Ant-Man and the Wasp

This shit looks awful. Evangeline Lily is Mommy Tier though.

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>watching comic book shit





Ohh federal ankle bracelets


>400 million dollar budget


shouldn't the knife get kicked across the room the moment she touches it?

can't wait for the amazing quips in the same league as:
"Does anyone have any orange slices" XD

Nooooo, I actually liked the first one. What the fuck is wrong with Disney?

Holy shit user you're right

Evangeline is so fucking hot.

I cannot understand why she never became a bigger actress.

She's not great actress, but other women who are worse have made it bigger because of looks.

She's a legit 9/10

She has her wings out, for all we know she's not touching it at all

Why is he throwing knives at something that small?

Couldn't agree more

The physics in Ant-Man are so fucking inconsistent.

How did the knives appear so fast? He threw 1 knife but then 2 appear out of nowhere

>you retain the same mass
>can still run up someone's arm without then feeling you and punch them with the strength of a grown man
>can carry a WWII era tank around on a key chain

>suit reduces the space between atoms
>can shrink past sub atomic size

Disney is beyond criticism.

>marvelfags will genuinely try to defend the fucked up physics

Looks pretty dope. Of all the superheroe's running around right now, Ant-Man actually has fucking powers.

Captain America: Punches people (makes up for it with good movies)
Thor: Lightning and punches people (makes for it with cool settings)
Dr. Strange: Legitimately cool powers
Hulk: Punches people
Spider-Man: Punches people
Bucky: Punches people
Black Panther: Punches people
Vision: Shoots beams and punches people
Star-Lord: Shoots people
Rocket: Shoots people
Drax: Punches people
Gamorra: Punches people
Groot: Punches people
Black Widow: Shoots people
Hawkeye: Shoots people
Scarlett Witch: Energy or some shit? Regardless, its visually boring
Falcon: Shoots people
Iron Man: Mildly interesting the first time we saw him, after 6 movies of laser hands, he's boring as shit.

Say what you want about Ant-Man but 9/10 he has to do some cool or creative shit with his powers to take someone out. I have no doubt they'll clean up the CGI for the final product and we'll get some more Ant-Kino.


>Why don't comic book movies have realistic physics
They never have

>This shit looks awful. Evangeline Lily is Mommy Tier though.
>Mommy Tier though.
am I the only one who wants you to kys asap haha?

rolling that shit like that would have caused massive damage to the structure of the building


They're not real life physics, but they're consistent across the medium.

Plus all the shit inside just fucking scattered everywhere.

See the mistake you made there friend is conflating quick time with small time. The difference, while subtle in the order of millimeters, can actually also be quite large. So next large time you should have a slow think, before making such a large small error.

Shit looks great OP. Stop being a fag.

>wasp is barely yellow

how did they fuck up the only requirement


Kys Faggot.

Honestly... that's cool

>reeee the children's movie based on comic book bugs shrinking and growing isnt realistic

>Say what you want about Ant-Man but 9/10 he has to do some cool or creative shit with his powers to take someone out
As much as I did find AM1 formulaic and the upcoming one even more of the same, I will agree with you point here. It's just too bad the powers are too inconsistent as mentioned earlier by

Blade Runner 5'8"

Fucking Marvel somehow manages to make a movie called fucking ant man and wasp LOOK MORE ENTERTAINING than the new DC and star wars movies

This movie actually looks fun

i dont care i like ant man because they played disintegration in the first movie

>Ant Man 1
>too formulaic
Really? I felt it was a nice reprieve from Marvel's usual fare. Being more comedic in tone actually helped it, it was like a proper action comedy rather a typical action blockbuster where the stakes and drama are undermined by half assed mumbling and sarcastic humour. That and the integration of a heist movie plot brought more to the table than generic action flick.

its only a matter of time

why is The Wasp's suit so boring? where's the yellow?

