Looks like it’s a winner

Looks like it’s a winner.

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It's probably going to be one of the better capeshits, but everyone sucking it's BBC like it's the second coming is going to make people hate it

>jungle drumming ensues

Representation and Identity matter.

>its okay to be white

Fuckin racist kill yourself

Do the niggers in America tweeting about this realise that actual Africans hate them?

repeat of Wonder Woman. mediocre movie that's hyped to hell. Niggers are lower on the food chain so expect more condescending praise

Next: "Black Panther should be nominated for Best Picture"
After: "Black Panther was snubbed by the Oscars"

>Looks like it’s a winner.

The first black anything cannot fail.

No because actual Africans don't have internet

it wasn't the first black anything

Well, considering that every mall has been taken over by blacks, this won’t fail.

Literally the first Marvel movie, not counting howard the duck

Obama was only half black.

What the fuck is that? Looks like an alien

Pretty catchy, actually. He makes a good argument.


What do people mean by that? Is it just another empty buzzword?

>supporting the sexists and other creepy rapists in hollywood

Morally questionable

no, expanding your vocabulary helps you define things more easily

>African bongos

They're literally mocking nigs and nig lovers at this point

doop doop

>the first MCU movie about something real
>set in a fake country in a cinematic universe with mutants, aliens, sorcerers and Gods

>Black panther is much-needed levity to the Marvel cinematic universe and that's a good thing
>Black panther is a game changer, best superhero movie of all the time and that's a good thing!
>Black panther is the greatest superhero movie ever made in existence and that's a good thing!
>Black panther is the funniest superhero movie ever and that's a good thing!
>Black panther is one of the highest rated superhero films on Rotten Tomatoes and that’s a good thing!
>Black panther is the Hilary Clinton of movies and that’s a good thing!

kino is the abbreviation of Kinetic, didn't you know?

I already hate it and I watch bbc porn almost every day.

>the first MCU movie about something real
>flying cars and nigger kings
imagine thinking a superhero movie about a make believe african nation is something you should be proud of

>why identity matters and how tragic it is to deny people this
Literally an altright talking point. Can't you faggots be happy just once?

So this movie was also financed and made by black people as well?

I can't be the only one who is going to add this movie title to their filter list.

I'm also hiding every topic related to this film from now on.

You should do the same.

Don't feed the beast by arguing with marketing fags who just want to raise the exposure for this film.

Black Panther is _____ and here is why it ______

The fuck are you talking about?

It being about black people is going to make people hate it you actually mean

>repeat of every MCU movie

lmao good luck faggot, I haven't had this much shitpost material since TLJ dropped

Best of all it synthesises two great bedbugs of Sup Forums: capeshit and Sup Forums

Isn’t Captain America 1 set in WWII, that’s real right

No. And it frustrates a lot of Africans in general that American niggers want to lump themselves in with them when they hate their mongrel asses too.

African Americans are even more hated than the Jews.

Identifying with fictional characters is a sign of mental illness

>over 2/3 of Nigerian-American immigrants hold at least a bachelors degree
>Let’s idolize imaginary Africans instead
What did they mean by this?

The fact that people believe marketers come here makes me so... embarrassed. It’s like how my special needs younger brother believes his life is a tv show and everything revolves around him



If blacks are going around claiming to be wakandan flying car kings n shiet I'm going to claim Latverian heritage.

But does it bring a much-needed levity to the Marvel cinematic universe?

>not a good thing

>representation & identity matters, and how tragic is is when those things are denied to people

literally what the alt-right says but about whites lmao

>movie is called black panther
>black panther will be the character used in other marvel movies
>all everyone is talking about is michael b jordan's character and the women

what is marvel's plan here exactly?

You must realize by now that there is zero self-awareness when it comes to modern leftists.

Black Panther is literally the first black superhero in comics dumbass

I find it hard to believe Michael B Jordan will be a good villain. He's about as threatening as a teddy bear.

>the antagonist needs to be intimidating

pleb understanding

we're talking about the movie

>reviewed by an "I'm not like other girls" girl on twitter


In a movie about a super advanced society where they still choose a supreme leader through physical combat the villain had better be threatening. They have a fucking king, and his mark of office is a super suit made for battle. The whole movie should just be about S.H.I.E.L.D. forcing them back into isolation before their batshit crazy space tech backed society destroys the planet 'for da grater gud" or some dumb shit.

