Not gonna lie, this is fucking hilarious watching Disney crash and burn.
Not gonna lie, this is fucking hilarious watching Disney crash and burn
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former shareholder here
...and here's why this is great for Star Wars IX.
I assumed they were saving the trailer for the Super Bowl, but if not, commence to kek.
But in all seriousness we can't let Disney make more Star Wars movies.
And that's a good thing.
Did this guy have any acting experience at all before Spielberg met him at his synagogue?
tag... your it
Movies dont need trailers you alt-virgins!
>release propaganda ridden Star Wars movies for three years
>audiences are tired of their shit
>in panic mode after TLJ was a flop with fans
>spending millions on MORE reshoots for Solo
>have at least four more planned
Seriously though we can't let this guy get his hands on the Death Star plans.
I had hopes Solo would be RO tier when it was first confirmed to be a thing.
Now I can only laugh.
lol on disneys instagram they were covering the black panther red carpet
donald glover was there and they mentioned him as Simba in the new lion king
the new lion king that wont be out till next year
no mention of him as Lando in Han Solo out in a few months
its over!!
Will following failures wake up Hollywood from this "girl puwer" bullshit and make hire competent people instead?
it's probably too interesting without enough female empowerment and marketable toys
Everyone in this thread is fucking retarded
Crash and burn? Disney is making BILLIONS off Star Wars
Even is Solo is bad they'll make bank you stupid cunts
>I'm still going to get PAID
Good for you, you retarded shill.
She looks like a Sith Lord.
We can't let them get their hands on the Death Star codes.
You know how much reshoots cost?
TLJ won by 3 million ticket sales.
Obviously though that guy looks just like the old Solo in TFA. So if they've cast him right then I don't see what this fuss is all about. There's no other fun sci-fi movies out there to compete so it'll be great as usual.
that's what they get for fucking with my boy George. The prequels were the bomb, yo!
Should have just gotten Harrison Ford and cgi'd his face a little.
Can't we just give the series to Rian Johnson, remove the studio meddling and call it day?
>Implying Harrison Ford would want to touch this shit pile ever again
>acting coaches
Oh my god who cares about star wars
after this crashes and burns disney will never again make a SW movie with a white male lead
>Disney is making BILLIONS off Star Wars
Really? Last I heard, they were way, way in the red after the initial deal, marketing and production costs, etc.
This is correct, I just wonder if it's also part of the plan. Well, maybe not a plan but more like a test, and also a win-win situation.
But seriously, we cannot allow them to get the Kessel Run codes.
Apparently Disney will be showing Incredibles 2, not Solo. Make of that what you will.
Like this flopping makes a difference. You can bet that all the upcoming Star Wars films will flop. They alienated the core audience.
Not gonna lie, former fanboy here. This is fucking hilarious watching SJWars crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this bitch produce another movie.
Seriously though, I don't get this. Why does Disney think it's more important to make a """"feminist"""" or """"diverse"""" movie than making money? I thought money always came first as the top priority.
>being this new
Is it possible that they actually lose money this time or will they simply make less money than planned?
Or they could have cast the guy who looks like Harrison Ford and can do a passable impression
The longer they wait, the worse the trailer will be received. Now it's being a "thing" to hate Star Wars, justified or not, the trailer is gonna to get ripped to shreds. They're probably trying to patch it up and do a It Comes At Night on us
If you thought the damage control for TLJ was big, you just fucking wait. They're going to try and re-write reality with this one. Sweatshops of shills on computers typing 24 hours a day.
Sounds like a fucking nazi, you expect the Disney jews to hire this guy?
keep in mind that a good percentage of TLJ's box office was millennials going to see it at least once, many of them multiple times, because everyone in the SJW/nu-male/trendy social realms heard nothing but praise for it. These are the people who spend the majority of their free time staring at social media.
So how will the box office do when Solo gets bad reviews and it's acceptable to talk frankly about it and shit on it since the main characters are white people?
Yeah let's start a petition, user
>alden ehrenreich
Nigga you cannot make that argument even as a oke
>the more a male centric film flops, the more focus there will be on female centric films like Episode IX
Ehrenreich means "fuck the third reich" in German
not using this guy was the first sign of trouble. I would have bet a billion dollars they greenlit this movie SOLELY based on his impression.
