>Glee star Mark Salling dead at 35 of apparent suicide
Glee star Mark Salling dead at 35 of apparent suicide
he didn't want to get bullied/ass raped in prison
And no one said a thing...
Don't break the hyme if you can't do the the time. Seriously though 4-7 years for all the stuff he had seems pretty short in comparison to most other cases I hear about.
Because he's a pedo. They don't deserve to be remembered.
Because he's an actor. They're more important than us. why else would they be rich?
l2hide your power level next time, you dumb fuk
Let everyone who posts *blocks your tushie* posts on Sup Forums find the same end to their pathetic existences
Was he even in anything besides Glee?
The mohawk guy? That sucks.
The gods of hollywood wouldn't put a mere mortal on any show. Who are we to judge them by mere human morals when they are so much better than us?
Why he did it
About time too.
Yeah, the dumps.
Sup Forums is going to turn this tragedy into politics sadly.....
>pedo kills himself because hes going to be charged with over 20,000 counts of child porn
>Pedo kills himself
There's nothing political about this. Pedos all deserve to die.
>corey monteith died from a drug overdose
>lea michelle is banging rent boys
>naya rivera is getting charged with domestic assault
>charice now goes by Jake Zyrus
>now this right after he was charged with child porn
What did Ryan Murphy do to those poor people?
Sup Forums can't seem to decide on anything these days, contradictory views on everything.
It's like Trump being elected was really for lulz and they have no follow act(meme).
you're the first person to mention Sup Forums you disgusting little reddit cock sucker.
I find this a tad unsettling
He may have been a huge pederast or he might just have been morbidly curious, like most of us
At one time I had a desire for underage cam girls 12yr to 16yr age just girls fapping or posing
Is that really such a crime that you would face prison if caught?
When will the pedoshaming end!
he did the honorable thing and killed himself, all pedoposters should follow suit
kill yourself pedo filth
from the court documents he had pictures of girls age 3-7, and a guide on how to make love with them
don't cry for a pedo
literally who
You deserve cancer.
What the fuck did you say to me you fucking beast?
Why were there so many random celebrities at the fallout 4 release?
Hopefully this shit starts a curse. One of them already died.
kill yourself kid
>the court documents
If he was a regular joe he'd get 20 years at least or someone in Arizona I heard got multiple life sentences for having about the same if he'd actually raped someone he'd get much less.
Good fuck kiddie diddlers
Like you never fapped to jailbait
Suicide when?
>I've already outlived a bunch of celebrities with money and fame
Step it the fuck up.
>lmao my dude we all jerk off to 12yold's amirite brahs haha
fucking kill yourself pedo
the full one is online somewhere, this was just ina previous thread
being this much in denial
I'm talking about sexually mature teens
But if you have subjugated millions of years of evolution and no longer find them attractive then kudos to your wizard skills
He had like 50,000 pics saved to his hard drive. This wasn't some passing curiosity. Guy was like a professional level pedo.
he died as he lived
Todd wanted it to look like a Hollywood premiere but could only afford C-list celebrities
>child porn
lol what how do people even get caught with that? like bro delete your harddrive and shit
>Highly organised by file and folder structure"
Fuck this is what i do with my doujins.
How short is Todd?
If I was in his position, I'd do the same. Prison is pretty much a death sentence for pedos. I've heard fucked up stories from my buddy who used to be a CO. Dudes getting their flesh melted off, their entrails ripped out their asshole, shit like that.
I like tits and ass like most people I don't seek out pictures of underage girls like you pedo scum
Supergirl and the flash seem to be the only ones from glee still doing well
I think some 12 yr olds
they deserve it
>lurk Sup Forums
>daily cunny thread spam
>coworker sees image of 10yo in bikini in the catalog and reports me to the FBI
>images saved to cache
Was he a real pedo or was it one of those overreactions where he had images of 16-17 year olds taking nude selfies
Probably 5'6
why 'jazzguide'?
>Dudes getting their flesh melted off
Real. He had pics of literal toddlers.
Bait but why are you surfing Sup Forums at work?
>Jerry Bruckheimer height: 5'7.5"
he had over 50,000 images of prepubescent children from as young as 3 you nonce apologist
Kill yourself retard.
so this 17yr old model is not attractive?
Prisoners had access to a microwave. Also, since a lot of them are niggers and niggers love oiling themselves up with lotion and shit, the prison shop sold bottles of baby oil. So one time these guys microwaved a big bowl of baby oil until it was insanely hot, and then poured it over the head of a pedo. His ears were literally melted off of his head, and I think he died from the burns.
>Over 50,000 Child Pornographic images
He's the one behind the Cunny bot isn't he
It's kind of unnerving how high an amount of pedos there are on Sup Forums. And when called on it they try to justify their illness. Sad.
There are millions of pedophiles out there in the world, you just don't know about them.
It is estimated that pedophiles make up 3% of the population
Most of them are non-offending
Named after the fucked-in-the-head tranny daughter of the author. You know Mr. Shekelberg--er, "Jennings" was splitting that poor kid's wishbone every night.
he wasn't looking at 17 year olds and neither were you pedo fuck. As you said, 12 yea olds are more your taste
Kind of name is that? Is everything in jazz terms or something?
Damn, Tye Sheridan looks like THAT?
Nothing of value was lost
Hope he died an agonizing death. Less competition for scarce resources in the world.
Personally I think he did nothing wrong
Jism = Semen
14 is not so far from 12.
No i was looking at stickcam girls back in the day when /b was full of them
all were sexually developed and all made me diamonds
ps that model is actually 14
What compels people to save 50,000 photos of cp on their hard drive?
This and footfags is a fetish I'll never ever understand.
fuck money skelly
Here's to hoping there's a hell and he's in it.
He also had images of 3 year olds
>Well 3 isn't far from 7 which isn't far from 12 which isn't far from 17 which is just 1 year from 18 so yeah it's okay
>CP and feet in the same category.
Hahahaha what a faggot fuck pedos and anyone who is into it should follow his lead
Semen guide? Odd term but whatever.
Would've been (horrifically) funny if it was all jazz terms.
Was there proof he raped an underage girl? I thought it was just pictures that he didn't even take himself
50k isn't even a lot. The databases have millions of image hashes/photodna. Since some of it was erotica this was most likely agency stuff so there would be sets of very similar images of the same person.
How do these people get all this CP? Do they download behind proxies or some shit?
rip cunny brother
(((ALTMAN))) wanted it to look like Hollywood to gain more influence. That's why they bought into the gaming industry.
if he got caught probably not.
I was just joking. He had, though it may have been unsolicited knowing girls these days, nudes from underage fans and then just straight up CP. I don't think he actually tried to do anything physical.
You seem to know an awful lot about this.
I'm not convinced that possession contributes to the creation of more cp, so I don't care what kind of images he had. I'm actually interested at how he came to like 3 year olds. Did he start out liking older girls and then the ages gradually got lower? That's how I imagine it went.