What was the worst experience you've ever had at a movie theater?
What was the worst experience you've ever had at a movie theater?
Beowulf. I basically stopped watching movies in-theater after that.
The trailer for 47 Meters Down, aka THE LOUDEST FUCKING TRAILER EVER
>go to revenge of the sith preimere with my mom
>audience is full of nerds in star wars costume
>anakin falls into the lava
>mom starts to laugh histerically
It was so fucking shameful
This. I literally cringe at the Super Leia scene with my family.
Manchester by the sea
a lot people laughed whenever affleck's character acted quiet/autistic
Some guy who was sitting next to me just started smoking weed out of nowhere and did it for the entire film and he didn't get kicked out, but when I lit up a cigarette, I was kicked out and fined. I fucking hate California.
King Kong (2005) , Autistic kid would not shut the fuck up and would "talk to" kong.
Example : "You can do it Kong, you can beat those dinosaurs."
By the end I wanted to punch him in the face.
Your mom is pretty based user
>go watch The Dark Knight Rises
neither should be allowed but weed smoke is not as obnoxious as cigarette smoke.
That scene was comedy kino though
dunkirk some old fuck was crying im guessing he was a vet. totally ruined my movie experience, later asked for refund
Went to see dragon ball evolution real stoned with my friends expecting for it to be bad but we make fun of bad movies anyway. Within the first five minutes I sobered up because it was so horrible. Walked out after that
Your mom truly had a high ground
>man up, leave the house, go to the cinema to watch blade runner 2049
>I left the house. That means I'm hyped as fuck
>As I buy the single ticket everyone looks at me with pity and disgust
>Whatever, idgaf
>Go to the room
>Literally nobody there. Just go to my seat and start eating the oatmeal I brought from home because I'm hyped and hungry
>The screen turns on, no intros or anything
>Just a couple of really hot girls and chads laughing at the camera, as if they were laughing at me
>Black out after 5 minutes
>Next thing I know, I'm in the cinema dungeon, locked for a week for being so single, and wanting to watch BR2049
I don't know, I feel I'm the only one here who didn't really enjoy br2049
>dunkirk some old fuck was crying
kys its kino
>be me around 12
>friend and I were really close, but hadn't seen each other in a long time
>he was kind of an aspie. Good person, but hard to deal with sometimes
>little after christmas, we went to the movies together
>exchanged little gifts. He gave me a book, I gave him a game
>he was crazy about the game, couldn't wait to open it
>went to see Avatar
>film was kind of lame, but tickets were expensive and I wanted to watch it to the end
>friend kept saying "this is lame, we should leave"
>fidgeting his present the whole time, trying to get a good look at it
>"c'mon dude, that flick's stupid, let's go"
>finally give in and leave with him
>"what do we do now, wanna grab a bite?" i ask
>"nah, not really hungry"
>we chat for like 10min, he mostly talks about yugioh
>pretends his mom is calling and leaves to go home and play with his game
I got really pissed off that day. Never hanged out with him much afterwards.
What film?
>Go to see Sully
>Digital projection fucks up consistently during the movie
>Somehow didn't interrupt the actual "crash" sequence
>Got a free ticket voucher and a free large popcorn for next time
>Friend wants to see The Last Witch Hunter
>20 minutes in and some creepy gelhead Neymar wanna-be slinks into the seat next to me
>Reeks of an entire bottle of Walmart brand cologne
>Leans forward, looking around and over his shoulder the entire time
>Laughs at every bad jokes
>Sniffing like he just did a line of coke on the toilet
>mfw he was more entertaining than the movie
>At least I didn't pay for the tickets
>Shape of Water
>Middle aged husband and wife sit down two seats over
>Husband is obviously feigning entertainment, laughing like a retard as if it's a Disney quipfest
>BR2049 in IMAX
That's about it.
I was seven and lost one of my baby teeth in the first ten minutes of watching Madagascar. I didn't want to leave so my mom got me napkins and I bled into them holding them against the bloody gap for the rest of the movie. It was the first high budget cartoon I ever hated. My childhood died that day.