Anyone have Soylo Bingo?
Disney is never going to make the $4 billion back. So far Disney made back $1.5 billion at most, accounting for all the costs and after the Last Jedi and this Solo quagmire they will never be able to clear another $1 billion a movie again so say goodbye to fat profit margins of movies, toys and merchandise fees. George Lucas is a genius.
>George Lucas is a genius.
I wonder if he's laughing his ass off at Disney's incompetence
they already made it back lmao
how the fuck do you fuck up a han solo movie? that shit writes itself
>Disney is making BILLIONS off Star Wars
They paid 4 billions for Star Wars. TFA made 500 million $ profit. They would need 8 TFA tier movies to make even. Toy sales are dropping super fast too. So are video game sales.
They fucking killed SW. It's unbelievable but they did it.
Toys sales have been in the gutter, and that is where all the money is.
Disney hasn't made back their money yet. Episode IX should put them very close if it does well though
They thought people are so fucking retarded they will love it anyways.
They didn't. Not even close.
Not gonna like, formerly Chuck here. This is sucking hilarious watching Sneed feed and seed. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the store.
They should make more videogames. I don't get why they just made that Battlefront EA shit and that was it. The prequels had a fuck ton of games.
holy shit he even does the nu-male face
Because they wanted only one game to be there. EA is all about profits. They thought all SW fans will play Battlefront no matter how shit it is and thought lootboxes will make them crazy $.
truly beautiful to see their fall.
he's just doing an American accent and looking like a pedo, so I guess he's pretty accurate
how did this fucker get to meet ford?
We all knew han solo was gonna be a failure based on the fact no one wants a han solo origin film but you're a pathetic little desperate faggot if you think its gonna sink the mouse.
>I'm still going to get PAID
>Good for you, you retarded shill.
Listen you little cock stain, no one is shilling or defending the multi-billion dollar company. Its called being realistic. Just because someone shares a different view than yours that isn't borderline retarded doesn't mean they are making bucks on the side, neither mine nor your opinions aren't important enough to receive such attention.
chump change to what disney can afford.
Ideally you don't buy star wars to make money from the movies, you buy it to make money from the licensing.
this is such a fucking meme. If you want somebody that's an actual actor get that autist that played Baby Driver. He even dressed like Han. He's even Jewish so they probably would have given him a chance
Played him in Age of Adaline.
who's this semen demon?
no, they broke even recently with what it cost to buy the franchise.
Dipshit, they've already made over 4 billion dollars using the license since lucas sold.
that's just the gross of the movies, which they don't keep anything close to all of
...that's still money in their wallets
No it doesn't
just the gross, not including merchandising which does mostly go in their pockets and is way more profitable.
Weak b8
he's one of the things I hated most about Baby Driver, no thanks
She's the most evil looking person I've ever seen.
>Having trouble with one movie
>made 5 out of 10 of the highest grossing films last year
>Movie will still probably get 70+% on RT and make 100+ mil opening weekend
wew lad
Disney's last year revenue was of 55 billion dollars
>Disney bought the studio behind Star Wars and Indiana Jones for $4 billion in cash and stock in 2012. As of Jan. 1, the first three Star Wars films under the Disney banner—The Force Awakens, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi—brought in nearly $4.2 billion worldwide, combined, based on Box Office Mojo estimates.
This is without counting all the toys, blu rays, dvds, everything from the past of star wars as well.
Star wars is all about selling toys, movie tickets are less important.
Fun fact, Disney will never make back their investment for ESPN even though it makes money since the purchase prize would have made them more in basic investments and that comparison is what share holders care about.
double dubs confirms
He’s been in several good movies and done a good job. Problem is the sorts of characters he’s good at playing really aren’t Han-like at all.
Studio gets half of box office. Those movies also cost them 500 million $ to make counting marketing. It's not rocket science.
SW toy sales are also going down insanely fast and 2 years old crap still clogs shelves.
>revenue = profit
Learn some basic economy idiot.
Do you want Disney to destroy this board, you fucking idiots? You have NO IDEA how powerful Disney is.
It actually means “to honor the Reich” lol
And the licensed products are falling off a cliff.
I liked that film tho, it was Drive with southern drawls.
Looks pretty good for a MtoF.
you have to go back
It probably depends on how much the reshoots cost.