"Aaarrrggh... it's ok Peter, I've been shot worse. B-Back in winter of '44...

>"Aaarrrggh... it's ok Peter, I've been shot worse. B-Back in winter of '44, we were clearing out houses in Warsaw door by door. We burnt down every Polack stinking shithole we could find. Even if there was a subhuman polish vermin inside, a mother and a couple of her kids, we didn't care. Burnt the whole place down. SS Charlemagne division they called us, an all volunteer squad. I took a bullet from a polack rifle, right to the upper thigh, near my groin. My comrade, Gunther was his name. A young Bavarian boy from Baden-Baden. He was the only one who knew how to extract hot lead from a festering wound. He used his fingers first, then he put his mouth right up to my groin and sucked the bullet out. I tell ya Peter, I could feel his tongue tickling my balls almost all the way up to the asshole. Even after the bullet was out, he kept going. I could feel my hot sweat and blood running down my thigh, he licked it all up, and when he was done it was my turn. I didn't hesitate, Peter, I buried his penis in my mouth and kept choking on it till I could feel his hot cream pumping into the back of my throat like lead from an MG42. I was gargling on it, slurping his every manly juice in writhing orgasmic beauty as we made love in the snow. All the way from the tip of his penis down to his balls and hairy masculine asshole, I licked every last drop of semen till he was dry and satiated in his post-orgasmic euphoria."

Other urls found in this thread:


based Raimi. I wonder if the actors put up a fight?

It truly was a different time.

>He knows a hero when he sees one. Too few characters out there, flying around like that saving old girls like me. And Lord knows, kids like Henry need a hero—courageous, self-sacrificing people setting examples for all of us. Better than those monkeys blasting rap music all over the television at least, or as your dear old uncle use to call it, "Cultural Rape Screeching". We need a hero that can take matters into his own hand and purge every single nigger, chink and spic in this city. But not just them,Peter...oh not just them. We need to murder the Jews and Kurds. Anyone who will get in the way of the glory of our race. I believe there’s a hero in all of us…that keeps us honest…gives us strength…makes us noble…and finally allows minorities to die without pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most – even our dreams. Spider-Man did that for Henry and he wonders where he’s gone. He needs him.

not a dry eye in the house when I went to see the movie

it's one of those films you appreciate with your grandchildren, really

But the Kurds are Christian, they're the good guys lol


Peter's monologue on ethnic cleansing and black-on-black crime might have been a tad excessive for the era. I don't know whether it means the film was a masterpiece or an odd footnote, really.
Such masterfully created films sadly just don't come out as often these days.

>Today, the majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslim, belonging to the Shafi school.
Granted, they tend to be more secular and generous regarding religion

Baden-Baden is in Baden, not Bavaria, dumbass.

>that scene where Mary Jane is caught masturbating by her abusive father, and he joins in only to get a soft whisky dick that he can't even get up like a real man.

Thought provoking to say the least, capeshit has really gone to the dogs since then.

Gunther is a northern german name, not a southern one.
Doubtfull Gunther was Bavarian.

I remember watching this with my parents. My dad seemed to really enjoy this scene but mom left the room. It wasn't until I rewatched it recently that I really got it.

> Peter...don‘t tell the Führer!