>30 minutes into Blade Runner 2049
>really have to piss but don't want miss anything
>can't use soda cup because there are too many people around
>feel like bladder's gonna explode
>stand up and make my way out of row
>Chad trips meright at the end
>fall face-first into the piss aisle
>teen girls in the back notice and start laughing
>they all start filming me
>taste salty/bitter piss
>tear flows down the corner of my eye
>turn head to look at the screen
>see The Goose looking melancholic as fuck
>tfw he's just like me
Crying like a bitch in I Am Legend at the dog part. I was a grown man making audible sounds I was trying to drown out around a semi-packed cinema. I failed miserably, but it was all in good fun.
The other was watching a horror movie and these two cunts in the back of me wouldn't shut up and they ruined it for me. I walked out.
>Be me
>See BR2049
>Late because I'm bad with directions
>Stacey and Chad sit behind me
>Talk through literally THE ENTIRE FUCKING MOVIE
>Girl keeps bitching about it being boring
>Dude keeps making shity vine star references and other fuckboi cringe jokes
> Get to the part where goose looks at joi in the rain
>These fuckers start bursting out in the loudest most obnoxious laughter
>Thats it
>Go to my car
>Put on driving gloves
>Get Hammer
>Show time
>Walk into theatre
>Smash chads hand
>Everyone awkwardly stares at me
>Chad is screaming
>Use back of hammer to pry his mouth open
>Take popcorn kurnell
>"You remember this?"
>Shove it in his mouth
>He begins to choke violently
>Look up
>See Hotel Transilvaina 3 is playing
>Look down see that Chad is actually and old man with grandson
Like I said, I'm really bad with directions...
>In lobby
>Get a small popcorn
>Love the orange powder you can sprinkle over the popcorn
>They don't have any
>Try the liquid butter instead
>Pour it all over
>It tastes horrible, can't eat it
>Waste of 89 dollars
Well played, user. Here's a (you)
What did you expect from a Beowulf cartoon starring Angelina Jolie as Grendel's mother?
I remember being in a summer school program (because free food) when i was in middle school, and a few times we went to go see free movies. They were all goddamn terrible 80s cartoons that no one enjoyed, and the 3 retards in the class would always scream at the top of their lungs. Thankfully I could stop going without repercussions, besides starving, and I did after the 2nd movie.
t. low test faggots
I was naive enough to think that would be the only deviation from the source material. It sucked, because it was in theaters right after we talked about it in English class, so the story was fresh in my mind.
This a actually a true story.
>Go to see Blade Runner 2049
>local theater, not usually too busy on a weekday especially since it's been out for three weeks
>I hadn't seen it yet, heard it's great, avoided spoilers
>walk in
>at least 60% filled, all old people
>ok whatever
>as movie starts, old couple comes in and sits right next to me
>every time something happens in the movie, the woman does this stupid fucking snicker. She keeps doing it, even at things that aren't supposed to be funny, just whenever something happens in the movie
>right when the dog and Deckard first appear in the casino, some fucker's phone goes off for like thirty seconds
I still really enjoyed the movie because it's the best movie of 2017, but that could have ruined any other movie for me.
>Been a huge Godzilla fan since I was 5, and have spent at least a year hyped for G'14
>Finally go see it with a couple of friends
>In front of me is a teenage couple who won't stop whispering and giggling to one another, and occasionally checking texts, flashing me in the face with their bright ass phones
>To my left is a retard who is with their parent/handler, and feels a compulsory need to constantly describe what they're seeing onscreen ("Oooh, it's a helicopter!", "Ooooh, big bones!", "Ooooh, dass bad!")
>Behind me is a family with parents, a very obnoxious child, and apparently someone named "Pawpaw" who is missing, because the child would yell "WHERE'S PAWPAW?", and one of the parents would half-heartedly shush them, only to repeat this process every 30-60 seconds
I made it to around the point when the MUTO hatches from the nuclear plant before I left and got a refund. I've usually got no problem asking someone to quiet down, or turn off their phone, but that would have been like playing whack-a-mole, and I knew a lost cause when I saw it. That experience taught me the value of going to matinees during the week.
Runner up is when I went to see the Friday the 13th remake in '09, and someone in the theater thought it would be a good idea to bring their newborn baby.
I sat behind you, OP, and you SMELLED.
