We are back in business, boys! Get in here!
>Remember to post Illyria!
We are back in business, boys! Get in here!
>Remember to post Illyria!
Other urls found in this thread:
Shameless self bump, cuz idgaf
Remember when Spike was sparring with Ilyria and she kept beating the hell out of him over and over?
Why was he so lucky, bros?
buffy threads get ruined by too much gay.
Ok tell me how to enjoy this, even lexx is more watchable to me. How do I get over their infantile fighting, dialogue, quips and general silliness? Usually I can for all shows, I can set myself apart and truly appreciate the world they're trying to create but with angel the sickness is overpowering
>"She's not a horse, Spike."
What do you mean user?
besides that, I dunno what to tell you... It's a genre bender with awesome characters and character arcs that make up the stories, funny/witty dialogue. And IMO one of the best Final episodes ever to air on TV. But hey... each to their own.
>Remember to post Illyria!
>implying id ever forget to post the one true goddess
shaking my head to be honest family
No doubt, just a friendly reminder, user!
are you the same guy from last week's thread?
My kind of thread.
Why is she so perfect, bros?
There is just something about her, you know...
You mean, her unbearable levels of cuteness?
>funny/witty dialogue
Listening to cordellia speak to anyone back at their office in Angel makes me feel ill
So cute it hurts
yeah, thats the one.
That closed mouth smile Amy does is so god damn adorable. Especially the one on the far right. Jesus christ it's just 2cute4me
Again dude, you either like something or you don't.
Why do you wanna force yourself yo watch something if you're so hellbent on criticizing it anyway?
If you focus on the things you hate, you will never enjoy anything.
Seems to me you're not being honest with yourself. You say you wanna enjoy it, but you keep focused on hating it. There are way worse things out there regarding those items you seem to hate.
>tfw you couldn't protect her smile
Why does it still hurt so much?
Closed, smiling... doesn't really matter, she's just too adorable
(that) smile I mean...
Why did Wes have to suffer so much?
>that soft, weak, heartbroken "yes" he croaks out
>"And then Fred died and I wasn't gonna let that be another random horrible event, in a random horrible world. So I decided to use it, to make her death... Matter."
Holy moly macaroni was S5 good.
>ywn save the Texas girl who wanted to see the world ;_;
tbqh, If if lost my Fred, I too would make something radical, like go on a suicide crusade against an undefeatable evil just to tell the world to go fuck itself...
This scene god damn it!!
I want to eat her poop
A bit extreme dont you think?
If I was in Angel or Spikes shoes I would have let the the world burn if it meant saving Fred. Nothing else matters but her.
wesley would have too
Stay classy Sup Forums....
Threadly reminder Amy is not for lewd and even less for indecency.
Refine yourself user, Amy is an elite waifu for anons of patrician taste
Was that show in full hd and 16:10?
I guess you're right. None of us would make a good hero in that context.
The world is not as important as her.
i dont get it, whats the joke here
wrong pic, meant
Well she's gotta go sometime, might as well be on my face
If she is alright with it and I am enthusiastic about it, what is the crime?
Reminder Wesley should've believed in her. Illyria wanted to bring Fred back for him, and contrary to his notions, it was never a lie
Would a world without Fred even be worth saving?
In the words of Spike...
To hell with the world
Normally I pass fan videos, but there's a few worth mentioning.
Also, something that rarely gets mentioned
Illyria's own pain
She also lost everything and nobody gave her a hug at first ;_;
>open video
>please, wesley-
>immediately close video
And I'm sure that ones not terrible, but 99% of fan videos really are awful, especially ones for anything made by Joss Whedon. Nauseatingly bad. Only show I've seen to have a number of actually good ones is Person of Interest, but you still have to look hard to find them.
>illyria will never become curious about human physical contact
>illyria will never demand that you hold her, so that she may explore the intricacies of the thing humans call "cuddling"
I know it hurts, but I posted it for the Fred and Illyria feels later
Dammit, why?
I just wanted to see it happen.
>Illyria learning to cuddle
>Wesley, reaching out to her against his better judgement
>tfw no lovecraftian cute gf ;_;
Here's the whole fight scene instead.
It was never meant to be though, Illyria isn't really for cuddles. Fred is for cuddles, Illyria is for worshipping
>tfw wasn't expecting fanatical Illyria/Amy fans when I started making these threads
Well, like y'all said earlier, "elite waifu for anons of patrician taste".
they should've cast adult michelle trachtenberg and aged up dawn instead of the screeching teen we got
>Implying even as a devote worshipper, you wouldn't hold her and protect her at her moment of greater weakness.
>She would laugh at me and call me a silly mortal. I still would be there for her to tend her wounds and take care of her
user... Amyposting has been a thing for some time now. The world needs to know about Amy
Intresting idea, care to elaborate.
To tell you a secret user, and I'm not kidding about this, that first Illyria thread was the first thread I've ever actually done. And I've been lurking for a while now.
>Keep posting more Amys pls
When Hamilton rekts her, that just made my skin crawl...
I'm more just an Amy fan in general. Not that I don't love Illyria, but she's not my favorite Amy character. Not that it matters though, because every character Amy plays is the best character anyway. But yeah, Amy is the most patrician waifu.
D-do you think if I served her well enough, she would let me hold her...? Is there a chance?
>young michelle: scrawny and can't sit on your face
>adult michelle: thicc and can sit on your face
i'm still working on the theory but that's what i have so far
Sounds like you got it nailed down with science. I aprove of this.
The only Amy stuff I've seen are Angel, Dollhouse and Alias.
So you're a new Amybro then?
there is a slower /hr/ thread too that could be of your interest
Welcome then
Yeah I know the feel. I don't like scenes where bad shit happens to her either
>Is there a chance?