>Peter... I need you to get rid of my porn collection... Magazines, videos, some security footage I bought on the black market... There are snuff films in there, Pete. If your Aunt May sees all the pictures I took of her feet while she was sleeping... It's all in the box in the basement labelled "Baby Pictures"... Before you ask: yes, there are baby pictures in there, they're just not of you... Actually, they're a part o the collection, but that doesn't matter now... You've gotta do this for me, Pete. You've got to destroy my porn stash... And I mean DESTROY that shit, kid... Seriously, the hentai alone is enough to get a man put away... Hentai is the Japanese word for "pervert", son, and that's what I am... That's what your Uncle Ben is... All the fat globs of semen I've wasted masturbating to bestiality and vore over the years... And I'm a strong ejaculator, Pete... I'm as sterile as a surgery room, but I cum like a geyser every time... I think part of the thrill was always seeing if I could get any of it in my mouth... The first time I did it was a complete accident, but the taste, Pete... The taste was unlike anything I had ever experienced before... I started to crave it... It was like a drug to me... And that's coming from a guy who did a lot of blow in the 90s... Usually off of the ass-cheeks of some coked out hooker who me and the boys would kill for sport later... I actually have some footage of that in my porn collection... Which, again, you REALLY need to get rid of... I cannot overstate the importance of wiping that shit from the face of the Earth... Okay, what else, what else? Oh, you can have the slice of cake from Aunt May's birthday that I've been saving... I mean, I took a bite out of it, but it's not like I have herpes or anything... Wait... Do genitals count? Never mind, I'm dying now... In summation: great power, great responsibility, burn my porn, eat my cake... Bleh...

>Hey! He stole that guy's pizzas! Now let me get back to what I was saying. The Jew is insidious and parasitic, burrowing itself into whatever culture it can...

This might have been a bit too much.

> le 56% education

It was a different time


Raimi admitted that he may have gone too far in a few places. Like the scene where his fight with Octavius accidentally breaks the train that was heading towards the concentration camp and everyone inside thanks him, believing he stopped it to save them

>In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.
Who the fuck wrote this?

>Raimi later admitted that roughly 50 hours of footage was filmed of Dafoe's performance as Norman Osborn, with barely 1% of this making the final cut. 'We just had reels and reels of it,' the director said, 'I would say cut, but he would just keep going deeper and darker, bringing all of these ideas into it that weren't in the script. For example, a sub plot of Norman's father being an SS officer, or the idea that the Goblin transformation represented Nietzsche's Ubermensch. So after I while, I stopped saying 'cut'.' Other actors recalled Dafoe's usage of multiple props to aid his performance that he brought himself, presumably from his own home. 'He had this large green dildo he loved to wave about,' Tobey Maguire remembers, 'sometimes he would bring it out of nowhere and slap me across the face with it. During fight scenes when we were grappling on the ground he would tease it around my 'beautiful asshole', as he called it.' James Franco also recalled him having 'this large, antique bullwhip... we asked where he got it from, and he would only say that it was a family heirloom. Some prop guys on set said it must have been from at least the 1800s. On a few occasions when I fucked up my lines, he would threaten me with it, telling me to give him an excuse 'to pay out like old Buck Dafoe did to the little negro boys'. Another actor from the film, who requested she remained private, said Dafoe always had a copy of the Quran lying around on set, and some PAs caught him 'poring over it repeatedly' in his trailer.

Edgy manchild, the thread

Reported btw

Lurk more

> Announcing your reports


and he was a good friend

where did this meme start?

Have you ever seen a Sam Raimi film?

Yeah. The only line I recall that could possibly be offensive is "Nice costume, did your husband buy it for you?"

Did it spin off from that, or what?

Wrestling scene in first Spiderman
>nice outfit, did your husband make it for you?
Someone joked this scene couldn't be made in today's SJW politically correct climate. And it kinda spiraled from there

Kys redditor

That's exactly what happened

back to discord

Watch the movie dingus.

>Oh, you're sad because a girl at your high-school doesn't like you back? Peter, when I was your age, I left school to bullseye gooks from a helicopter in the middle of some god forsaken jungle. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did. You think I felt good about firebombing his chink village and watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there, Peter! You know what? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my car.

>Off by one


>Nice Costume!
>Did your fucking faggot of a husband fashion it for ya?
Raimi has shown time and time again that he doesn't care about social progressiveness, it truly was a different time


Raimi was a man lost in time, truly a classic maker.

Watch the movie


Less retarded but still wrong, Kurds are mostly quite conservative, even compared to the Arabs and Turks they live among. Did you fall for the "moderate rebel" meme?


As inspirational as the song is, I'd never have expected it to hit #1 on the charts.

The thing about Kurds is they tend to be Kurds first and Muslims second.

For those who want to be part of this epic Sup Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.

Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what movie this epic Sup Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Sam Raimi Spiderman movies but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other movies now. This thread however uses the Raimi Spiderman meme. Please pay attention.

Step 2: Take a iconic scene in the movie, any will do as long as people remember the scene. Greentext a quote from the scene and twist the words to use anti semitisim, racism, homophobia or any other edgy as fuck topic. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more vulgar it is the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....

Step 3: Make a regular post, taking the position of a normal person and pretend to be disgusted by that scene. I know, I know, this is Sup Forums, a site where gore flows like fine wine but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to be offended by that fake scene. Funny huh?

Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing!

>where gore flows like fine wine

*tips hat*

>Move over, Michelangelo. I'm trying to watch the show

It truly was a different time.

>I was there Peter. 1944. Josef Mengele. I witnessed all of the beautiful horror he inflicted on those Jewish parasites.

>I want us to revive his work Peter. Just the two of us. Together we can build the world that he envisioned.

Dafoe would make such an excellent joker. How he hasnt been cast yet is baffling.

WE NEED A GOOD DIRECTOR, TO BE GIVEN A STANDALONE DC BATMAN FILM. Fuck the current bullshit. Use batfleck and dafoe, and lets make a good batman movie, huh?

Its about time hollywood made a batman movie, we havent had a good standalone one recently.

>Its about time hollywood made a batman movie
I know it sounds crazy, but I think that guy that did Inception might have the chops for this.

Typical Raimi. Tells fantastic emotional stories, but not a hint of realism

I heard he‘s in pre production of another fantastical story.

Hmmm, not really. The guy can't shoot an action scene to save his life.

>That scene when Peter reads the Turner Diaries in a dark room for nearly 30 minutes straight

How did Raimi get away with this?

i fucking love this meme holy shit

>...and tell him a spic did it
How did Raimi get away with it?

Have you seen new Spider-Man movie? I thought it was decent.

Damn Aunt May, tone it down

That 2-hour compilation of lynchings and beatings after this scene seemed excessive, but I guess Raimi really just wanted to get his point across.


i grew up with kurd immigrants they are barely muslim desu senpai drinking and smoking weed
anecdotal evidence but still

>Before you ask: yes, there are baby pictures in there, they're just not of you... Actually, they're a part o the collection, but that doesn't matter now.

Police Squad's most awful joke.

fuck off nazi

>be Magneto
>planning to escape from Auschwitz during a riot the prisoners are planning in a few days
>he has a chance encounter with Anne Frank while clearing luggage from a deportation train
>Anne managed to slip away from the group of new arrivals bound for the gas chambers and hide in a darkened corner the guards weren't watching
>Magneto is blind as a bat, but Anne could see everything perfectly
>feeling drawn to her from an inexplicable reason, Magneto decides to allow Anne to join his escape plan, figuring her ability to see so well in the dark will come in hand
>Auschwitz prisoners riot a few days later
>Anne and Magneto manage to slip out of the camp during the chaos via the sewer network with Anne guiding them out
>Anne explains she inexplicably developed excellent night vision while in hiding
>Magneto comes to realize both of them have unusual abilities
>once in the relative safety of the woods outside the camp, Anne repays Magneto for saving her by having sex with him
>during their time hiding in the woods, Magneto's ability to craft weapons from scrap combined with Anne's night vision turn them into excellent hunters
>Anne discovers she's pregnant
>knowing that Operation Tempest is in full swing, Magneto decides that their best chance at survival is to try and find the Polish Home Army
>very pregnant Anne and Magneto spend the next nine months wandering the war-torn Polish countryside, trying to avoid being killed by the Germans (and later the Red Army) and having sexual trysts in inappropriate places (caves, abandoned buildings, open fields etc.).
>Anne gives birth around war's end and helps sneak Magneto and their baby into the Western Allied occupation zone
>finding out that her entire family perished, Anne decides that there's nothing left for her in the Netherlands and join Magneto in hunting down ex-Nazis

There's your outline for combining MCU and WWII into capeshit kino. Now all we need is a cameo of Stan Lee being taken to the gas chambers.