Film caught fire during King Kong, or the volume was ear piercing during Spiderman 2 Tobey, both in the same cinema
Some audible subtitles for the blind were playing during BR2049.
>audible subtitles
It was basically narration explaining every little thing that happened during the movie.
Where can we watch it? Must be true cinemographino.
Not the worst but i went and saw justice league a little black kid kept getting told to "shut his damn mouth" whenever he asked his dad a question. Also whenever there was an action scene he liked and reacted to, his dad also told him to be quiet.
Then he started coughing this horrible dry cough but his dad ignored that somehow. It got so bad I had to give the kid my unopened water bottle so he would stop coughing and the dad gave me a death stare.
The worst experience was going to see Insidious on opening night and there were a group of little kids that screeched bloody murder whenever something even half way remotely scary happened. Shit was awful
>Bringing a newborn baby to a gory violent slasher movie
Do American Cinemas really allow this?
recently it was driving half an hour to see Dunkirk in IMAX and the screen was out of focus the whole time well part of it was out of focus and part was in focus but it was awful
before that it was some white trash yelling and talking through this movie when I was a kid
And that kid will grow up to not be one of those theater talking niggers. Based dad.
I saw a couple straight up fucking in the front row of the cinema when I saw Cloverfield. Not even shitting you. It was completely empty accept for them so i guess they figured they could have a bit of the old in-out-in-out. Saw the grill's tits. 7/10 overall not bad, would bang.
Spider Man 3 in a theater full of Navajos in Flagstaff. Apparently- we got the theater with the bus from the rez. Their kids ran up and down the aisles and rows. It was awful.
Apparently it was a fuck up at my small local theater. I could only stand about 10 minutes of it then I walked out and got a rain check for next week. Theater hasn't had any fuckups since then. Other than showing TLJ of course.
At least in the theater I went to, but it was a really rednecky theater.
This. I was so ready for them to kill her off with a violent senseless death.
But then seeing Super Leia took me right out of the movie. I should've gotten up and walked out then, but I had opening weekend tickets and wanted to get my money's worth.
I ended up worse off by staying. By the end I didn't care about new Star Wars any more and vowed never to give Disney another dime.
>be Russian
>go to Kinocenter (that's how it's called) to watch Blade Runner 2049
>sit in a same row with two gopniks commenting the movie
>enough to annoy and disctract, but never enough to make me walk up to them or shout at them across the room
>ending scene on a rooftop
>'Shit, it's going to snow tomorrow'
>they proceed to discuss fucking weater
>I finally lose my shit and shout at them to STFU
>after the movie they threaten to break my legs and shit
>had to watch the movie the second time to wash off the experience
I also had the same problem with loud kids when I watched Mad Max, but at least they sat near me and I was stronger so I slapped them upside their heads and they went silent for a while.
Why was 2049 in IMAX bad?
think he's saying he didn't like the film. shit taste.
The dad was louder than the kid
1st place The last JEDURF
2nd palce - LOTR the retrun of the king , a teenage girl had an epileptic attack after the final battle, ruined the ending for everyone with spastic grunts while probably biting her tongue , got removed from the room before the final shots though she was stilll laid on the entrance when we got out causing major traffic with all the rubbernecking
>be me, 6 years old
>go to see RotS with my mom
>that scene arrives
>mom covers my eyes as he’s burning
>creepy gelhead Neymar
whats that supposed to mean
Batman Begins where I was in the front row all the way on the left so I had to look at the screen a weird angle. Plus one woman laughed at everything, even if it wasn't a quip or joke. It pissed me off, I gave up watching the movie and just sat in anger.
IT, there were a bunch of normies vaping in front of me and nonstop talking throughout the movie.
I went to go see Arrival a year ago and these fucking roasties sitting behind me kept making noise and kicking my chair.
Beyond that, I haven't had too many bad experiences at the theatre.
God your mom is awesome
Your mother sounds like a wonderful person.
Pretty much. This or Grown Ups.
