"This movie will show what could have happened if white colonialists would never have landed in Africa... Everything we could have built. Everything we could have been."
(John Kani, African actor who plays King T'Chaka, former King of Wakanda)
"This movie will show what could have happened if white colonialists would never have landed in Africa... Everything we could have built. Everything we could have been."
(John Kani, African actor who plays King T'Chaka, former King of Wakanda)
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He's not wrong. If the whites hadn't stolen all of Africa's vibranium then they could have built nations just like Wakanda.
Can you guys imagine where Europe would be without Vibranium?
That made me think how cool would be if only blacks had diamonds.
Why do you invest so much in what some no name actor says about a movie that no one will be talking about in 2 months? Why do you let it work you up and actually have an effect on your mood? Do you even realize how much you let these sjw effect your life and well being?
First Rogue One now this... We gotta save Forest from Disney.
don't the avengers show up to help the wakandans fight in a huge battle?
>real life africa
>president angry at white people
>ejects them
>two months later
>economy in shambles
>begs them to return
But it's not a documentary tho...
you forgot the rest of it, where king nigger is overthrown in a coup and the white man returned
yeah, that's why all african landlords and dictators are black
I didn't even know that happened, that's even better.
gotta invent the wheel first
>movie about america as a white utopia
>white actor says this is what america would be like without blacks
>stripped, beaten, burned at the stake, offspring sterilized
i love diversity lol
this is just becoming embarrassing.
i am not a black person, or a black activist, but how could the shit these guys are saying not make them cringe?
they are talking as if making a marvel movie is the second coming of malcom x and martin luther king combined.
they're just actors. all they care about is fame and money. this is a big budget mindless cash grab. black panther was made by stan lee and jack kirby.
they try to bill this movie like it challenges perceptions --- what perceptions? that black people can be actors? was there anyone who really thought that was impossible?
its a cape movie, too, so if anything, it detracts from the black cause by blinding movie goers with what all cape movies deliver: escapism, fantasy and empty sensationalism. why be a hero when you can watch one on screen?
these tweets just come off as using the cause of black activism to further their own personal/financial gains, which is one of the most reprehensible things a person can possibly do; using the suffering and ignorance of the disenfranchised for personal gain.
the worst part is i think some of the actors even believe their own ignorance, that they are somehow making the world a better place by getting paid millions of dollars to dress up in tights and play in a comic-book movie.
>all that cherish
Africa need white people
Blacks are generally dumb and easily manipulated
Can you expect any more from the race that believes they wuz kangs?
its ok when mouth breathing kfc gobbling apes mutter this kind of nonsense but when real people say it I get concerned
>Movie is about America as a red utopia
>Native American actor says this is what America would be like without the whites
>Stripped, beaten, deported from the country along with all friends and family
Damn whites and their pack of foresight
I have no issues with this movie, I'm even looking forward to it, but people are already putting way too much significance onto this movie.
I feel like it's really unwise to tell black people that a superhero movie is something that could be reality without white people. Do white people go see superhero movies under the belief that they could've all been Superman if black people would just get the fuck out of America?
Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa rich beyond the poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed him its light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never built a harness, cart or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber, he never carved a block, sawed a foot of lumber or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for 4,000 years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizons calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed of a sail. He lived as his fathers lived - stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, to dance, and sport as the ape.
So are whites you fucking retard. Being a dumb cunt doesn't transcend skin color, you dumb cunt.
Yea bro, always blame other people for your own shit
I'm sure, somewhere, millions of years ago some dumbass faggot rat gobblin was bitchin
"Ey rattizle, you kno we be king ratgobblins and shit if not for them dynosaurs oppresing and eating us. Shit just aint fair"
And I'd be Tony Stark * e^(10) if not for all the alcohol in college.
Blacks have always been like this really. What the fuck is it called... Afrofuturism, I think. They haven't achieved much of anything so they get all worked up over pieces of fiction and delude themselves with thoughts that they'd be gods if not for whites.
Damn if only we left their mudhuts alone.
>I'm even looking forward to it
Why? It looks like catshit.
I wonder. Can we agree that Sweden Germany and France would also be better without brown people?
And also what is it leftists
>Africans were powerful kings with money and power and got fucking out smarted and out powered by some cave dwelling dirty Europeons
>Africans were no better and completly lazy compared to the Europeons who had more challenges due to colder weather and had to fight to survive. Making them more aggressive. Which they took advantsge of the blacks who were A: Greedy looking to sell other niggers and B: Weak
What's worse. Being on the top and being blown the fuck out. Or being lazy and just getting rekt due to some shit?
The victim complex of American niggers has made them legitimately insane. How can you even co-exist with someone who feels so fucking victimized they would literally be fucking royalty if it wasn't for you? How can this crazy shit not end in a fucking racewar?
Hi kike. In 2030 the chosen will be putting this narrative in history text books.
And what were they doing for the thousands of years before White Colonialism? They didn't even find Madagascar. Cunts from Borneo did
I think it's just as ignorant of an assessment as people who say that there aren't cases of colonialism destroying African civilizations
Christ. Can't we just nuke Africa already? Pls?
Whites created the civilizations that every other race are currently pouring into and ruining.
Gotta love how the Arabs get off scott free for their plundering. probably because they castrated all their slaves
>Everything we could have been
Xenophobic, racist monarchists? Wakandans don't see themselves as black. They don't identify with other Africans. Were Forest Whitaker to be at their gates dying of thirst they would watch him die
Part of me can't help but wonder if creating a civilization that works as well as the ones that flourished in America and Europe will eventually lead to self-destruction because that level of comfort and safety leads to the gene-pool selecting for self-loathing leftists who eventually tear everything down.
