They call it a "Royale with Cheese"

They call it a "Royale with Cheese".

originally lawrence fishburne was gonna be jules but he decided to do another movie instead. Would that have worked as well? I mean obviously the dialogue carries all the characters but would Lawrence be able to give it the little push that carried it into iconic status like Sam jackson did?

Nah. Sam is one of the reasons why the movie was such a massive hit. Take him out of the equation and the reputation of the movie isn't as assured.

The first thing I did when going to Paris was to check if that actually was true.
Which it was.
You frog fuckers really need to get your shit together

Maybe 20 years ago it was true.

Fishburne would have played it a lot more straight, I'm guessing. I have no idea what he was like in 93 but I can't see him being so campy and larger than life the way Jackson was.

I was there ~4 years ago, and they called it Royale.


He was kinda a sleazy gangsta motherfucker in King of New York three years prior, and it was a great performance, but I think it would have just not been as good as Jackson.

A time when bad-ass white and black actors could appear side by side in kino. I fucking miss these days.

Travolta is not badass. He's cool in this movie but not badass.

Do you know what they call a frog meme in France?
No. What do they call a frog meme in France?
A Pepe.
That's kind of weird. What do they call a frog meme in America?
An Alt Right meme.
Alt Right? How does a regular Pepe turn into an Alt Right?
Well you see, a Pepe turns into an Alt Right meme because it's filled with hate for women and niggers. It's also known by the other name of White Supremacist Pepe.
That don't sound too good. I think I'd rather have the regular Pepe.
Too bad you don't live in France because the only thing in America is just Alt Right memes you cracka.

he also had Denzel Washington as a potential for Vince. there's a whole list him and lawrence bender had for casting, ill dig it up and post it

casting list

Cusack as Lance, pre Grosse Pointe Blank, would have been fucking GREAT

>Eric Roberts
Is there a role Eric Roberts can't do?


strong, strong, strong

wouldn't they call it a Royale Du Fromage

Lili Taylor as Honeybunny would have been neat too.

They call it a “halal with goat cheese”

oh yes

desu he would work better as pumpkin

it because of the meter system
French measure burgers using centimeters

this joke started well
then turned into a load of boring sentences

If it's only because the have the metric system they should call it a 113 grammer

they call it
The Royale near cheese


Why do people always quote this? Sure it's mildly humorous in the movie but I never understood why everyone parrots it out of context

mostly to do the Travolta voice.

Because it was the first time characters like this ie hitmen just talked shit like regular joes
Normies minds were blown