Star Trek Generations
An entire row in the theatre cosplayed as crew members. Whenever the old cast was shown the entire row stood up and screamed CAPTAIN ON THE BRIDGE
It was very clear they already watched the movie several times, but god I couldn't stop laughing
I watched Warcraft in my local theatre at prime time
It was emtpy
I was literally the only one in the entire theatre
It's both amazing and eerie at the same time
And this happens a lot
I was watching a fairly known movie with a girl on a date once, again we were the only ones in the entire theatre
Krabs, please.
what a piece of shit father
Got 3: Saw the 5th Element in a newly constructed theater with a set of blown out speakers. Nothing but rattles and buzzing for dialog and sub-woofers sound like they're 10ft underwater. Management refuses to refund. Toy Story 2: Packed house and two parents start a fight over seating as the movie starts. Knock out/Drag'em out fight in front of families and children. Police arrive and drag out both offending parties, kicking and screaming as they are ejected. Hardcore Henry - Saw in a Prime Dolby Cinema in a full Atmos sound. Great movie and great presentation. However, shortly after leaving the theater I had to pull off the road and puke my guts out. I'm suddenly overcome by motion sickness. Strange that I was able to watch the entire movie without any problem, but felt woozy on the way to the parking lot.
I've had plenty of experiences with bad movies in theatres but those aren't really entertaining so I'll just talk about these instead. Two stories come to mind.
>Be 10
>At good friends birthday party
>At a movie theatre
>Forget what movie we were seeing (Probably something animated or from Disney)
>Its a big birthday party so there's two rows 'reserved' for the kids to sit at.
>As we arrive, find large niggress she-boon and her little rat children have taken up the center of one of the reserve rows
>Birthday boys uncle decides to balls up and intervene
>Approaches queen coon
>Politely lays hand on her shoulder
>"Excuse me miss-"
>"Oh sorry its just-"
>"My nephew has these seats reserved for a birthday party and we need to use them for-"
>"Yes but we paid for these one"
>Uncle drops 'polite' act now
>"I can gladly go get them if you don't move"
>Her little nigglet rats start screaming and shouting god knows what foul tongue
>"I'm sorry miss you have to MOVE"
>Gets up with her nigger brood
>"Goddamz racist ass white fuck 'mumble mumble' "
>Uncle follows hers to make sure he can talk to manager
>Neither come back
>Few days later, here that the nigger tried to press charges for "assault" on my friends uncle because he touched her shoulder
>Parents/Uncle had to spend rest of birthday party talking to cops/theatre people
This is one of the earliest instances in my life when I realized some black people weren't the same as other races...
Second story in next post.
I saw mullholland drive at a midnight movie and a guy behind me kept shouting "fuck you david lynch" at the screen for two hours until he left.
And I say worst, and it was annoying, but DESU it's pretty funny so i aint mad
Some lady behind me smelled, best way I can explain it, like perfumed filled-diaper when I was watching BR2049. I normally love long movies, but the smell was so pungent I wanted to leave 20 mins into the movie.
Yes it fucking is lol. They BOTH linger for hours, and I guess it comes down to taste, but cigarette smell is better to me because it reminds me of my mom. Weed just reminds me of my dumb ass friends. I lit up the cig in protest. Apparently the potheads have won.
This is all coming from a 10+ long ex-pothead. Got out of that shit after college.
Are you literally me?
Second story
>Be 15 or maybe 16
>Seeing a movie alone on a Saturday
>first Captain America film actually
>Theatre is kinda crowded
>Pick a seat in the back with my popcorn
>All's well so far
>Just as credits start to role a Mexican family of a mom, dad, and like six kids sit down
>Directly. Behind me.
>'sigh' "its okay there not making noise or anything it'll be fine"
>Dialogue starts
>Mexican dad starts babbling in rapid Spanish to wife and kids
>He talks constantly after each line of dialogue
>I eventually realize that he's translating the entire fucking movie to them based on my rudimentary knowledge of spanish
>Jesus Christ
>Still not gonna give up, its my Saturday and I paid for this god fucking dammnit.
>Move a few rows below them quietly, keep watching
>We good for like an hour in, I start munching popcorn
>Suddenly see something dart out of the corner of my eye down an aisle
>Its the beaner children
>They're playing a game of tag/hide and seek in a crowded theatre
>Parents do nothing
>Kill me.jpeg
>Try to ignore them and eat my popcorn
>Popcorn at this point is resting on the seat next to me
>Suddenly here something rustle close to my ear
>Look over at my bag of popcorn to find a greasy, shitskinned, small child-like monkey paw reaching into the bag
>One of the beaner children is sitting behind me trying to steal my popcorn
>I make eye contact with the little spider monkey
>Suddenly don't know what to do, I cant just smack him cause he's like eight
>Do I yell? And disrupt the movie?