>because of a superhero flick
>a superhero flick blatantly pandering to various special interest groups featuring one of the worst goddamned black hero EVER WRITTEN

American niggers literally think that the entire fucking continent of Africa is Egypt.

Not true, South Africa is full of tons of actual Africans with internet. I mean, they're dutch so they might as well be black, but whatever.

There aren't any mutants or magic in the MCU, though. Its all tech and alien genetic experiments.

That image is hilarious. It's not a movie about Martin Luther King. Not about Malcolm x. Not a story about someone blacks could actually look up to. It's a comic book movie. Made up shit for kids. Not about Obama. It's not a great work of fiction written by a black author. It's just a retarded special effects action movie for kids.

The world needs to end soon. I can't take anything seriously anymore. Everybody and everything is a fucking joke.

asian women love black men, white bois are fucking done lmao

>black people still want kings in a time where monarchies have been shown to be god fucking awful

I'm surprised the flag isn't just Doom's mask on a field of black.

>I literally cried

>what is Disney's plan


>The fact that people believe marketers come here makes me so... embarrassed.

>try to get useful data from the same social network circle-jerks that made you think Ghostbusters was going to be a hit and TLJ was going to meet or excel TFA's take
>come here where the opinions are as blunt and honest as a kick to the nuts

Oh, they're here, sweetie.


Of course they are. I just can't see, to figure out why anyone on this board gives a shit about this movie unless everybody here is 16 and I'm a 30+ year old man who needs to move on.

You’re just getting older my man. Shits going to make less and less sense. Hang in there.

Am I allowed to just enjoy this movie as a shitty capeshit flick or do I have to pick a side in the (((culture war)))?

Enjoying capeshit makes you a faggot either way.

best costumes

I tend to criticize your hate addiction but it sure makes you notice interesting patterns.

These look like early TLJ tweets.

And that's a good thing

It's the first Disney movie about something alright, shit.

How come blacks can be proud but white people are racists if they celebrate being white.

Whites are soyboys.

>I don't understand history
And no one has a problem with people celebrating Irish, Italian, French, German, etc culture, retard.

>white people should compromise
why are you leftists such pussies?

Because it's not special if a white did something. Whites did everything. White guy goes to the moon? That's neat but of course he's white. Trayvon goes to the moon it's like FUCKING SERIOUSLY HOLY SHIT!

Whites can celebrate being gay or tranny.

None of these lefty fags have ever watched Blade. In the comics they don't know what to do with him in The Current Year either, so he just shows up at random in other books to be a wacky cameo and then leaves again

Yes, all the words they use are interchangeable.

For fun times, keep an eye on google trending graphs the day after launch for "where is wakanda?"

doom's country is actually very functional. they might not have the best morale but they are stable

This is another hilarious aspect of lefties going rabid over Black Panther: NONE OF THEM FUCKING BOUGHT HIS COMICS.

They didn't buy his comic or BP & The Crew. They don't give a single shit about the actual character.

RLM were absolutely right, being a nerd nowadays means seeing a few superhero films a year and then buying a pre-faded Captain America t-shirt.

They said the same shit about Luke Cage.

even as a winner, they could cut out the dick sucking

it's not the same though
the other MCU movies were just considered good movies
this is being hoisted as a cultural flashpoint, when it's just another superhero movie made by the "good" superhero movie company
it's just marketing tactics

Mud hut memes aside almost every country in Africa has internet.

its ironic that people are celebrating this movie so hard when its created by white jews and the largest market going to see it are white goyim. its essentially a blaxploitation movie that is realeased during black history month.

Only western Asian women and the ugly ones at that most Asian hotties go for Asian men or white dudes

The best thing is that niggers don't even understand what a monarchy means and think that EVERYONE would be a fucking kang.


We need more movies about White kings and queens.

Just watch documentaries and not comic book horse shit for teenagers.

I would have been fine if they had marketed to blacks but enough people are openly "take that white man" that I can't really bring myself to see such a politically loaded film.

It would be a simple matter of studios calling out that shit but they won't, they know the blacks love it and they know enough whites will just tolerate it.

can i ask a serious question

do you guys honestly feel like any of this forced diversity or quotas or obsession with women's issues has improved ANY of the media you consume?

really i am just curious if this shallow "representation" crap actually makes blacks or trans people feel better. would they not prefer to just have "well written characters" instead of "poorly written walking checklists"?

>something real

>no magic in the MCU
>Doctor Strange

>the first MCU movie about something real