

Why aren't you watching this foreign kino with Elizabeth Moss, Sup Forums?

>Elizabeth Moss
Sorry, I will skip it.

By all means, continue to support the parasitic jew and their SJW propaganda

Lil suss ass fuck boy

>parasitic jew and their SJW propaganda
>wants someone to watch a film from SWEDEN
lmfao nice try rabbi

How tall is that guy? He doesn't seem really short, yet he seems midgety to me.

5'10" I'd guess. I've never seen him not be a cgi character so this looks interesting.

Huh, weird. It just seriously bugs me that he gives off midget vibes. I dunno maybe it's his face/head or something.

It’s a good film that makes fun of the modern art world and Ruben Ostlund has also made Play which is a very interesting film about non-white children committing crime, but you’re a meme spouting pleb so you wouldn’t know that.

I just realized he's holding the ape arm contraption he built for the ape trilogy.

>modern art world
I'm an art student and modern art already makes fun of itself just by existing.

>non-white children committing crime
>>Sup Forums

If you were an art student and not a breathing meme you would know the difference between "modern" and contemporary art.

>being this logocentric
I guess you also support guns

Look, you did it again. I guess you really like to generalize.
There's three, and I repeat, just three macroperiods of history you should be able to distinguish as a result of your studies. Calling me logocentric doesn't make you less oblivious about the reason you waste your parents' money.

So does that cripple beat the hell out of everyone else then?

protip: when speaking to plebs like you it's natural to use the more common term. Or are you so autistic that you also think that someone saying literally actually means it literally happened?

user, higher education is state funded in my country.

Also, it's rather obvious that I'm simply bumping your thread.

Kill yourself iphoneposter

why are his abs so sad?

lol you should read some interviews with Östlund, you're reading the wrong things into his movies.

he's like 5'7"



how much soy there is? honestly never watched anything from swedenyes! other than Bergman

"Common terms"? What the fuck are you talking about?
There's no such thing as a "common" term. Only proper ones. As in the ones that indicate the actual thing you're thinking about, and not something else entirely.
This is the last piece of information I'm giving you since it's already too obvious how much of a rethoric-spouting liberal stoner ungrateful faggot you are.

His head looks large. People's heads are about the same size regardless of height, so short people have large heads relative to their bodies.

what this is the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

I tried to but I didn't understand what the characters were saying

it'll happen to you too if you're lucky and had it to begin with
plus i think they pretty clearly look content

Cause Swedish movies are terrible.