First shot from Halloween 2018 — Jamie Lee Curtis back as Laurie Strode!


>they got dean cundey back???
oh shit, that's the original slate

But her character is dead. Wtf?

Probably for the best, Cundy Isn't at the top of his game right now

milkies are back on the menu boys

>But her character is dead. Wtf?
This entry retcons everything past the original, which means Laurie Strode is no longer related to Michael Myers.

That movie was such dog shit it might as well not even be canon

The franchise has never cared about silly things like continuity or sense. Weakest slasher franchise by far.

well i didn't even know he was still working or even alive

reminder that the only original writing credit on this movie is kenny powers


it's a direct sequel from the original that retcons everything after it

How are we supposed to believe this is 2 years after the original?

I hear she’s a hermaphrodite. Would luv to see her 3” clit. Which Halloween is that in?

>How are we supposed to believe this is 2 years after the original?
It's 40yrs after the original.


I just want to see how Micheal is going to look, theres no fucking way the mask will beat the original (unless they make an exact copy)
Also i think making Mikey sixty-something years old is pretty cool. Its not like he moves fast anyways

But he died in the original.

He walked away.


I hope he was ok.

actually true because Michael is going to be played by the same actor as in 1978

Will there be trick r treaters and white people in this?


Nice denim shirt aaaahha ha ha

please tell me mike's new mask is molded off of 2018 William Shatner

Will she show her tits again?

This shit will flop so hard.

i bet those suckers still look yummy as back in the day

I'm looking forward to it, the writer and director knows how to do tension right as shown in Vice Principals.


>lol my dad got shot by a guy wearing a mask so I'll put on a mask and scare him
what a bitch

She was a piece of shit that episode. And generally every episode.

why didn't he rape her?


Set photos going around have him looking relatively the same

pretty sure its taking place after the second one



You think they'll make a CGI Loomis for this like they did for that Star Wars flick?



I came here to post this shit

It's been 40 years, he's got to be dead in the movie universe, there'll prob be an homage to him