The same shit happened in Rome, it was just called 'Christianity'.
You have to have an IQ above 83 to fight in the military. Below that and you are to stupid to be cannon fodder. The average nog has an IQ of 85. Half of them believe that you are invincible when you go to war naked, raping babies cures aids and gasoline can be summoned out of rocks. Faggot, get a reality check. Most of their languages do not even have a word for tomorrow. They don't even grasp half the concepts you are talking about.
jesus all he says is WE WUZ
god damn pol is right again
Eugenics takes more than a few hundred years to take effect Sup Forumstard
Rome was two centuries old when it fell.
Whites stole their ability to domesticate animals too. They were on the right path to turning their lives around too.
they needed more money for those programs
Free exchange of ideas is the only way for cultures to develope. China used to be more advanced than the west, tried to pull off a "Wakanda" and look what happened.
We wuz civilized.
North Korea also.
Path of self reliance.
And its worked out peachy.
We've already measured falling reaction times compared to those observed in the Victorian period, you pseud.
China has never been more advanced than The West.
>says a person incapable of taking care of themselves
Bastards couldn't even create glass an d used paper for windows. Fucking bug people
Not trying to be edgy but he's wrong look at Ethiopia that was never colonised
Are you defending North Korea, user?
>says a person incapable of taking care of themselves
I have no idea what you mean. Explain.
How was there any observed data of reaction times people had in the Victorian era ?
I'm saying you have personal issues.
You're not being edgy. Whitaker is being edgy
There were scientists back then user
I'm not even the guy you responded to. You need to articulate your arguments better
You are an idiot. People are getting slower reaction times not quicker reaction times you retarded fuck.
Personal issues for criticizing a failed state which pursues isolationist militarist policies.
Are you retarded?
After the fall of the Roman Empire it definitely was.
Because you are somehow making a statement about a communist dictatorship being proof self-reliance is bad.
You're fucking retarded.
Nope. The West didn't even exist back then as a concept you fucking tard. You mean Europe and you are still wrong you slant eyed coon.
Fucking mongoloid. Kill yourself
>Gets told
>loses their shit and can only reply in angery screeching
Thanks for conceding.
>The West
Whatever it means.
I support wakanda
just IMAGINE how great america would be without niggers
Self reliance IS bad. It doesn't fuckin work. Anybody that's tried it has failed.
Here's why: Any country on this planet does not own sufficient resources to be truly independent.
We have all the oil, we have no water.
We have all the water, we have no minerals.
We have all the minerals, we have no know how and so on.
Wake up. We're in this shithole together.
>Self reliance IS bad.
You're mentally ill.
You're not worth my time. You have literally no idea what you're talking about
t. farleft open borders commie
Very sly you use NK a commie shithole as your example.
You are aware they aren't truly isolated right? They have commie support worldwide among others.
seeKys you open borders nigger. People like you are parasites that need to be lined up and shot.
On a national scale it is.
On a personal scale it IS too.
I am a self made man.
When you travel on a highway, did you build it?
When you type your comment feces on the internet, did you build the infrastructure too?
If you're so self reliant, why are you here?
The DPRK has been following Juche for over 60 years.
>You are aware they aren't truly isolated right? They have commie support worldwide among others.
Absolutely correct. Isolationism is bullshit.
Yep, retarded for sure
You're fucking retarded. You are taking the word self-reliance a good thing regarded by all and using it to describe a strawman of complete isolation something competely different. Even historically isolated countries traded.
Nothing about being self-reliant or even isolation or protectionism means trade has to stop.
This is a complete fucking strawman by you the idiot.
>If you're so self reliant, why are you here
ad hominem and pure idiocy.
You dumb fuckin cunt, you're in a thread about Wakanda who is an isolationist state.
Stay on topic you fuckin ingrate moron.
Wakanda isn't real you low iq subhuman.
>uses Wakanda to support his belief that self reliance won't work.
You fucking dumb nigger.
>American education
Isolationism has worked for many nations in the past.
Isolationism never means cut off completely from the outside world you twit.
Used China under Mao.
Used DRPK currently.
Sometimes Sup Forums you're sooooo moronically dense.
National socialists should also be gassed.
>thinks im national socialist for calling him out
You officially fucking lost the whole argument what a tiny brained simpleton you are.
Yeah everyne is a nazi that calls out your farleft retardation. Sure. That makes sense.
DPRK: see Juche
South Africa: see Sasol
China: See Mao
That is the goal of isolationist thinking. I can get along fine because I can make everything I need myself. I don't need you.
It's all bullshit.
My point is the correct one: We all need each other.
Crackers, Slit eyes and Niggers and Kikes.
Deal with it.
>You officially fucking lost the whole argument what a tiny brained simpleton you are
Oh really. Here is the the thread post Herr Hess.
>You fucking dumb nigger
Who is we?
You retarded idiot. Kill yourself. There is no "we"
This guy gets it
We as in the people a particular country.
I find that when someone loses an argument they become very literal.
>people managed fine and still manage fine withoit even knowing the existance of all the people of the world.
>Europe became the birthplace of modern civilisation in isolation.
>So was the industrial revolution.
You're a dumb nigger history is not on your side.
Europe did fine without niggers and gooks.