Is this a good movie?

I've had it on my watchlist for a while and it sounds pretty good, but I'm curious on your thoughts, Mr. Sup Forums sir.

Gorey as hell

Good movie. Slow burn with a big ending. In that way it's similar with a lot of westerns, don't listen to anons that call it a horror movie.

Sure is. It gets pretty intense which is a nice kick.

I watched it once. It was very good. It's definitely not gory as hell though, there's only one famous scene that is horrific.

If you like westerns it's a good movie. If you don't like westerns kill yourself because you're a fucking fag

Top-tier cast. Yes OP watch it. Hope you have a strong stomach

this honestly. after seeing it the gore in brawl in cell 99 was nothing i hate westerns but i loved this film

It's better than "Hateful Eight". It's pretty good, nice actors.

only a few years back, gore in movies was so off-putting I'd read the parents' guide on IMDB to see if I felt able to watch it. At some point I grew into it and don't have that problem any more. I think it might have been South Korea that helped me transition, starting with the tamer Man from Nowhere and going on to I Saw the Devil.
So I don't think gore is an issue for me (plus I saw the guy split in half on YouTube already). How'd you like the thing itself?

As has been said before, it’s very slow in the beginning, but I personally didn’t notice that until my second viewing. Tension builds up hard until it shoots its load.
A big part is the writing. It’s stylized and a little reminiscent of Coen brothers stuff in that the characters use antiquated terms and measured sentence structure.
It’s good I recommend

Oh and if I deemed a movie to "gross" to watch. I'd actually just read the whole plot on Wikipedia. Probs missed some kino from it. I'm not proud.

They're not comparable. Not sure why you'd think a completely different movie is better than another.

I've watched it twice. It's definitely rewatchable.
I remember when it came out that a lot of plebs complained that the first 2 acts were boring. I think people had built up unreasonable expectations for it because of all the hype about the gore.

I really liked it but some of it looked really cheap and it lacked that certain "western" cinematography
Great script and great cast (great gore effects)
Would have loved to see it with a bigger budget


Best recent Western with a horror twist, amazing movie.

Would love to see a sequel or a prequel, maybe with Indians fighting a war against the trogs.

>Would love to see a sequel or a prequel
this is why we can't have nice things.

Pretty damn good movie. Couldn't stomach one scene but I admire them for going for it, I guess. Just way too much for me.

And my god, Russell is so underappreciated. I could watch his work forever and not get bored (most of it anyway). So many classics.

Even better than Indians, conquistadores.


>Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson wasted on characters with high school drama creative writing-class tier writing
>One or two gorey scenes in the film that aren't even that meaningful
>Absurdly dumb plot "Um we can't be racist against regular there are like these double injuns that even injuns don't like"
>Terrible, terrible production value, like the sets were built in a couple of hours and given no thought
>Terrible directing all around, very boring in all technical aspects

Honestly, the cast are the only saving grace because they have good chemistry but it's just such a dull slog, it's difficult to appreciate everyone trying to do their best with such weak material. I felt nothing for the characters, the grit and gore really insisted on itself and technically the film was just a pain to observe.

It gets brownie points for assembling a good cast and for being "original" but it fails to have the same gruff charisma as most good post modern westerns and it isn't weird enough to be truly entertaining on the folk horror side of things. Save yourself a boring hour and a half, watch a double feature of Tombstone and Ravenous instead.

This post reeks of estrogen and is practically dripping with soy.

Nah, just telling it like it is. For some reason this movie has been co-opted by cucks that think watching Kurt Russell in one of his most uninspired performances will somehow grant them masculinity. I'd rather just watch any Carpenter-Kurt movie than again than this.

I almost like it as an oddity. Plus, that scene where that dude is scalped and split in half is one of the most impressive gore scenes I've seen in a long time.

Your female pheromones are giving me a boner.

Sounds like you're projecting your Kurt Russel boner. Mat Fox was a better character in that.

If you think this movie is gorey or have trouble watching some of the scenes, then maybe you should stick with PG-13 movies

In my opinion, the movie is a nice slow burn, but the gore didn't do anything for me.


"Insisted on itself"?
That's one of the few Family guy moments I remember when Peter is acting pretentious about I'm not sure what.
What's that even mean?

It's like a Western 13th Warrior.

it's my go to get-really-high-and-fall-asleep-watching-a-movie movie, oddly.
Great movie i think

Feel free to actually discuss the movie, what you liked/didn't.

It's schlock without meaning that's supposed to communicate that the movie is a western "but with a horror twist!" When they scalp the guy in the cave and split him in half, it just looks and feels unimportant. Russell delivers some decent acting response but it just didn't carry any weight to me because I didn't give a fuck about his relationship to the guy. If they had balls, they would have done it Wilson's wife.