Movie or tv show idea I have

Evil billionares, corporations, the elite, deep state and various powerful
governments encouraging and actively transporting diseased flesh eating
zombies to normal civilizations. Chaos ensues in once normal neighborhoods
when the flesh eating zombies brought by corrupt governments starts leaking
and causing an outbreak in a world turning rapidly apocolyptic.

>elements of "day of the dead" where they try to tame the zombies)
>(propaganda videos on tv and commercials convincing people to take them)






this but unironically

So basically some kind of hysterical allegory for immigration?

Go home

This is a good idea but it is very important that these 'zombies' transmit their disease through rape





Fuck off, shill.

Sounds cool.

I don't know, this site taught me how I was viewed when I was a turbo autist, and it taught me how to act like a normal human being. If you want to have good discussion, go to good boards like /fit/,Sup Forums etc.

Sup Forums fucking sucks like 90% of the time

At least it's moderated correctly unlike some boards I know

Sup Forums is for shitposting

reddit is more conducive for thought out conversation

It's also more conducive for echo chambers and downvoting any resenting opinion

much like pol

and find better subreddits

so the evil, corrupt people are obviously white people
but the flesh eating zombies.... those are white people as well right?

so the point of your movie is that white people are evil? what is the sequel, water is wet?

It's amazing how shill threads for this piece of shit are on Sup Forums every day now since he signed with William Morris

the only good subreddits are the dota and mtg subreddits, because those are the only good interests worth having or discussing

How does pol have downvoting and fucktarded liberal reddit opinions actually get more attention, it's just that they're usually fools getting BTFO

oh youre a child

pol is also an echo chamber and endlessly shitposts to drown out opposing views

find me a site that actively promotes good content instead of shit content that they agree with politically

Sup Forums taught me how to wipe my ass properly

no, i live and work in the real world. there is nothing out there. mtg and dota are really the only reasons most people i know, including me, don't swallow a pistol.

id post one, but itd probably just shit up the community


you need better hobbies my friend

also lift heavy things if youre not already

Could be hilarious but drawing the comparison to immigrants would never sit right with people and won’t make it past the boardroom.

Make it palatable. What else do people like to rebel against? What else is fashionable to hate? Fast food. Soft drinks. Instant gratification. Social media. Make the zombies represent something toxic that all people willingly bring in to their lives for no reason.

Follow that line of thought and execs will push it. Viewers will eat that shit up. Fans will think they’re sophisticated and smart because they “actually get it, man”

So it's not Reddit, then?

>lift heavy things
Please just fuck off back to your home site already you tremendous shit-eating tourist faggot

You think comparisons to immigrants is too obvious? Oh well. I like your ideas a lot though. Maybe we can collaborate.
