>muh gay people
>muh strong black female
>muh poor mute opressed woman
>muh poor opressed black lagoon monster
>the villain is literally a straight white christian male that doesn't wash his hand after he pees
>this garbage is nominated for 13 oscars
The absolute state of Hollywood
Muh gay people
i liked the movie but it really shouldn't have been nominated.
>wow the creature design is so amazing
yeah stealing from a copy of a copy is really amazing
Perfect date movie
There is one gay person in the entire movie. How is that muh gay people?
Are you really that naive? The movie is literally about oppressed people
homosexuality didn't exist until the 1970s when jews invented disco and cocaine
The ending was really lame.
>fish man fixes gay guys hair and arm
>doesn't cure his gay
>fish man has super healing power
>at no point does he heal the mute lady's voice
seems like an obvious set up for her being able to say something right before the film ends...just seems like an odd set up (super healing powers) and not to use it to cure the mute.
>bbbbbut he saves her
shes dead and he ate her.
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>complains about the message rather than giving a single criticism about its merits as a movie
>"this shouldn't get awards because it's problematic"
Gee, I wonder why people say Sup Forums retards like SJWs.
>Sup Forums retards are just like SJWs
Meant to type that.
Explain Andy Warhol
Political propaganda can never be good art. Del Toro should have just sticked to ripping off mecha anime, at least Pacific Rim was entertaining.
He made her sing toward the end didn't he?
True, but it was still an entertaining and well made movie.
Newfags redditor like you?
>m-muh reddit
Concession accepted.
>complains about the message rather than giving a single criticism about its merits as a movie
The 'movie' is nothing but a message, which is that white CIS males are the EVIL (but of course they gave the russian JEW scientist a little leeway). Del Taco back with more of his HATE THE WHITE MAN propaganda, fuck that fat swine.
Is there any other director with a career as consistently disappointing as Del Toro?
I don't care about any of that. The problem was
>the Soviet spy is presented in heroic terms
>the American government is presented as evil
Thanks Del Taco
So white people should be cast as villains is what you're saying?
Also, most of the heroic pilots in Pacific Rim where white males, how do you reconcile that?
>white people should never be cast as villains
No, no one said that. Nice strawman you mouthbreather.
Did the fish man really love him?
>homosexuality didn't exist until the 1970s
Then what the hell were the Greeks doing?
It's not a strawman, it's a logical assumption since the villain being a white male is the closest thing to an explanation you gave to support your theory that the message was "white men are evil".
Good job ignoring the question about Pacific Rim too.
>So white people should be cast as villains is what you're saying?
They are always cast as villains these days, white cis males that is. Had this movie been reversed it would have been billed as the most racist shit ever.
Agreed, it was a generic story that we've all see before.
>Good job ignoring the question about Pacific Rim too.
He was not given full creative control of Pacific Rim you dumb fuck, he was given a cast and a script.
Shape of Water was his pet project of which he had FULL control, this is HIS message.
Admiring the body. They still married women, though.
Yes, it is. No is saying that white men shouldn't ever be cast as villains. The point of the thread is that the movie is obnoxious and in your face leftist propaganda where 'outsiders' are being oppressed by the evil white man.
the pie shop scene felt the most hamfisted and the fag came off as really creepy and aggressive I would have told him to fuck off too, I felt no sympathy for him, oh and then the black family waltzes in on cue and he tells them to gtfo so we can see that he's a racist too. it was comical really. completely tone deaf and retarded.
that was her imagination
Guillermo del toro said he was trying to flip old monster movies on their head where the girl taken by the monster actually falls in love with him
King Kong?
Someone post the pale man tweet. Del Taco has made it pretty clear what his political inclinations are.
this movie fucking sucked
no wonder "critics" and other theatre queers love it
if you suck dick homo
don't need all the crude language!
He's fine. His movies are usually a 7/10, much like this one.
>be mad that the villain is a straight white christian male with piss hands
>post on a chinese image board about how the movie sucks and shouldn't win anything
man i wonder why straight white christian men are seen as villains
maybe it's because you're all a bunch of self centered cunts who can't stand to see other types of protagonists and stories
man what a dumb fuck
kill yourself
fuck off
but she takes him
More like I don't want hamfisted political propaganda shoved down my throat when I watch a fucking movie.
This narrative doesn't work
>political propaganda can't be good art
It was boring because Guillermo Del Toro doesn't know how to get any depth out of actors. He just knows how to make a scene look good. Think about it.
Michael Shannon just plays a gruff menacing guy.
Octavia Spencer just plays a sassy black lady.
Michael Suthbarg just plays a gentle dweeb.
Doug Jones just flops around in a rubber suit.
Richard Jenkins just...does Richard Jenkins.
The only person who had any depth was Sally Hawkins and even she was pretty boring because she couldn't fucking talk at all. The set design was pretty but the movie itself was boring as shit, the script didn't explore any of the themes it tried presenting, and all the actors seemed like they were half asleep and just cashing a paycheck. I truly don't know why it got 13 nominations.
>hurr I typecast the big meanie
He's vastly overrated.
Benicio del Toro's character from Sicario was more interesting than the entire cast of Shape of Water.
Poor redditor
Pretty much.
Now that I think about it the only GDT movie I actually liked was Pacific Rim, and that's because it doesn't require skillful actors portraying any depth. It just requires good looking set design and robots punching each other. The acting in that movie was godawful too, but it had a robot chopping a dinosaur in half with a chainsaw sword so whatever it was fun. Shape of Water just wasn't fun.