>Do I tell his parents? Well fuck its not like they're gonna do anything
>Awkwardly go "stop go away" like I'm literally shoing away a stray dog.
>He darts back into the darkness like a fucking spic ninja
>Finally had enough, complain to the front
>They get thrown out while their children cry and the dad screams in broken English about "racism"
>Go to post underage
>Realise they can
So this is how shitposting dies
Mom being this based.
The film was incredible but I saw blade runner in this shitty cinema where the screen was too dark and not that big. Probably it looked too dark because I was sitting all the way at the side.
Jesus christ user have a fucking heart
Brought my retarded furry friend to see one of the Room screenings. His commentary was way off baseline from the real fans.
Jesus Christ dude. Have some compassion.
Did you fugg?
I went to see Walk Hard hammered then passed out and pissed myself
>>every time something happens in the movie, the woman does this stupid fucking snicker. She keeps doing it, even at things that aren't supposed to be funny, just whenever something happens in the movie
I have a friend who does the exact same shit. I'll avoid going with him but whenever I give in I'm reminded why I hate it.
>friends are passing around edibles
>I don't smoke let alone anything else
>tells me to eat one third of the bar
>eat the whole thing
>awful migraine and headrush the entire movie
>Go see RoTS
>Couple of kids have a meltdown during that scene
>Ruined last 15 minutes of the film
>I got really pissed off that day. Never hanged out with him much afterwards.
friends aren't really worth it past about 15-16 years old. people either become assholes it never change and become boring. once they get married you never see them or have to deal with the fallout if their wife contolling their every action.
two soyboys next to me at 3 billboards, beard and everything. when I first sat down one looked at me like I was about to murder him (I'm brown). The whole movie he and his bf or whatever kept force laughing at all the yaas queen slay moments, specially hard at the bit with the priest and the shit about the L.A. gangs, they were cackling like "yes! take THAT religion!", extremely annoying. when Woody Harrelson is playing around with his wife one of them said something like "hey wasn't she was just drinking?" like he was worried about it being unconsensual and rape. fuckers ruined it but overall the movie was fun but pretty reddit itself, from the poster, title and premise I expected something tonally closer to Foxcatcher or something like that
You never disrespect a veteran like that dude, fuck you
A couple, but not as worse as some in the thread
>See Rogue One
Sit in semi midde/front row where you can rest your feet on the metal bars.
>Packed theatre so parents have their 11? year old kid sits right next to me while they go like 3 rows in front of me where the shit seats are at.
>keeps kicking the metal bar so the whole thing shakes, fucking annoying but whatever I'll just lay my feet off.
>Kid finishes his water bottle at climax of movie and just starts fucking crushing the empty bottle for no reason.
>Finally tell him to knock it off and he just gives me a petrified look.
>See M:I4
>theater moderately filled
>Fat mexican family sits down my row.
>Movie starts and the fat dad's phone starts ringing and answers it talking out loud in spanish while munching on his popcorn
>continues to say shit throughout the movie and the kids keep whining while the mom tries to calm them down.
>literally every MCU movie
>Entire whole row behind me is taken by a bunch of black kids and their moms
>Both have to fucking comment on the movie and explain what's going on non stop.
>going to the cinema all alone as always
>the usual routine, bought two tickets and the multiculturally approved combo of hummus and goatmilk, family size
>also brought a womens jacket which I hold on my right arm when I enter
>"Excuse me sir but where is your companion?"