Where's the sewage line?
Where's the telephone line?
Where's the cable line?
Where's the FOUNDATION?????

>Trailer explicitly gives the giant shot to Scott
Fuck everything. Gimme my GTS Disney you cancelled Gigantic


Imagine if the end of the sequel is the opposite of the first one, and she outgrows the entire universe and she steps on it with her big, glorious feet, ha ha

She's a big girl

>your turn
so what does she climb up his ass? thats pretty dirty
>ywn get your prostate speedbagged by Janet

>This movie actually looks fun
Did we watch the same trailer? I think it looks like shit, especially compared to Ant Man

>so what does she climb up his ass? thats pretty dirty
That's nothing compared to when he had the ants rape her

>Black Widow: Shoots people

I think you mean launches herself vagina-first onto bag guys faces and heads.

How does a tiny van travel as fast a normal sized van?

Because she started in TV, and played a shit character in the Hobbit trilogy.

>there are fags on this very board right now that don't like this

It's fucking retarded.

Save Martha!!!

just turn your brain off bro

Nice tits, but huh?

Looks awesome, hyped.

What's the story with these screencaps? Sounds hilarious.

I'll let you discover it on your own like I did.

>mommy tier
pic related

Come on man, tell me.

Use Google.

>DC has to be fun

This is why we can't have snyderkino anymore.

I did Google the phrases on the photo, nothing came up.

>This shit looks awful.
>t. butthurt nagger
It'll do better than Black Panther.

We never had it to begin with so...

Oh shit, really?

Well it's from IMDB. There's your hint.

You're right, no one's ever gonna find it if I don't post a link. Here goes:,asc&mode=detail&page=5&ref_=nmls_vm_dtl

But the first one had tons of scenes like that.


>That's nothing compared to when he had the ants rape her
Normally I'd assume you were making this up but this is Antman.


Looks like FUN is back on the menu, boys.

Why is it all washed out looking?

honestly this one of the most fun marvel capeshits
I hope we get more of my boy michael peña

that's the "colorist" "work" you know
they make market studies, investigation about tendencies and current films and they say: hey it looks like people actually likes movies looking like shit, because they're are all mindless manchildren
so fuck artistic vision, fuck natural colors, fuck pure blacks, fuck practical lightning, we do all that shit in post production whatever

i didnt realize i knew i could have fun at the theater
until now

Why is he the only spic in the MCU? I thought Disney was all about diversity and the U.S. is 18% spic?

Diversity=black people and turning male characters female. That's it.

haha thatd be so weird ha
and smelly to boot haha

Her first large character in Lost was one of the worst parts about the show. Then her big break in film was in the fucking Hobbit, again as the least likeable character. Even if she might be decent as an actress, which I don't really know one way or the other, she's had shit luck acting in unlikable roles.

Thank God Disney bought Fox, we can finally see the cinematic rendition of The Blob feasting on The Wasp's guts.

Stop posting this. Janet doesn't deserve this treatment

>implying spics are only 18% of the population
Many of them are catagorized as White, along with Arabs.

Forgot pic

looks better than pantherman but I will not watch this.

They're not, you retard.

Thanks friend. This shit seems hilarious. Based Pajeet.

not so fast marlet

I know you're still angsting about sw, but let's not get carried away.

>Laurence Fishburne as Bill Foster : An old friend of Pym's who was once his assistant. Fishburne had approached Marvel about joining the MCU, pitching them a few ideas for who he could portray, before Marvel offered him the role of Foster in the film. Despite having already portrayed

>Perry White for the DC Extended Universe , Fishburne admitted that he had always fantasized about being in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film, admitting that he considered himself a "Marvel guy".

Even Fishburne knew it was a sinking ship.

Fuck, I'm white now?!

When will you learn?

He is in TRON?

They mostly just say "it doesn't matter".

And they're right you autist.

Atleast you are not white american jew.

glad she doesn't have the horrible hair cut from the first movie