Watch MI:5 Rogue Nation expecting complete shit

>watch MI:5 Rogue Nation expecting complete shit
>it's actually one of the best Mission Impossible
what went so right? Was it Rebeca Ferguson?

she has a shit body though

Her body is a 6/10 but her face is mommy/10

more like 9/10

Rogue Nation was fucking awesome i absolutely loved it it was action kino

Legit one of my favorite action movies. Non-cringy jokes, great characters, exciting set pieces, and a perfect length. Christopher McQuarrie is one of the best action directors when he has a great script to work with.

it's based Tom Cruise movie, and these have only 2 outcomes
1. You like them
2. You don't understand them but once you do, look again @ point 1.



Had some great scenes. But the movie killed the franchise. SJW PC hot girl killing guys in hand to hand combat and knife fights lmao yeah fucking retarded and so dumb I couldn't even shove popcorn into my mouth. Also story has gotten so ridiculous and dumb my brain won't stay a sleep.

Fuck mission impossible and Hollywood cancer. 2017 death of cinema. 2018 funeral.

This. Ghost protocol at least wasn't lgbtqtothez hollyweird shit.

Fuck movies. Thank God for reruns because we will not be getting a single good movie going forward. Went full circle and now entire industry is gay garbage feminazism like hollyweird uses to all be musicals.


how was she SJW PC?

>that plane intro sequence
>that whole silent Opera sequence with three snipers
>that underwater scene
it's fucking good

why is she always acting slutty as fuck ? both in interviews and in movies

A girl is James bond even beats Ethan hunt in races on a bike and... fuck it if you don't get bothered by franchise now being full on fantasy with elves and orcs then don't worry faggot. Next movie will have a wizard too I'm sure. Wait that is Simon peg, nevermind.

>acting slutty
she's not just "acting"

MI2 and MI3 are the worst. MI2 is about two guys fighting over a 7/10 roastie, and MI3 is half the plot of the first movie but with some asshole wanting a mcguffin as a ransom payment.
Also the big heist of MI3 has Tom Cruise sneaking into the Vatican dressed as a priest, with a hollowed out bible containing a gun, crosses filled with explosives, they destroy ancient murals to navigate their way in while a 3/10 roastie goes into a sermon practically naked to steal a briefcase or something. I had to look up who wrote this shit and
>J. J. Abrams

>that Burj Kalifa scene in MI4
>when he slips

Nathalie Emmanuel's ass was the best part of anything past the first movie

I wish I could just get my mission impossible movies recut with just Tom cruise stunts and delete the rest.

what? aren't you confusing it with Fast and Furious?

>love interest of MI:2
>she is suddently and agent in MI4
what the fuck? why did they never talk about it in the movie

everyone say hi to sea org


There has only been one kinda bad Misson Impossible and that was two. All the rest are perfectly fine popcorn movies

This. And even 2 has some redeeming qualities. Still better than quip shit

>that scene where the camera pans on a building and suddently Cruise randomly dives out of it
fucking based
why does he always have the best stunts

Maggie Q is not a 3/10

>when you realize that this is litterally the best action movie franchise ever
based Cruise

Ghost protocol is the best by far
The way they make you lose hope over and over is great


who's that

Where do the producers get an endless supply of perfectly flat, man jawed women?


Shes Swedish.

Ethan is a total faggot for letting her go desu.

nice picture but how's her foot game

nobody is going to take your bait

>implying he didn't bone her offscreen canonically

That shot is very sexist

>implying most BASED scientom in hollywood would even care

You're totally right, I mixed her up with the transvestite from MI4.