I think it's possible, user.
We saw how Wesley cared for her even if his feels were a mess. Deep down he loved her like any of us would, and that's why he was close to her.
Well then you've seen most of the essentials, only thing you're missing is Person of Interest.
Dude... This means you're missing on the other one of her greatest kinos.
Being Person of Interest
Also, not as good as Angel or PoI yet, but it's young and has current year Amy on it: The Gifted
>seen all that i want to see on netflix
>bored decide to rewatch buffy
what eps should i watch? season and ep numbers would be appreciated so i can go directly and watch instead of looking them up using ep title. thanks, buff-anons.
Well I'm just a huge fan of the Buffyverse, but I always loved Fred/Illyria. She just captured me, you know.
Also this, Person of Interest is pure tvkino and she's fantastic in it. It's the only show besides Angel where she plays a really great character who gets a lot of screentime.
Wtf user? All of it of cource.
Meant for
We all felt the same thing, user. It's impossible to not fall for Fred. Which also means its impossible to not fall for Amy, since she was basically playing herself anyway.
I get where you come from, user. I come from the same place.
Got an incurable crush on Amy since i saw the Pylea episodes. Illyria arc only made it worse
Years passed and I never could quite get over the loss of Fred, and ALSO Illyria, since she became my favorite character immediately, despite the heartbreak, but we lost her too since the show ended.
It's a wound than never quite healed, and for years, Amy only randomly appeared on some things. Then I learn about PoI... and it's absolute kino. Same level of feels and perhaps more.
Also learned about the Buffyverse comics, which are not as good, but I read them all for more Illyria.
i meant what are the top/best eps that i should re-watch first. i'm primarily looking for funny eps. what was the season/ep numbers of that ep where they're all singing throughout the ep? and that halloween ep where they get trapped in that frat house?
Don't ruin a cult classics pls.
please? i so want a brandon the vampire slayer with best bud william. ;_;
Guess I have no choice now; I gotta put Person of Intrest on my "To watch" -list
For Amy, I'd say the kino begins with Pylea... season 2 finale (about 4 episode arc). S3 is debatable, bu it has Amy, S4 has good in it, especially the beast and Jasmine... S5 is just a rollercoaster to the finale, and likely best season in the show
For Buffy... personally, I like S1 for the comfy, 2 for the Angelus, 3 for the Mayor, and 4 for Hush and the Iniciative, Adam and the First Slayer. From the rest, I only like a few loose parts of Glory and the Turok hans in the end.
>ywn slow dance with amy
god damn it hurts. Even for Amy she was ridiculously pretty in this scene, I don't even know what it was about it exactly, but it was beautiful.
>"Once more, with feeling."
>"Band Candy"
Those two come to mind first, also episodes with Oz in them. Oz is awesome.
You guys watch the unofficial sequel to Angel? It's called Person of Interest.
You wont regret it user. Just a heads up though, she doesn't show up until the first season finale, and doesn't become a series regular until season 3. That said the show is still great even without Amy, and by the end of it, like the other user said, you will probably feel just as much and just as hard as you did for Angel.
>What happens in Pylea, stays in Pylea.
Guys please. This smile just injects the feels...
>Oz is awesome.
so true. what was that ep where buffy somehow can read minds? she was reading the minds of the scooby gang and oz's thoughts were awesome-funny. i want to re-watch that ep just for that scene.
and thanks for the ep titles.
Maybe it's that as the world falls down around them, she has time to be cute and enjoy a wedding
Besides, for me it's evoking the father-daughter feels. One of my greatest PoI wishes was to see Harold hug his qt daughterfu and this is as close as it gets ;_;
>Fred is just Amy, wearing her real glasses :3
Shit, sorry user. I can't remember the episode names well, but I do remember most of the episodes. I suggest you check this guys channel, he knows his Buffyverse.
this maybe?
But Amy smiles should only give you happy feels user
She was always cute and pretty but she just looks even more elegant and beautiful there. It's probably the dress I guess, and the way she moves, and the smile. It's just too much for me...
Also, why is Amy in glasses so cute?
I personally prefer Angel S5 Fred with the lipstick, straight hair and a labcoat.
Amy is the only person I've seen whose smile automatically makes me smile, no matter what.
I wish I knew, man... It's stronger than me. The cuteness levels are off the charts. Like a library mouse, but Amy
>tfw no bookworm gf
What about filthy unkempt potato-sack wearing Fred?
Jew broad fights Draculas.
interesting channel. thanks.
that's it i think. thanks. at first i thought it can't be the one because there's no oz in the credits list then mfw oz's name is daniel osbourne.
>ywn be Amy's knight in shining armor
>ywn save a potato clad Amy from the monsters
hold me, bros ;_;
A smile that can melt even the hardest heart.
>ywn protect amy
thats all you had to say. that alone hurts enough without having to go into specifics...
I mean, it's still Fred... Need I say more.
It's still a freaking good show.
I'm sorry, user. Sometimes I need to put my pain in words, to try to make it hurt a bit less, and I didn't want to be alone in it.
Here's a smiling Amy to numb it a bit.
Also more unofficial fanfic vids. What I thought was gonna happen when she first came into the show. what part of me still wishes had happened
Alright anons. It's super mega late in here and I'm super tired. I'm off to bed. More Buffyverse threads to come for sure! (Keep on posting more Fred and Illyria!)
>today I learned there are aristocratic Amyposter anons, what a time to be alive.
Goodnight user, always good to have more Amyposters.
Cuteness of her schoolgirl crush aside, she always should have been with Wesley, from the start. He was the only one who truly understood just how special a Fred gf is
Reminder that Movie Buffy > Show Buffy