Is this guy like the ultimate chad or what? everytime i hear the word chad i don't think about some meme guy with blonde hair. i literally just picture john bernthal. he even looks like the prototypcial jock.
Is this guy like the ultimate chad or what...
inb4 fake D R O P P E D poster
Are you shitting me OP? He splerged out at the Alt-Right, even though Punisher is all about redpills
>this is the most threatening jew Netflix could find to play the Punisher
so? just because he's blue pilled doesn't make him any less chad. being chad doesn't have anything to do with political shit.
he is like 5'5
m'ask you something?
>even though Punisher is all about redpills
Find me a comic book panel where the Punisher exposes "DA JOOOZ"
pro tip: you can't
>even though Punisher is all about redpills
height doesn't mean shit unless your weight is proportionate. you can be a 6' 5" lanklet and not get any pussy ever. im 6' myself and i weight 148lbs. im basically a lanklet. i've had sex but not many girls find me attractive.
He looks like Vin Diesel
>i've had sex
fuck off reddit
What went wrong
.t fellow lanklet
it's ok. i know your pain.
the chad jew
the virgin gentile
>im 6' myself and i weight 148lbs
thank mr skeltal
>Is this guy like the ultimate chad or what?
fuck no, literally a jew
He’s a kike. jews can never be chads. In Hollywood movies they try and pretend to be but in real life they’re a bunch of wimpy pussies plus they’re objectively ugly
chest looks weak cuz
>unexpected /our guy/ sighting on the right
please include a trigger warning, i can't bear to see him outside of his designated threads
>never seen a Jewish chad
Must feel bad. Plenty exist just not liberal.