He didn't even mourn Han's death. His best friend the person he owes a life debt to and lived with for like 50 years
What the fuck
He didn't even mourn Han's death. His best friend the person he owes a life debt to and lived with for like 50 years
What the fuck
>Leia went to comfort Rey instead of Chewie
the power of nuWars
>the first edition novelization has chewie going mad with grief after witnessing Han die and ripping through stormtroopers with his bare hands and even breaking wookie code and using his claws as weapons
>this has now been removed from the books and is NO longer considered cannon
Why did they remove this???
Cause Star Wars is for kids.
Because he’s just a toy advertisement now
Fuck I really hate Disney
Yeah, but while everyone else was just staring at it happen, he shot Kylo Ren.
Chewie's just a cold motherfucker.
And missed a headshot
i doubt he would headshot han's son
Then why shoot him in the first place? You are a certified brainlet.
Leia was always jealous of chewie's relationship with han
Based Rian subverting your expectations that friends care about each other
He's literally just a joke character now. Like 3PO and R2.
They're probably due for the Ackbar treatment in the final episode.
No one except Anakin mourned anyone's death, EVER, in Star Wars.
By the end of episode 9 everyone from the OT will be either dead or written out. Episode 100 will have no connections to the OT beyond the name
Luke mourned aunt buru, uncle owen, obi wan, Darth Vader, ....
I usually mourn deaths a few months later. Do you not?
Why do you expect a wookiee to react the same as a human?
Because this is something that MEN can identify with. Kathleen Kennedy doesn't need to cater to white male audiences. It's HER turn!
In the movie you can see Chewie holding his head and whimpering.
He's shown all other human emotions
>Luke has no scene with Chewie asking about Han
>We don't get to see Luke's reaction to his best friend of decades dying
wtf were they thinking
But at the same time we got the scene with Luke and R2 that actually felt like Star Wars for a moment.
What a tonal clusterfuck TLJ is
How do you just remove something from a book? Does this happen often
One of the most damning points of evidence that Rey is a Mary Sue.