
>El Goblino stalks Jew

What did they mean by this?

Hey isn't that the guy who plays Doctor Strange?

>normies literally thought a CGI figure of this shitty drawing was scary
I hate that movie and everyone who likes it

Benadryl Cabagepatch?

This looked like something straight out of a Junji Ito Manga and I love it for that. Speaking of, Hollywood Ito anthology when???

I thought his name was Butterscotch Carrotcake

What was he supposed to be?

Bendydick Cumupback?

C'mon, it was pretty creepy and surprisingly a faithful adaptation.

*teleports behind you*

>Hollywood Ito anthology when???
Hopefully fucking never

Seconding. Really gave me some "Spiral" vibes
I'd like to see a live action version of Amigara Fault before I die. I think it'd be creepy as fuck

ive seen this, i dont remember the film so it have been shit

pic isnt even scary

that face from inland empire is probably the only one that made me feel real dread


Fuck this dumb ass movie. The TV movie version from 1990 was much scarier. Plus, this one changed the timeframe ahead 30 years. I was so pissed

It wasnt supposed to be actually scary you fucking retard

I thought it was a creepy version of Modigliani. Hell, I guess I still remember his style from art history class because of the creep factor.

fuck off itofags

fuck that shit

>jump scares every 5 minutes
>not supposed to be scary

Ito's stories only work in the medium of manga

Eh, most of his stories wouldn't make a good transition to film, I can agree to that but some of his others I think could be made into decent adaptations if made by someone who was a fan or at least understood what made his stories spooky in the first place and tried to recreate it the best they could. Like the user above said, I think Amigara Fault would be a good choice for a live action adaptation.

Plus the added bonus of seeing the general movie watching public get Ito'd by his story endings would be hilarious.

>The TV movie version from 1990 was much scarier
>telling lies

Boondoggle Cabbagepatch?

i want a tomie movie that's real subtle and keeps the whole "this evil bitch regenerates like a fucking starfish" thing in the background


Benthedick Cuminsnatch?


the guy that created the painting for the movie said modigliani's style freaked him out as a kid which is why he made it look like that

creepier than pennywise