Sopranos thread

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Since Tony most likely died. How far would the family have got with Paulie as boss?

They probably ended up diminished, but fine overall.

Sopranos thread? Over here!

Is there anything even close to the quality of the sopranos? I'm about to finish it and it's easily my favourite series ever

There's only two more that just barely come close, and that's The Wire and Twin Peaks.

was this ending kino?

Not as good as the ending to Stage 5

Never seen Twin Peaks but from what I've read here a lot of stuff is still unexplained? The Wire wasn't bad but I dont see why it's held in such a high regard. I'm thinking possibly Black Sails or Boardwalk Empire next

The Wire is as rewatchable as The Sopranos, I watch clips of these two shows often

>I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano
>Army of One
>All Due Respect
>Made in America
What is the best season finale of the show?

My blu-ray set arrived today.

Everyone but Paulie dead

They would've been fine, Paulie was Sunte Zoo expert.

>The Wire

Phil Shineboxtardo did nothing wrong.

How did that fat, rat fuck Pussy score such a cute mafia milf?

He was in the mob. Tony was a fat fuck too and he banged 9/10s left and right.

All Due Respect was my favorite because it was a great ending to the series. We didn't need Chrissy, Sil, or Tony dead.

They killed the whole family

What is the best episode and why is it Whitecaps?

I don't think it would've been as satisfying.

But it was Paulie who had Tony killed.

Getouddahere, it was clearly Patsy.

I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm.

Mad Men and Breaking Bad perhaps?

Why is Join the Club the most kino episode? I think it would’ve been an even better finale.

This patsy was just waiting for a chance after tony killed his brother for such bulshit

>Never seen Twin Peaks
Fix that

Since the ending is left up to the viewer to interpret I see it as him surviving and the rest of the story never told.

Paulie boss?
He is virtually retarded, just has massive balls
he chinese cartoons on tv in his underwear and laughs like a big kid fer chrissake

Just finished season 5, I see season 6A is 12 episodes and 6B is 9. I'm really weird about my Soprano's viewing experience so far, Its taken me 2 years because I take breaks between seasons and really just let it burn slow.

My question is this, should I run through all 20 episodes of season 6A and 6B or watch them all together? Does 6A feel like its own season with 6B being a finale of sorts or do they run pretty much together?

TVkino includes ROME, the Wire, and Mad Men

Deadwood comes closets in terms of excellent screenwriting
it is all over too soon with only 3 seasons

I'm a big fan of Twin Peaks but I don't think it measures up to Sopranos. Sopranos is better desu tbqh senpai senpai.
no this one is. easilly my favorite episode ending in the series

It was Butchie


>doesn't know all women are whores who readily gravitate to money and power without regard to the fatness of the fuck

Why you fucking Sup Forumstards raide Sup Forums with this shit?

Raimiposting, Sopranos, Rome, anti black people threads.

It's cringe af. I know what your guys are planning, pretending you are talking about movies to mods don't delete this bullshit

>It's cringe af.

Hello, reddit

You just revealed your own ignorance


Stage 5 is such an incredible episode overall



My own hwat

please don't lump in Sup Forumstards with sopranos threads. Its like the only thing worth a damn on Sup Forums anymore.
