Why didn't they write the script for all three movies before production of The Force Awakens?

Why didn't they write the script for all three movies before production of The Force Awakens?

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They believed people would gobble up these movies no matter what

That’s not how the first trilogy was done

Because they figured if George can get away with making things up on the fly, they can too.


Because they're unironically stunningly incompetent. Absolutely unbelievable how poorly thought out these movies were.

Because shit eaters will pay to watch it no matter what.

George wrote all the movies at once and broke the script up into parts, newb. He had a plan, unlike Shitleen Shitnnedy and Shitsney

They should’ve at least had an idea for what they wanted to do instead of having one director make the first movie and just hand the sequel off to someone else and see what they do with it.

Then why did Luke and Leia kiss in IV?

even if george didn't write them all at once it was easier to make shit up on the fly because there wasn't already a universe with rules to follow

They did

no and yes. Lucas had a story treatment encompassing the entire story in broad strokes. Then he wrote the scripts based on this story treatment. ANH alone had 14 script revisions, all done by Lucas.
It was a work in progress but with a roadmap well established. Nuwars has no roadmap, they're doing jazz every 2 years apparently improvising on the spot, and their only goal seems to be promoting sjw feminist values.

>Then why did Luke and Leia kiss in IV?

it's a script decoy. The audience could not imagine they were family after that, and yet..It also played the love triangle angle with Solo competing with Luke. It's a clever trick really from a pure scriptwriting pov.

Please come back, George



No! Stay away! He killed Star Wars and then sold it to Disney to hide the evidence.

There is nothing strange about there not being a script for the 2nd and 3rd films in this trilogy. What is weird is that they apparently set out from the start knowing that there were going to be 3 films and they didn't have a plan as to what the overall plot should be.

he sold it precisely because of "fans" like yourself
you reap what you sow

Oh boo hoo some people made of him. What a wimp! Instead of whining about it he should just have tried something different and made more movies! I have no sympathy for quitters.

A film can't be good without having a mystery or 20 never be resolved!

They just thought they could serve up any old shit, slap a Star Wars logo and people would come. They were right but that strategy will only work for so long before your brand is irrevocably damaged, as Star Wars now is.

>Lucas had a story treatment encompassing the entire story in broad strokes
Absolutely not.

>ANH alone had 14 script revisions, all done by Lucas.
Not rreally. The shooting script was heavily rewritten by Katz and Kyuck, and that's not even counting the tons of notes he got from people throughout the whole project, and how much the final movie was changed through editing.

>It was a work in progress but with a roadmap well established.
Again, no. The notion that Lucas had everything planned out is just laughable, and goes completely against the documented history of the OT (and his plans afterwards). Seriously, read The Secret History of Star Wars, or even Rinzler's books. The fact that so many people by Lucas's propaganda about this is baffling to me. Lucas was absolutely making it up as he went along, and even the stuff he did plan ahead of time was completely changed.

this. That's why Lucas gets a story credit for ESB while Kasdan has the written by credit

And they aren't wrong.

Would be too competent and would mean they could easily change them to accommodate complaints.

>Then why did Luke and Leia kiss in IV?
It was only a kiss on the cheek on Episode IV. I can let that slide.

ESB, on the other hand...

>Lucas was absolutely making it up as he went along
I guess that's why there's a jabba scene in anh?

>they think
Its true, you know? No matter how shitty it is, it's still gonna make money.

Please tell me this is bait

>I guess that's why there's a jabba scene in anh?
What do you think that means? He came up with the character (who was a human in a furry suit at the time) for a scene that was deleted and brought him back later. Do you think Jabba wasn't supposed to exist before ROTJ? He's mentioned throughout the series, just never seen, because the scene wasn't shot well and had to be cut.

And of course Lucas lies about this shit, he always has. The actual, documented history behind the series contradicts him at almost every turn. Read a book (even the Rinzler stuff, which is authorized by Lucasfilm) and stop swallowing Lucas's self-serving lies about everything.

bait to what? I'm giving you the author himself talking about the writing process he went through. So should I believe you or him?

I don't know if you can justify that much effort for something that has only cost them 6 billion dollars so far to make. That kind of planning could take hours, or even a whole day. Next thing you'll be suggesting they watch the old film or become familiar with the underlying lore. Where does it all end?

There was no thoroughly thought out plan for the OT, but Lucas had a general outline. The OT had many people working on it. The Prequels only had Lucas working it, but he did have a general plan. The Sequels have no plan and every director gets to do whatever they want.

They should have written the scripts for all three films out, did all the concept arts and have each scene planned out. That way they could make adjustments based ons critic, but mostly audience responses. The ST could have been a masterpiece, but instead it was crap.

They are clearly trying to recaputure the lightning in a bottle that was the first trilogy but are too afraid of actually taking the risks that are required. So we have this half-assed attempt where they expect directors to organically create something new and exciting, unhindered by an overarching story, while at the same time "offering" heavy-handed "suggestions" behind the scenes.


I have the books in front of me right now. there are scans of Lucas outlines from the mid 70s. He knew mostly where the story would go.

You guys are both wrong. George had an idea just for Star Wars and for a sequel called "Splinter of the Mind's Eye." Splinter of the Mind's Eye was gonna be cheaply made, Han and Chewie wouldn't appear, and it was gonna reuse a lot of sets from Star Wars so he wouldn't have to spend more money making more sets. Splinter of the Mind's Eye was basically gonna be about Luke searching for an object that makes you stronger in the force, called the kaiburr crystal. However, Star Wars was a huge success, making back its budget several times over. Lucas decided to abandon Splinter of the Mind's Eye in favor of two grandiose and more expensive sequels, and made his plan for Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. So the full trilogy wasn't mapped out, but he did have a plan for a full story that was abandoned in favor of making a better story

No shit. Star Wars has been surviving on name recognition alone for decades now.

Well, she didn't know Luke was actually her brother.
>Somehow, I knew all along

That's not true. Revenge of the Sith was well received.

What else is getting done besides Solo and Episode IX?

They need to calculate&calibrate the movies to $currentyear every time. Also, if a plot twist is too confusing in test screening they need to cut it.
