ITT: times when you rooted for the film's antagonist

ITT: times when you rooted for the film's antagonist

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Uniromically this. Those girls were so annoying.

I was actually rooting for this guy up till the boat part.

Why? Max was being quite rude here tbqf.




how come?

Wait a second. That Simpsons skit with Sideshow Bob and Homer was a reference to a movie?
Has Simpsons done nothing original? The older I get the more I realize the thing relied more on references than Family Guy.

That entire episode was a reference to this movie.

its called parody you dumb fuck how young are you to not realize the whole thing was a parody of cape fear. god damn Ive been here too long.



Unironically this. Him and Pete were in the right.

the elf dude from hellman 2 electric boogaloo


>its a scientists turn traitor and attempt to murder their own species episode
>audiences clap and cheer as traitors kill thousands of military contractors and service members trying to do their jobs and earn money for their families back home
It’s actually kinda fucked up that anyone would root against the humans in this movie.


You must be extremely young.

Was about to post this.

Based Max became an ubermensch in his long await for revenge. I wish I were as motivated.

I love the movie, but God damn that guy was an asshole. Basically got everyone killed because he was thinking about his dick.


Why isn't this just a "villains" thread?

Nedry got fucked over by Hammond

I guess you missed this shot, huh

>genocide is ok because uneducated fucks didnt get gud and had to go to the military

the movie is more complex than that brainlet, it's hard to cheer for either side. it's war, nobody wins


The natives are wildlife. The movie is only “””complex””” if you’re in high school and only watch marvel or Disney. Destroying a trillion dollar colonial venture and massacring your comrades because your blue dick got hard for a native female is absurd.


Someone, edit "boys" into "Bane"

So much this

Tbqhf his death was not too dignified.
Otherwise great protagonist.

did they specifically attempt to wipe out all of them? all over the planet? everywhere? then its not genocide.

Literally 20 seconds in paint


so what? he's a paedo or is boy just twinks like himself?


Well Nolte's character in that was a scumbag, so it's not hard to root for De Niro. Though I didn't like the end they made De Niro straight-up evil, I was hoping it would turn out Nolte did something really horrible to fuck him over and deserved what was coming.

Remember when Jamie Foxx ruined this movie?

Every Star Wars film

I mean, nolte did do something that fucked him over and was unethical, but it was because he knew de Niro was a sick fuck even by rapist standards.

the commander specifically said they were going to wipe the planet clean


This guy.
Its not that I dislike the heroes, its just I believe he wants to win more.

Also Barbossa.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Threads about sympathetic villains that didn't mention Roy Batty. I watched shitposts get submitted repeatedly in anonymity. All of those threads will be archived away, like trash in a landfill.

I'm surprised I haven't seen this up yet.

Damn, I was about to say inb4 Hitler/Nazi movies.

Ever seen Nutty Professor 2? When Buddy love turns up it's a parody of this scene also


I enjoyed the concept. He was a hillbilly who had the potential to be a genius and that was unlocked by his jail time

No it was a movie directed by Snyder so there may as well have been a spotlight on it.

this, they were doing their fucking business

Yeah fuck those aliens they are in the way of our precious cash. So let's torch all of their shit.

It already doesn't make sense that Star Trek has aging, given all the other shit going on medically, but it's pretty bizarre to think that like fifty people get to monopolize immortality.


>Ruin the Federation's chance to help Bazillions of people just so muh space native americans could continue living forever

The fact that they were all white was the only reason I had any sympathy for them.

The Last Jedi

His only real mistake was not having a stronger Starfleet presence in the Briar Patch. We've seen that there are more than enough Starfleet officers who'll toe the line in ethically questionable waters.

This. Fuck up them annoying smurfs

Fuck you and your pommes frites

Blade Runner doesn't really have a villain

All these.

I could never root for this idiot, he looks too much like my teacher from high school. But I was rooting for Salazar in the last movie. Sparrow was only likable in the first movie anyway.

>Mom, I'm a edgy Sup Forumstard! I'm sooooo cool and evil hahahaha

You are all a cringe joke.


If anything the 'evil' military guys are the easier path to be in touch with nature because they have a whole galaxy of planets to explore rather than one podunk smurf planet.

That was part of the point. Only the beginning of the movie is in English, and those bitches are annoying as hell. Since the jap gets sewed to the front, it suddenly becomes a film entirely in German and Japanese. Pretty great desu senpai

Other than being struck down by his own hubris and being the cause of Padme dying Anakin literally did nothing wrong.

>he did nothing wrong!
>except kill his wife, and become so arrogant that he killed the only people that ever told him "no" and tried to take over the galaxy


Vulture in Spider-man: Homecoming. Because the rest of the movie was super 'meh' propped up by Iron Man and I couldn't find myself giving a fuck about any of it. Thank god I saw it at the bargain cinema.
But Keaton was fun. I knew he wouldn't win but it didn't stop me from wanting him to.

This. Also, Collateral. Damn, now I know why I hate Fox. He has marysued his way into killing 2 great movie antagonists.

Also, don't forget best girl.

100% - planet isn't properly habital to us. Mine it. Fuck the smurfs.

>Hey Vern, help me get my head outta this toilet!

Light was such a cunt. How anyone could think he was right is beyond me.

I'll give you TV since it first came to mind. I want Negan to kill everyone because everyone fucking sucks in the Walking Dead. Then I want Negan to die because of the zombie AIDS. The End.

this and the original with Robert Mitchum also Norman Bates in Psycho


The joker.

Every time? I'm not some child who needs the "good guy" to win, in fact it shows what a low IQ you need to enjoy such a standard story. I'd rather there be no happy endings ever.


Manga death > anime death, much more impactful imo


>Scorsese is my favorite director. I enjoy classics of his like goodfellas... the list goes on



Mmm! Boys!

I hate modern teenagers, and niggers and wanted Michael to gut everyone in this film.

>tfw the rumor was that fox was so buttblasted about the ending that they changed it to benefit his sleazebag character

feels bad man

god fucking dammit, i managed to suppress this rage for many years. fuck that nigger

Saw a pretty bland infection film called Carrier where the British Isles were infected with a highly lethal virus aND quarantined, but the main characters wanted to escape on a plane even though it carried infected blood and bodies.
One guy realizes how bad of an idea this is and tries to sabatoge the plane and kill everyone. I honestly couldn't not root for him.

If you listen to the commentaries, they're so proud of the things they rip off. Every scene, "this is a reference to..." or "we stole this from..."

Cooper in night of the living dead

>ywn watch toons be packed into cattle cars bound for art schools turned into extermination camps where they're gassed with dip upon arrival

His wit alone made me root for him.


I would have rooted for Hummel if he were fighting for something besides "MUH MEN DIDN'T GET THEIR PENSIONS". His motive being exclusively the welfare and not the inherent immorality of his government's actions seemed rather petty.

Also Hummel's plan is flat out retarded. "Let's just fuck off to a non-extradition country"? You seriously think that's gonna stop the CIA Niggers from liquidating you?

what would you have done in his situation

I fucking hate all the smug protagonists

Why does he always play the villain who's actually the good guy?

Wilford in Snowpiercer, the humans in all the "ebil humans destroy nature" 90's films