>be Magneto
>planning to escape from Auschwitz during a riot the prisoners are planning in a few days
>he has a chance encounter with Anne Frank while clearing luggage from a deportation train
>Anne managed to slip away from the group of new arrivals bound for the gas chambers and hide in a darkened corner the guards weren't watching
>Magneto is blind as a bat, but Anne could see everything perfectly
>feeling drawn to her from an inexplicable reason, Magneto decides to allow Anne to join his escape plan, figuring her ability to see so well in the dark will come in hand
>Auschwitz prisoners riot a few days later
>Anne and Magneto manage to slip out of the camp during the chaos via the sewer network with Anne guiding them out
>Anne explains she inexplicably developed excellent night vision while in hiding
>Magneto comes to realize both of them have unusual abilities
>once in the relative safety of the woods outside the camp, Anne repays Magneto for saving her by having sex with him
>during their time hiding in the woods, Magneto's ability to craft weapons from scrap combined with Anne's night vision turn them into excellent hunters
>Anne discovers she's pregnant
>knowing that Operation Tempest is in full swing, Magneto decides that their best chance at survival is to try and find the Polish Home Army
>very pregnant Anne and Magneto spend the next nine months wandering the war-torn Polish countryside, trying to avoid being killed by the Germans (and later the Red Army) and having sexual trysts in inappropriate places (caves, abandoned buildings, open fields etc.).
>Anne gives birth around war's end and helps sneak Magneto and their baby into the Western Allied occupation zone
>finding out that her entire family perished, Anne decides that there's nothing left for her in the Netherlands and joins Magneto in hunting down ex-Nazis

There's your outline for combining MCU and WWII into capeshit kino. Now all we need is a cameo of Stan Lee being taken to the gas chambers.

No that's just the system of your mind getting upset at the thought that it's not even truly real and that nothing you think matters. In reality it's everyone elses idea of free will that's stupid, because it's a paradox that nobody can actually explain.

seriously, how did MTV get away with this?

They really did a 180 on his character in the reboot

>My first time was when May and I met a black man at a restaurant. He hit on her and passed her number to her while she was eating. She invited him to sit and talk and took his number "to be polite." She came home and told me about it and I told her she should call and just see what he wanted. We had already talked about cuckolding and she knew she had the green light with anyone she found attractive. They talked and became quite good friends. He even knew about me and as I drove her home from work or to run errands, she would talk to him. One night he invited her out for dinner and she told me she thought this would be the night. She got ready, shaved nicely for him and told me to pick out an outfit. I choose something sexy but not too revealing. All night my heart was pounding and racing, the unknown was fucking her. Were they already fucking, where were they fucking, how was he taking her, is he better than me, is she satisfied? About 10pm she called and told me they had been holding hands, kissing and hugging but nothing more.....then she said he wanted her to spend the night with him and she told him yes. I was shocked, I felt like my stomach was in a knot and I have to admit I felt jealous as hell. She came home the next morning, kissed me and told me all the details while stroking me. They fucked 3 times, including right before he dropped her off to me and she kissed me seconds after being tongued and felt up by her lover. They ended up being friends and lovers for a little over a year but sadly no longer speak. I'll never forget that night and it's helped me to accept the lovers since.

god i remember how controversial this scene was. raimi just didnt give a fuck back then. i think it was the divorce.

> he can read a map

you're so stupid hahaha

That's the theatrical cut. Now the director's cut is the real movie.

I can always trust a Sup Forumsedditor to get triggered even when I post the most low effort bait imaginable

>even tumblr is beginning to see how much better Riami's version is over nu-spiderman
Those fags will be posting about Uncle Ben and his porn stash in 3 years.

not a Sup Forumstard, you just need to learn how to read a map


The most underrated Spiderman copypasta.

He can shoot most action just fine(if not great). His hand to hand scenes are the problem.

someone needs to convert these into easily consumed pictures and spread them around social media

you can't ruin this. no matter how much you post this fag pasta