>"Oh she's at the bathroom no worries" *point at the jacket*
>"Enjoy your kíno sir"
>a bit sweaty from that interaction but it all seems good, have plenty of time to cool down during ads
>lights go off, movie finally starts
>let out the last few farts from the warm goatmilk so I can finally enjoy my highly anticipated flick
>suddenly the opening credits are stopped, cinema staff bullies come in with flashlights
>Saw a guy drinking the offensive Coca Cola drink so they gotta be after him
>but the main cinema bully flashes right at me and yells "RIGHT THERE! GET THE LOSER"
>they are clearly onto me, should've brought a more convincing and expensive women's jacket
>the whole row is throwing me out, spitting and throwing stones at me
>cinema staff bullies drag me out of there with the whole crowd cheering and clapping
>"This is the third time you broke the 'no singles policy', you're going to jail you fucking weirdo"
>they throw me in the cinema jail, small dirty cell with no windows or toilet (pic related), just a designated shitting corner
>they don't tell me the time or date so I don't know if I was there for weeks or months
>survive on eating only leftover spilled cinema hummus and sheep blood which the cinema staff scrapes of the floor of every screening
>get to know all the other losers in nearby cells, we form a secret women hating club in there
>one other loser overhears our conversation and starts yelling at us
>brawl ensues, cinema jail clans are fighting to death
>I pretend dead so the staff throws me out in the dumpster with the rest of the bodies
>wait for the night to fall and run back home to my room
>have to start collecting good boy points all over again
rough times my dear friends.
Everyone bitches about teenagers in theaters, but thats only a problem if you go at night on weekends. The real dirge is old people. Always chatting, snoring, farting, coughing with impunity, no sense of personal space or privacy, and always complaining about the film the second it ends. Every other time I go I want to strangle one of them
>see Call Me By Your Name
>some guy comes in after the film starts
>coughs and groans for the first half hour, eventually stops or falls asleep
>as the film winds down he starts it again, stretching and making dad noise constantly
>during the Dad's big speech he does a huge rolling "YAAAAAAAAAWWWWWN" drowning out the movie
>so fucking mad I miss the next two lines of dialogue
>spends the rest of the film tapping his feet and jangling his keys, is so eager to leave but just stands stretching during the credits shot
>finally leaves but comes back because he lost his parking garage ticket under his seat
>see the Revenant, get a large popcorn because its late in the day and a long film
>old lady makes a remark about how much it is to me
>say "yeah, guess im hungry haha" politely
>she keeps going telling me she thinks its too much food and just stares at me like I need to justify myself three different ways
>she pulls sodas out of her bag for her and a friend right as the film starts and cracks them during the quiet moments
Give me your mum's number.
I've got an old person one. This is actually my aunt's story but whatever
>Aunt takes her dad and her kids to see 'Up'
>Five minutes in and grandpa is already snoring
>My aunt thinks this is hilarious and starts chuckling to herself
>Meanwhile onscreen the old man's wife is dying
>Aunt has to leave the theater because she's laughing too hard and people are looking at her funny
Pot heads actually believe this
All these stories make me glad to live in the UK where everyone knows about basic manners
>Took my little cousins to see one of the Diary of a Wimpy kid movies
>Whatever, it's time I am spending with him
>Pretty bland, nothing was funny. He was enjoying it though so that's fine
>Suddenly half way through the movie, the most ear shattering laughter you could think of.
>Like, one of those laughters where they are breathing at the same time as laughing, except much louder
>This happened at every "joke" even ones that weren't funny at all
>I turn around expecting a disabled kid
>Nope, it's a well looking bloke my age
>Eventually my cousin turned around to tell him to shut up (I wasn't game because the last time I did, I got barred from the theater for a little while)
>He told my cousin to shut up as loud as he can
>My cousin started to cry
>I finally had enough of his shit and went up and dragged him by his hair to outside the theater
>Theater staff came about and I explained the situation
>Guy was kicked out and when I returned, my cousin gave me a fist bump
>mfw after all this I still got banned from the Theater.
In junior high, we had a minimum day so me and my friends decided to watch Vampires Suck for the lols. Turns out the whole school had the same idea, so literally the entire theater was full of kids from school. Kinda cool but everyone was being so fucking loud and the movie was shit so it came out as more of a negative experience.
>go see Spiderman 3 day one
>kid next to us is dressed head to toe as Venom
>in seats waiting for previews
>kid gets off the phone with his mom about how excited he is
>previews start
>kid is jumping around and scrambling
>he lost his cell phone
>cries the entire time
>movie manager didn't kick him out until after the jazz scene
>movie ends
>kid is curled up in a ball crying outside in the aisle with his venom hoodie covering his face