What's some daughtercore? Films that make me feel bad that I'll never have a cute daughter to protect and raise

What's some daughtercore? Films that make me feel bad that I'll never have a cute daughter to protect and raise.


Looks shit



>being this pleb

>Amazing daughter figure
>Great father figure
>Unique approach to their version of a family
If you don't cry with it you love cock.



if you're a pleb - Logan
if you're a patrician - Leon the Professional

Logan Lucky

Man on Fire

>Gifted vs I AM SAM
So which is better?

Personally I think they are all about the issue that people don't trust single dad

Is this what Tropic Thunder is mocking when they talk about going full retard?

I think the real issue is about single dad being discriminated but both movies used IQ issue as smokescreen.

alice in the cities

It's not a fair comparison, Gifted is a better father-daughter movie, because they show what being a father really means, they show it's not just procreating a kid, it's not just living in the same house, they show it is about being there for your kid, and to know them and understand them and doing what's best for them.

I Am Sam portrays the desire to fulfill those characteristics but it ends up with Lucy literally being the grown up and not knowing what to do with the actual adult in her family.

I would say I Am Sam is a better movie overall, but for this particular theme I would go with Gifted.

Alice in the Cities (pseudo-daughtercore)
El Sur (though this is more, you're a depressed piece of shit who never took proper care of your daughter-core)
Gifted was just passable. It becomes a weirdly different movie as it goes on.

The University plot was necessary for the evil grandma to want to steal her away though.

>tfw have little sister
Close enough

makes me depressed as fuck, I want a daughter too, or a son, man I don't fucking care what I just don't want to die alone, fading away leaving nothing in this world


The New Daughter

David Ducheveney probably got one or two

we'll make it one day