>movie that presents a neutral or ambiguous viewpoint and lets the audience draw their own conclusions
>movie that presents a narrow self-centered viewpoint
Which one is the better means of communication?
>the only guy that helps the heroine is a commie
What did they mean by this?
Wait a minute, if the Fish-man represents black people, is de toro saying black people are so different that those white people that love them only do so because of some weird fetish they have or physical disability (represented by the heroine's deaf-mute state)?
Are half you nogs really surprises? Does pic related really look like anything other than a flaming lefty to you?
>one is preferable to the other so that means the other cannot be good art
Not mutually exclusive, also, film is a visual medium, much of the most influential work in early film is pure propaganda, birth of a nation, battleship Potemkin, triumph of the will using obvious examples. Beyond early cinema you also have some great films that border on propaganda but are still nonetheless fantastic (come and see for example). All I'm saying is, even if a piece of art is pushing a bias that doesn't automatically make it not good. Which certainly isn't to say shape of water is good.
But those films have other merits other than being propaganda. Pure political propaganda has no business being called art. Would you say Trump's campaign was art?
>Would you say Trump's campaign was art?
Dude. He beat over a dozen career politicians. Hell yeah.
Just finished watching this, and I thought it was above average, but nothing incredible. A lot of stuff was unexpected. I feel like it was focused more on showing a sign of the times than it was the big picture narrative which is, no one understands anyone. I say this because I think the boss guy was retardedly unreasonable. There's no way you see a creature like that and the first thought is to fucking dissect it.
Second, everything that happens to the side guy character is just dumb. He's like the antithesis of the times just for the sake of it. Gay out of nowhere, turned down from the ad agency (which the subplot is never brought up again), never took advantage of his fish situation with the painting other than some dog shit chalk painting, etc.
Also the nigger husband in the house was pathetic letting his wife get the business. And the Russian spy guy was a fucking soyboy cuck the whole time.
The ending of the moving was not good. It seemed like they had no clue how to end it, so they picked the most cliche one they could, where the good guys when, the girl becomes a fish, and the old man lives.
The things it did do right we're okay though. I would have liked to see if it was possible for this fish to display more of it's intelligence by observing land life, like they did in the movie theater, or having it interact with the cats. I feel like even though the whole story relies on the fish, it barely got any scream time. It seemed lazy as hell. I don't know if it's because the CGI budget suddenly went out of the studio's reach or what, but the underwhelming amount of things we got to see from the fish despite it being the reason the plot exist was not good.
Overall, 6/10.
>muh poor opressed black lagoon monster
This is the funniest thing I've read so far tonight, and I don't even understand what makes it so funny.
You're only saying that because you're biased
Literally everyone is broski.
I don't wash my hands unless I'm at home or at a restaurant, people do way nastier shit so your hands are dirty anyway.
>muh Sup Forums is SJW narrative
It was a good movie though, I thought it was well written and entertaining. And the mute girl is a really loveable protagonist. Villain was also well done
Can you explain what made it a bad movie other than wtf niggers
Besides the point. Being biased doesn't mean you should present all your opinions as propaganda.
Can you explain why it was a good film? Explain in more detail why you thought it was good.
You see the bummer about the gross Sup Forums bullshit in here is that it distracts from the fact that the movie is really rather terrible. It's not that the messages in themselves are inherently flawed, it's just the way they're delivered. None of the characters are given any interiority and they mostly serve as flimsy delivery systems for trite messages that don't do any work to push further than something like "love is love is love." Scenes are thrown in like the older man expressing his love for the diner guy and there's nothing complex or interesting about it, it just lets us in the audience say "oh isn't that terrible, what an offensive way to be" and we pat ourselves on the back for our higher moral conduct.
On top of that the villain is just ridiculous, Michael Shannon is sadly becoming a self-parody. The biggest flaw in the whole film though is Del Toro's shockingly lazy depiction of the central relationship. He does so little to show us the development of the love between Sally Hawkins and the fish, they have maybe one scene together before they're dancing and then ultimately fucking. The whole thing feels half baked and the Cold War plot feels entirely irrelevant, it truly just feels like an attempt to grab some kind of period piece prestige. It's maybe the worst Del Toro I've seen and that's really saying something.
how the fuck is it a strong black woman? Michael shannon shuts her shit down and intimidates her, then her husband has to step in like a bitch to save them
>everything is fine in hollywood, if non whites want relevance just make better movies!
*makes better movies*
>typical libtard hollywood!!
It's a terrible movie and it has nothing to do with the politics of anyone involved. Are you also a big fan of Crash?
The same state it's always been in you underage e-celeb follower
After she heroically helped the mute girl smuggle the creature out of the government complex and before she managed to warn her about the evil white guy coming after her.
Oh please, the men were raging homos. Dont be a med-apologist.
It was not a sexuality back then. There was no definition for men who preferred dudes. It was just that a lot of the population had a vice for cum or somethihng
Good post.
While I can definitely see how this virgin and lonely girl could fall in love with the fishman; I find it unreasonable how during the break out sequence nobody in this super secret experiment facility could chase after the vehicle let alone look after it's license plates.
I dropped the ball at the healing powers shit when the fishman was agonizing scenes ago,maybe the shock baton interrupts his healing? Who gives a shit he can heal other people and turn your scars into gills fuck that ending.
All the scenes looked really good and the scenery as well. Overall it's a 6.5/10 in my book above average but didn't really go anywhere.
I love her feet tho