His girlfriend was stabbed to death while 8 and a half months pregnant with their child, cut him some slack a little


Can "social communicators" gtfo? All the praise comes from the movies he makes, not for who he is or what he has done outside filming. I don't think people will bother if he finaly get arrested.

Given the recent suicide of that Glee actor because of possesion of CP, I bet "social communicators" will throw garbage like: "How this dude got a career if he was a pedo? Has the film medium gone too far?"

>child rapist Roman Polanski

It was 40 years ago, for G–d's sake.

The "holocaust" was 70 years ago and you "people"" still won't forget that

Hating on pedos isn’t very progressive. It’s not your fault that you like cunny!

It tells us that he's innocent

How did something that never happened occur 70 years ago?

>two wrongs make a right

It tells us artists care more about art then the well being of children

He doesn't even pretend it didn't happen

It’s remarkable how much energy Polanski’s supporters have expended defending him, given that the director himself has always been extremely clear about why he did what he did: he is sexually attracted to ‘young girls’, and he has never seen this as a problem. After all, when he was told he was being arrested for rape he was genuinely shocked: “I was incredulous; I couldn’t equate what had happened the day before with rape in any form,” he writes in his autobiography.

It shows they are capable of separating the person from the career

Same situation with Chris Benoit and the WWE, some out there are capable of seeing past what he did because they can separate the man from the performer

>if i don't spell out the full name of God i'm not using it in vain!
jews are childish mental midgets please remove yourself

>I couldn’t equate what had happened the day before with rape in any form

we're literally animals to jews, they don't even see us as human

kill all child rapists

Benoit suffered head injuries, Polanski is just a rapist.

The difference is no one is looking to reincarnate Benoit and put him in the main-event of Wrestlemania.

Listen to some of the defenders of Polanski, Meryl Streep in particular. Its beyond defending their friends character, they want him to be a big movie director again.

>no one is looking to reincarnate Benoit
His son from his first marriage is training to become a wrestler as we speak

jews support pedophilia

Ask Meryl Streep, the Head pimp for child sex slaves in Hollywood

Do you think the bastard lovechildren that aren't aborted are assigned identities as actors themselves?

Who's the head for their breeding program?

I mean, he's had enough for one lifetime. He's gonna die soon anyways this isn't necessary

>fuck post-pubescent sexually active and mature 13 year old (legal in many first world countries and America not even a century ago)
>still most hated person on the planet 40 years later after the "victim" said she liked it and wanted it

>after the "victim" said she liked it and wanted it

She never said that.

Remember Brooke Shields did Pretty Baby and was a nude model aged 9 in a book by photographer Gary Gross.

She did in a recent interview. Google it.

even if 20 million did die, it's about time the survivors moved on.

it tells us a bunch of crooked kikes run the entire media and put a kike spin on everything to do with crooked kikes

What if the reason they keep bringing it up is out of survivor's guilt? What if they wish they they all should have died with their comrades in the chambers?

art exists independent of the artist.

Unfortunately females who pedos haven't made any good art that I know of.

She said that she forgave him, not that she enjoyed being assraped at 13 by a swarmy manlet jew

True, just like white people must accept their time is up.

It’s in their holy book.

I love how it's posed as a question.
Like The Guardian somehow ISN"T going to use this opportunity to join the frock of people claiming Hollywood has a sex problem.
I wouldn't mind the fact that the press preaches blind authoritarianism, or that it treats every incident it sees as guilty until proven innocent, if it wasn't so predictable.

He raped one time, 50 years ago.

In the grand scheme of things his accusers have likely done much worse behind closed doors

he was accused of raping others

Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate were child pornographers, supplying the Hollywood elite with material. Charles Manson supplied them with the underage girls in their videos in exchange for music industry expose. Polanski fucked Manson over and Manson sent a kill team to his house. Investigating the murders, the LAPD found the film reels in the attic, but under pressure from big names they put them back where they found it, and Polanski sent a minion to destroy the reels. All that shit about the Manson Family trying to start a race war was the prosecutors trying to pin a different motive because they didn't want to expose the child molestation network Polanski was a part of. Hollywood is a disgusting place.

Name a country in Europe or a state in the USA, where the age of consent is lower than 14 and name a place where any age lower that 16 only remains legal while the other partner isn't a few years older him/herself.

Ill wait.

>20 million
Hey go- guy, you seem to have put million instead of billion

Oh. Well. I guess that makes it all right, then.

not him but until a couple of years ago the age of consent in spain was 13, it's fucked up

I like how you specify 14 like that would be seen as any different by burgerpedes who have to wait until they turn 21 until they can have sex. In the 1970s most people thought age of consent was bullshit anyway especially in his home country of France. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws

No she didn’t fuck off kike.

polanski did nothing wrong

more talented than woody allen.